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Berlin Police Take Delivery of Rheinmetall Survivor R Special Operations Vehicle

Rheinmetall has formally handed over a heavily protected Survivor R special operations vehicle to the Berlin Police Department. Dr Barbara Slowik, Chief of the Berlin Police Department, symbolically handed over the keys to the Operations Directorate, represented by Criminal Investigation Division Director Martin John. This versatile vehicle, ordered as part of a package of counterterrorism measures in late September 2017, is specially configured to meet the needs of the Operations Directorate of the Berlin Police. Berlin follows Saxony as the third German state to equip its police special operators with the Survivor R.

Made by Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles, the Survivor R epitomizes Rheinmetall’s commitment to the twin modern imperatives of security and mobility. Developed in cooperation with Austrian special vehicle maker Achleitner, the Survivor R is superbly suited to police SWAT team-type operations. Vehicles of this kind are particularly important in high- risk situations when special operators need to be transported safely to the area of operations, or for evacuating persons from the danger zone.

The Survivor R is based on a high-performance 4×4 MAN truck chassis, outfitted with a steel armour passenger compartment. Capable of reaching a top speed of over 100 km/h, this high-mobility vehicle combines tried-and-tested automotive engineering from large-scale production runs with state-of-the-art force protection technology from Rheinmetall.

Systematic use of civilian off-the-shelf and standard military components results in a sensibly priced vehicle, while simultaneously benefitting from Rheinmetall MAN’s global service and maintenance network. This makes the Survivor R a cost-efficient, easy-to-maintain vehicle with low lifecycle costs and high operational readiness.

Rheinmetall – a powerful partner of the police and security services

11 Responses to “Berlin Police Take Delivery of Rheinmetall Survivor R Special Operations Vehicle”

  1. Airborne_fister says:

    Is it like a taller humvee or a shorter mrap. Looks flat bottomed. So…

    • Cpt M says:

      More like a scaled-down MRAP. Chassis is COTS, no real need for a V-hull in this role.

    • SOE says:

      The streets in Berlin are very tight. With one of this cars you can block 90% of all streets. An MRAP would stuck between the parked cars.

  2. Jim Axis says:

    Just another tool to be used against our brothers and sisters who are trying to resist the globalist takeover of Germany and the EU. Most native Germans are treated worse than Palestinians are right now.
    Unfortunately the people of the USA are voting in the same kind of globalist elites and no one is stopping them. Just look at Germany, Sweden, and every other EU country for your destiny. Think they wont get your guns? They already have rules in place to declare you unfit, and can take your guns without due process. Keep voting democrat though, so we all can have the communist globalist boot on our necks!

    Soon to be comrades in a new global conflict.

    • Gus says:

      Umm… As I have quite fresh experience from both Sweden and Germany, as well as friends in Palestine, Israel and the US, I will have to claim that you sir are speaking out of your behind.

      If you had used credible sources – I would probably have taken the time to use trustworthy articles (boring science ones at that) to enhance the message, but since I actually got a bit of a headache trying to understand how you reached that conclusion, I will reply in the same manner.

      You are wrong. Easy as that. Enjoy your evening, as I will enjoy mine.

      (Pardon the english, not my primary language)

    • Lad Nuck says:

      Words mean things. “Communist” and “globalist” are antithetical.

      Native germans are living quite well, thank you very much.

    • Henry Stutzen says:

      well said

  3. the hun says:

    Yeah,the Police needs Vehicles but they fighting cybercrimes,too. So they Need drivers and Crew and not just for Show on exhibitions!
    And there is a need for more policemen and but don`t forget the austerity Budget…
    We got thanks to our good relations to Saudi-Arabia not real terrorism-trouble.
    Rheinmetall has build an ammunition-plant in Saudi-Arabia and may be American Soldiers will feel it somewhere in Syra,sorry but our direct german security depends on good relationships and the USA is far away.

    • fritz bousigschouer says:

      https://twitter.com/OnlineMagazin show in detail quite well how the situation all over europe is ouer days!

      one such reinmetall truck will not last long as the fights starts.

      the real problems did start 2015 with the flooding of europe with illegal people from all over the world. it will end in total disaster. thanks to liberals and gutmenschen.

  4. Cpt M says:

    That certainly escalated quickly…