Tactical Tailor

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

AAFES Stops Selling 10+ Capacity Firearm Magazines, Customers Complain, AAFES Reverses Decision

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Lots of businesses are deciding to institute boycotts of certain types of firearms and accessories. You’d expect it from a company like Dick’s Sporting Goods, but many of us were surprised to see a standard capacity magazine ban instituted by the Army Air Force Exchange Service bringing it into alignment with an earlier ban in 2013 Marine Corps Exchange. The MCX will distribute a so-called High Capacity Magazine only if it is OEM equipment with a firearm and legal in the state where the firearm is sold.

Both organizations sell firearms in select stores, along with accessories. Sure, it’s a convenience, but these are quasi-military organizations, which just also happen to be stores, created to sell products to military personnel and their families, and most recently, other authorized veterans.

I realize a lot of you are upset by this and I understand your dismay. But, think about it this way. First off, they’ve shown their true colors. Second, big box stores have forced out many local and small specialty retailers. The heart of our ability to purchase firearms lies in your local FFL. That FFL facilitates the transfer of firearms and they don’t keep the doors open by transferring firearms purchased somewhere else. They need to actually sell guns to consumers. What’s more, they make more from accessory sales than firearms.

AAFES just recently reversed its decision after an outpouring of comments from its customers. AAFES stated, “Feedback from active-duty, Guard and Reserve soldiers and airmen highlighted the criticality of high-capacity magazines as it relates to readiness and proficiency.” This shows us you have a voice, and others will listen. But it’s a voice which should’ve never had to have been used.

This is a wake up call for us as supporters of Second Amendment rights. We need to support those businesses who support us always, and don’t falter when it’s politically expedient. Buy local, or from specialty retailers who support the Second Amendment. I’m sure most of you have your own favorites but if you don’t, I’d like to suggest our advertisers which offer firearms and accessories.

Charity MASF (Modern American Shooting & Firearms) Ends Its 6 1/2 Year Run

Monday, March 5th, 2018

U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- After six years as a charity, Modern American Shooting & Firearms (MASF) is closing their doors.

MASF was a nonprofit educational organization (501.c3) located in Northern Virginia that had the goal of making gun education accessible to all people regardless of their financial situation and ability to pay. MASF believed that everyone has the right to defend themselves and their family, and purchasing a gun is only the first step. The second phase is seeking out a reputable trainer.

The group helped train people in the proper mindset of carrying a firearm along with gun safety and shooting skills by bringing in top trainers at little to no cost to the student.

They also worked to spread the value of the Second Amendment and gun ownership. MASF was a big proponent of carrying a firearm every day once adequately trained.

According to MASF President Baraka James, they are retiring the charity to focus time on a once weekly podcast that on the Firearms Radio Network called Civilian Carry Radio.

According to Baraka Ulrich James, he believes he can use this method to spread the message better as to what it means to be a gun owner as well as the Second Amendment, gun safety, and overall firearms education. The show tackles these issues from a civilian’s point of view.

Civilian Carry Radio – @CC_Radio2A – on the Firearms Radio Network. Our website is here via the Firearms Radio Network – firearmsradio.tv/civilian-carry-radio

This podcast focuses on the importance of the 2nd amendment, firearms safety, education, training and mindset.

Hosted by Baraka Ulrich James with co-hosts Allen Sams and Karie Thomas, sponsored competitive shooter.

Our goal is spreading the message to everyday people on the importance of the 2nd amendment and firearms education, mindset, safety and training.

Below for your reference are some names that you may recognize that have appeared on our show thus far and have agreed to come back on with us again later in 2018:

Pat McNamara, Super Dave Harrington, Tom Givens, Michael Green ,Chris Costa, Steve Fisher, Darryl Bolke, Wayne Dobbs, Steve Tarani, Ian Harrison, Chris Cheng, Dr. William April, Dave Spaulding, Craig Douglas, Aaron Cowan, Ryan Cleckner, Paul Sharp, John Murphy, Kerry Davis, Claude Warner, Alex Hartmann, Andrew Branca ESQ., Spencer Keepers, Garry Marr, Cecil Burch, Varg Freeborn, Annette Evans, Kelly D. Venden, Benjamin and  Rachael Dewalt, Gabe White, Chris Fry, Marshall Chuck Haggard, Maj Toure,  Rick Largesse and many more that you can find all on our YouTube Channel,  iHeartRadio or iTunes via the link below.

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel here –  www.youtube.com/c/CCRadio2a

By subscribing to us on YouTube, you can watch us LIVE every Wednesday at 8pm est! We also have links for all of our guests websites, contact info and class announcements in the notes below the video

You can listen to us via Stitcher, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio and iTunes. Please follow the links below:

iHeartRadio – www.iheart.com/podcast/civilian-carry-radio-28995297/

iTunes – itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/civilian-carry-radio/id1210878001?mt=2

Please follow us on Twitter – twitter.com/CC_Radio2a – #CivilianCarryRadio

Please follow us on Instagram – @cc_radio2a – www.instagram.com/cc_radio2a/

Please like and follow our FaceBook page here – www.facebook.com/CCRadio2a/

Please join our FaceBook group here – www.facebook.com/groups/CCRadio2a/

Our XML/RSS Feed URL here –  www.firearmsradio.net/category/civilian-carry-radio/feed/

You the viewers make this program possible. You can contribute to the show via Patreon by going to Patreon.com and search for CCRadio or clicking the link here – www.patreon.com/ccradio

Firearms Prohibitions Are Damaging To Our Nation’s Defense

Friday, March 2nd, 2018

I originally wrote and published an article with this theme back in 2012. Based on current events I felt it was time to revisit the subject. Once again, anti-civil rights groups are taking advantage of a tragedy to further their gun control agenda and attempt to take away the liberty of our citizens. The conversation is much larger than feelings, which are being manipulated by these groups who seek to chip away at our civil rights. This time, they are using children as pawns in their efforts. This article focuses on a relationship between commercial firearms industry and the ability to produce arms for National Defense and why the Second Amendment is the linchpin of that connection.


While these calls for additional firearms legislation are a direct threat our rights enumerated in the Constitution, they have other effects as well. A vibrant firearms industry, serving law-abiding citizens purchasing and responsibly using firearms results not only in innovation, but also a robust industrial base which can be called upon by our Nation in times of crisis. Since 9/11 all innovations in military firearms, whether targeting, accuracy, man-machine interface or lethality, have all been accomplished by industry.

Rarely do legislators consider the second and third order affects of laws. Only later, like ripples in a pond do these implications manifest themselves. Now, we can look at the AWB and its affects not only on crime, but also on national defense. Let’s not repeat mistakes of the past.

History has taught us that prohibition does not work. But, from 1994 until 2004 the American firearms industry suffered under a form of prohibition. The “Assault Weapons Ban” not only covered weapon features but also magazines over 10 rounds. This legislation did nothing to alter crime and, once lifted, did not result in any increased gun violence. Overall, it was useless legislation.

These very magazines and weapon features that were banned under the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcemenent Act of 1994” have been crucial to the US Department of Defense’s and our Allies small modernization as part of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as globally against piracy, terror and general mayhem. During the 10-year period of the AWB, US businesses curtailed small arms innovation. The point of a business is to make money. When there is little market for a product (as was the case during the AWB), the business case is not there to service it. This was most definitely the situation with magazines for the M9 Beretta Handgun. Many who served early in the war will remember poorly produced high capacity magazines for that weapon. This is because there was no competition in the marketplace due to a lack of market. Rather, government contractors for that magazine were allowed to produce products that performed poorly on the battlefield since there was no competition. There was no innovation. A pistol magazine might seem inconsequential to some, but a pistol is a self-defense weapon. If the magazine fails, the pistol is useless. The same goes for sub-standard magazines for rifles. What good is an Infantryman if he can’t engage the enemy?

It has been more than a decade since the ban was lifted and an entire industry has grown and flourished, producing innovative solutions for both law-abiding citizens and our military alike. American troops are the best equipped in the world and other countries look to us for technical innovation in small arms. We must maintain that edge.

Contact your Congressional representation (switchboard 202-225-3121) and let them know how you feel about any proposed firearms legislation which would hurt our military’s warfighting capability. A strong Second Amendment fosters a robust American firearms industry which contributes directly to our National Defense.

James Malarkey No Longer CEO of X Products

Monday, February 26th, 2018



Feb 22 2018

Effective Immediately James Malarkey has been removed as CEO of X Products

Since inception X Products has been a strong advocate of 2A rights and Does Not support Mr Malarkey’s statements or any position that would suggest gun ownership is anything other than a right protected under the 2nd Amendment.

Mr Malarkey has been replaced as CEO by Dewey Akers, as acting CEO, effective immediately. Please refer all references for response to Mr Akers.

It is with sincere apology that X Products Senior Management finds it necessary to defend its position as a STRONG supporter of 2A Gun Rights.

The Senior Management has found it necessary to respond to this with our community of followers in a manner that removes any association with Mr Malarkey’s comments.

Mr Malarkey, or his comments, DO NOT reflect the position of X Products, its staff,or Industry Partners.

We have taken steps to insure we regain the respect of an industry that has been a support and source of growth for X Products and its staff.

I want to Thank you for understanding, this process has been difficult to execute and hope you will contact me personally with any questions about our transition.

Dewey Akers


Email: dewey@xproducts.com

Office: 928.852.0078

X-Products Owner James Malarkey Thinks The Magazines He Sells Should Be Restricted By Law

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

James Malarkey is the CEO of X-Products, a company which manufactures drum magazines for AR-style firearms. His company is exactly the type of business that the anti-gun crowd goes after when they want to ban the sale of high capacity magazines.

Obviously, his ownership of a successful company in the firearms industry gives him a soapbox. When he talks, people are going to listen. Especially, someone like CNN. In a 2016 interview he made an interesting comment:

(CNN) – X-Products of Nashville, Tenn., makes 50-round drums that sell for up to $360 and fit onto AR-15s and other military-style rifles like the FN FAL. Some of the drums are “skeletonized” with a cage-style casing instead of solid metal, so the shooter can see how many bullets remain.

X-Products co-owner James Malarkey said he sells 10,000 magazines per year. But why would anybody want to own one?

“For the shooter, it’s fun,” he said. “You can go out, you can shoot multiple rounds, you don’t have to do a magazine change, and it’s bragging rights to your friends.”

Malarkey realizes that not everyone associates the gun drums with good times.  He admits that the general public might rest easier if government agencies develop a licensing system to make sure the owners are law abiding people.

“Instead of outright banning it, allow people to have some kind of licensing,” he said. “I think it would weed out a lot of crime.”

In response, X-Products issued this statement:

First and Foremost our company does not believe in licensing or restricting the sale of High Cap.

Mr Malarkey was interviewed about several items in a long discussion during Shot Show and CNN has taken two very out of context answers to multiple questions. Then they broke them up and spliced it into something that cleverly seems to favor some kind of support for their premise.

Mr Malarkey regrets having ever discussed/interviewed with CNN at all, and will not do so in the future. This is clearly not a position X Products believes is rational or viable.

We support the 2nd amendment rights of all citizens and are already saddled with bans of our products in multiple states now, we would not support any further limitations.

Dewey Akers

VP of Sales & Operations

Sounds like something that could happen, right?

The problem is that just this week, James Malarkey doubled and tripled down on his “licensing system” scheme by laying out his proposal for a complex system of controls on the ownership of firearms on Facebook. Ironically, it would include the very magazines his company manufactures.

As you’ll see, it’s so in-depth that he had to have given this a great deal of thought. The CNN article hardly misquotes him. If anything, they brushed over his true feelings.

Malarkey refers to firearms ownership as a privilege. It’s not. Firearms ownership is a right, endowed by the Creator and secured in the Bill of Rights.

He sets out a set of hoops for citizens to jump through in order to own firearms. They are akin to the poll taxes and tests instituted by local and state governments to prevent certain segments of the population from exercising their constitutional right to vote.

I’m an ardent supporter of civil rights, including the right to bear arms. I’m not sharing Mr Malarkey’s commentary, or his wife’s to organize any form of boycott or outrage against him. My intent is solely to inform the public of his stance on your rights. Form your own opinion.

Update: The plot thickens. This is his wife’s post to Facebook in December of 2017.


50 Female Gun Owners Set Sights on Washington DC

Thursday, January 11th, 2018

AUSTIN, TX — Women from around the country are preparing to travel to the U.S. Capitol as part of the DC Project, a nonpartisan initiative that brings 50 women, one from each state, to Washington, DC, to meet with their legislators about issues addressing the Second Amendment. The women, who will be meeting with Congressional members and staff from June 20-23, 2018, have diverse professional experiences, ethnicity, and political beliefs, but share a common interest centered on the appreciation of America’s gun culture.

The DC Project was started by champion shooter Dianna Muller in 2016 to encourage female shooters to meet with legislators in order to give politicians a direct connection to the fastest growing demographic of gun owners. Females provide unique stories and perspectives on the attraction of the 2nd Amendment, including competition shooting sports, commerce, self-defense, hunting, and conservation.

“The Second Amendment is part of the United States Constitution and does not belong to one party,” said Muller. “Female gun owners are diverse, and have individualized stories and accounts of why this Amendment is so important to them. These stories need to be shared as they are representative of many within legislators’ constituencies.”

A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League (AG & AG) is the presenting sponsor of the DC Project. With a nationwide network of firearms instructors and female gun owners, AG & AG is a strong voice for the Second Amendment. Robyn Sandoval, Executive Director, is making her third trip with the DC Project to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“A Girl & A Gun is honored to be a part of this initiative. As a mother who was a supporter of gun control for decades, I now devote my life to empowering women with the safe use and storage of firearms,” said Sandoval. “It is important that our lawmakers learn our stories and have access to our resources for education on gun-related issues.”

The DC Project will host several events during the week as participants give speeches and meet with lawmakers to address the rising demographic of female gun ownership; the value of the 2nd Amendment in today’s society; and the importance of the preservation of America’s gun culture, from conservation and commerce to competitive sports, hunting, and self-defense.

For more information on the DC Project visit: dcproject.info

World Champion Shooter Julie Golob Targets Firearm Safety with Children’s Book

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules: A Children’s Book About Gun Safety hits online stores

KANSAS CITY, MO (January 4, 2018) – Author Julie Golob is a prominent voice for sharing safe, responsible gun ownership throughout the firearms industry and beyond. Golob is a decorated multi-time world and national champion, an Army veteran, and a mother of two, and her newest book, Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules: A Children’s Book About Gun Safety, encourages families to begin having conversations about firearms with children at a young age.


There are millions of guns in the United States alone. Despite how polarizing the media and politics make the topic of firearms, Golob emphasizes that we must talk with our children about guns and firearm safety to protect them and help prevent deaths and injuries. Her book Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules helps parents break the ice with kids on this taboo topic.

Golob’s career as a competitive shooter (she holds more than 50 world and national titles), military service, and expertise as a firearms instructor helped prepare her to write her first children’s book.

“I’ve been around firearms and the shooting sports all my life. As a mother of two young children, I wrote Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules to continue to teach my daughters about guns and firearm safety at a young age. My goal is to provide parents this educational resource to help encourage an open conversation with kids, because gun safety is for everyone.”

Throughout the 40-page book, Golob uses colorful and realistic imagery, illustrated by Nancy Batra, to inspire vital conversations about guns—starting by comparing firearms to other potentially dangerous adult tools. Parents and children can view some of the many different types of firearms and what they can look like. Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules provides parents with the opportunity to educate curious minds about how firearms work, call out the most dangerous parts of a gun, and identify adults children might know and encounter who safely and responsibly use firearms.


In addition, Golob provides a useful guide for parents on how to make the most out of the book, so that they can answer questions and establish family and home rules regarding firearms. Coloring printouts and additional free resources are also available at kidsgunsafetybook.com.

Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules: A Children’s Book About Gun Safety is available through Amazon.com. Visit kidsgunsafetybook.com for more information.

A Long Time Ago, in a Land Down Under

Saturday, October 21st, 2017


Throughout Australian company Lithgow Arms’ 105 year (and counting!) history, they have manufactured a wide variety of firearms. Pictured here is a factory float displaying a Lithgow-made Bren .303 LMG. In-service with the Australian Army from WWII, through Korea and beyond!