
Platatac SPUR Tropical Pack in DPM

Many jobs Platatac do fly under the radar including the SPUR Tropical Pack in very limited edition DPM (Kumul) Pattern.

The SPUR Tropical’s unique X-Frame system is designed to allow maximum airflow, evaporation and climate control when in hot environments under a heavy physical workload. The X-Frame also helps distribute the pack load onto the hips and small of the back reducing strain.

Available now while they last.

5 Responses to “Platatac SPUR Tropical Pack in DPM”

  1. Ray Forest says:

    That is Tight!

  2. Iheartptbelts says:

    I would do some terrible things for one of these in green dominant ERDL ?

    • AbnMedOps says:

      I would do something for anything in green dominant ERDL.

      • Iheartptbelts says:

        Darren at EGL has been making some chest rigs in that pattern over the last few months. They look great.

      • kmrtnsn says:

        The things I’ll do for green dominate ERDL will be kept secret, right?