TYR Tactical

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Anti-2A Legislation Introduced in Oregon

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

We received this note yesterday from a reader in Oregon. These legislators aren’t just going after the Second Amendment. Apparently, they don’t think much of the Fourth Amendment either. His note begins with a synopsis of the elements of the proposed legislation and directs us to visit the Oregon Firearms Federation.

You can have ONE “Assault Weapon” with THREE Magazines ALL THE REST have to be turned in, the one you keep along with the 3 magazines will have to be registered and “stored securely” and only shot at a local Range!!

And of course a warrantless in home inspections to make sure it’s safely locked up! These are just some of the Bill!

Link to the OFFA FB & Website page giving more details, we also of course posted it on our FB last night right after we found out about it



WTF Moleskine?

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

A friend of ours in the firearms industry received this email from notebook manufacturer Moleskine after inquiring about getting some branded notebooks for giveaways.

Thank you for your request but currently Moleskine Brand Guidelines prevent us from working with any weapon companies. Good luck and have a great day.
Moleskine America, Inc.
210 eleventh avenue, suite 1004
new york, ny 10001

Two Birds Flying Asks Us, “Tell Me If This Makes Sense”

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

The Two Birds Flying blog deals with many of the same issues as SSD and the author is an old friend. He recently posted a short article that is long on good sense. Those of you that interact with me on Facebook know that I regularly mention disruption as a means to change the dialogue on the current attack on our Second Amendment rights.

Two Birds Flying has noted that many investment funds are divesting from firearms manufacturers and is calling on us to get our politicians to give a little bit of turn about to state and local governments that want to restrict our rights through bad legislation.

Had on over and hear him out. If you agree, spread the word.


Wyoming Makes Hunting With Suppressors Legal

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

In some areas of the United States, legislators are hard at work devising new laws to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms. But, in other areas, the opposite is happening. Take for example Wyoming where lawmakers have made it legal to hunt with suppressors. Here is a short announcement from the American Silencer Association.


New Law Goes Into Effect July 1, 2013

The American Silencer Association is pleased to announce that on February 18, Governor Matt Mead signed SF0132 into law, granting hunters in the state of Wyoming the right to use legally owned suppressors while hunting all varmint, big game, and trophy animals. The new law will also legalize the possession of suppressors “anywhere where game may occur”, eliminating an ambiguous interpretation of the law by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department which made it unclear whether it was previously legal to use suppressors at outdoor shooting ranges. However, it is important to note that under the new law landowners may restrict the use of suppressors on private land.

Full Press Release to follow!

Today, Contact The Colorado Senate to Protect the Rights of Gun Owners

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Yesterday the Colorado House passed HB 13-1224 which restricts so-called “High Capacity Magazines” and a number of other gun-control bills, but the fight is far from over. These bills still need to pass through Senate Committee and be passed by the Senate itself before it moves to the Governor’s office for signature in order to become law. Contact these Colorado Senators and politely explain why HB 13-1224 is bad policy, will harm the rights of law abiding citizens, and drive jobs out of the state while doing nothing to improve public safety. Magpul Industries will leave the state of Colorado if this bill becomes law.

Colorado Anti-Gun Politicians Think Magpul is Bluffing

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

As you’ve probably heard, the Colorado legislature is hell bent for leather to pass anti-gun language that will result in, among other things, make it illegal to own so-called “High Capacity Magazines” such as the PMAG manufactured by Magpul Industries. Coincidentally, Magpul happens to be headquartered in Eerie, Colorado and this new law, if enacted would also make it illegal to manufacture 20 and 30 round magazines.


As you can imagine, Magpul Industries isn’t taking this sitting down and explained that any such denial of Coloradans’ Second Amendment rights will result in their leaving Colorado. Those same politicians who are sponsoring this restrictive legislation think that Magpul is bluffing. It seems that saying things you don’t mean is so normal for these guys that they can’t imagine anyone actually following through with their word. In response to their disbelief, Magpul posted this statement yesterday on their Facebook wall.

We’re hearing some rumors that the Gov and the Dem caucus think we are bluffing. Just to clarify for them, then…we’re not a political company. We dont play political games. We’ve made our position very clear, very publicly. We would not survive lying to our customer base, nor would we ever consider it. If you pass this, we will leave, and you will own it. We’ve already got plans in place to get PMAG manufacturing moved rapidly, and the rest of the company will follow. We will make sure to at least have a small remain-behind operation through the 2014 elections so that we can remind folks why we are gone.

This isn’t over yet. Please see this story to find out how you can help stop this ridiculous notion before it becomes the law of Colorado.


Welcome to Barack Obama’s Middle Class

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Is this ad by the NRA a hit or a miss?

“For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.”

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

“Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York. As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.

For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:
complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY refund your payment in full
hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.

For LE/Govt customers in New York:
Your orders have been cancelled.

With these words, York Arms joined Barrett, EFI LLC, LaRue Tactical, Midway USA, Olympic Arms, Templar Custom of North Carolina, and Cheaper than Dirt. Yes, even Cheaper Than Dirt who seem keen to gain back their rep after being accused of price gouging after magazine sales sky rocketed in December.

Almost daily the list of firearms manufacturers and dealers grows who have curtailed sales of guns and parts to law enforcement agencies in areas that have made the same items illegal for civilian use. Critics have countered that it won’t not amount to much as we understand the federal government is offering surplus M16A2s to state law enforcement agencies, but the unity of firearms manufacturers coming together to boycott the sale of their products to areas such as New York which have banned so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines is rather interesting. Even if you think these are symbolic gestures, sometimes those are just enough to garner the attention of decision makers.