TYR Tactical

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Magpul Formally Announces They Will Leave Colorado If Magazine Ban Becomes Law

Friday, February 15th, 2013



Denver, Colorado – February 15th, 2013 – Magpul Industries, an Erie, Colorado, based manufacturer of firearms accessories, announced today that it will be forced to leave the state if House Bill 1224, which would ban standard capacity magazines, becomes law. The announcement was made to Governor Hickenlooper, state legislators, members of the media, and in a full-page advertisement to appear in the Denver Post on Sunday.

Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

“Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from purchasing and owning them. ” Fitzpatrick said. “The passage of this bill will do nothing to enhance public safety, but will force us to immediately begin taking our business to another state.”

A proponent of the bill argued that with the amendment language, the choice to stay or leave was up to Magpul. Fitzpatrick responded, “Our relationship with our customers across the country would be severely damaged if this bill passes and we stay. We’ve already heard word of potential boycotts if that happens. They (legislators) really need to understand that our customer base is as passionate about freedoms as we are, and staying here if this bill passes would cripple the company. Make no doubt about it…we have no choice, and would be forced to leave in order to save the business.”

Magpul cited the example of the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show, which was canceled earlier this year after the organizers announced that it would not permit a popular category of firearm, like the ones Magpul makes accessories for, in the show. Public outcry from the customer base forced exhibitors to withdraw from participation, causing the cancellation of the show, and an estimated loss of $70 million of show revenue for hotels, restaurants, merchants, and other businesses in Pennsylvania, where the show was to be held.

Magpul Industries directly employs 200 people, supports another 400 supply-chain jobs, and contributes over $85 million annually to Colorado’s economy. Doug Smith, Chief Operating Officer for Magpul, says that it is a difficult position to be in. “We could choose to stay in a state that wants our jobs and revenue, but not our products, and lose half the jobs we are fighting to save, or potentially the entire business, when our customers stop buying. Or, we can take the company and those 600 jobs out of Colorado to continue our growth and the growth of American manufacturing in a state that shares our values. This is not really a choice. It’s an unfortunate and inevitable result of the actions of the Legislature if this bill passes.”

Magpul was started over a decade ago by Fitzpatrick, a former U.S. Marine. It has become one of Colorado’s fastest growing businesses, successfully marketing its products to American and allied military forces, police departments, sporting goods stores, and thousands of responsible private citizens. Fitzpatrick says that the rich western culture and strong values of individual freedom and responsibility, traditionally found in Colorado, were one of the reasons the company chose to remain in the state.

“It is heartbreaking to me, my employees, and their families, to think that we will be forced to leave,” Fitzpatrick said. “But if HB13-1224 passes, we will simply have no choice.”

This Time It’s Missouri

Friday, February 15th, 2013

In case you haven’t heard, Missouri lawmakers are trying to enact legislation that would make possession of a so-called assault weapon or high capacity magazine illegal.


RORY ELLINGER (Sponsor) 573-751-4265 (office) — 314-640-0095 (cell),


JILL SCHUPP 573-751-9762 (office) — 314-517-6505 (cell),

0776L.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk

To amend chapter 571, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the manufacture,
import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of any assault weapon or large capacity
magazine, with a penalty provision.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 571, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be
2 known as section 571.023, to read as follows:
571.023. 1. As used in this section the following terms shall mean:
2 (1) “Assault weapon”, any:
3 (a) Semi-automatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and
4 has one or more of the following:
5 a. A pistol grip or thumbhole stock;
6 b. Any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the
7 nontrigger hand;
8 c. A folding or telescoping stock; or
9 d. A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the
10 barrel, allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being
11 burned, but excluding a slide that encloses the barrel;
12 (b) Semi-automatic pistol, or any semi-automatic, centerfire or rimfire rifle with
13 a fixed magazine, that has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition;

Hey Folks, Let’s Help Colorado

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

The Colorado Legislature is considering legislation that will not only affect gun owners in Colorado but the entire nation including military and law enforcement. This legislation will make it illegal for Magpul Industries to manufacture 20 and 30 round magazines.

Contact Governor Hickenlooper right now and urge him to oppose HB1224 and all other proposed firearm legislation to save Colorado jobs and support freedom in Colorado. His Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/JohnHickenlooper, his Twitter is https://twitter.com/hickforco and you can email him your opinion of legislation at http://www.colorado.gov/govhdir/requests/opinion-leg.html. Legislators’ email boxes and voicemail boxes are overflowing, keep up the momentum and let Governor Hickenlooper know how damaging this legislation will be. Share this, retweet it, help us get the word out.

Colorado State House of Representatives – Democrats (37 total)

John Buckner: 303-866-2944
Email: john.buckner.house@state.co.us

Lois Court: 303-866-2967
Email: lois.court.house@state.co.us

Crisanta Duran: 303-866-2925
Email: crisanta.duran.house@state.co.us

Thomas Exum: 303-866-3069
Email: thomas.exum.house@state.co.us

Mark Ferrandino: 303-866-2346
E-mail: mferrandino@yahoo.com

Rhonda Fields: 303-866-3911
E-mail: rhonda.fields.house@state.co.us

Randy Fischer: 303-866-2917
E-mail: randyfischer@frii.com

Mike Foote: 303-866-2920
E-mail: mike.foote.house@state.co.us

Leroy Garcia: 303-866-2968
E-mail: leroy.garcia.house@state.co.us

Joann Ginal: 303-866-4569
E-mail: joann.ginal.house@state.co.us

Millie Hamner: 303-866-2952
E-mail: millie.hamner.house@state.co.us

Dickey Lee Hullinghorst: 303-866-2348
E-mail: dl.hullinghorst.house@state.co.us

Daniel Kagan: 303-866-2921
E-mail: repkagan@gmail.com

Tracy Kraft-Tharp: 303-866-2950
E-mail: reptracy29@gmail.com

Jeanne Labuda: 303-866-2966
E-mail: jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us

Steve Lebsock: 303-866-2931
E-mail: steve.lebsock.house@state.co.us

Pete Lee: 303-866-2932
E-mail: pete.lee.house@state.co.us

Clair Levy: 303-866-2578
E-mail: claire.levy.house@state.co.us

Jenise May: 303-866-2945
E-mail: jenise.may.house@state.co.us

Elizabeth McCann: 303-866-2959
E-mail: beth.mccann.house@state.co.us

Mike McLachlan: 303-866-2914
E-mail: mike.mclachlan.house@state.co.us

Jovan Melton: 303-866-2919
E-mail: jovan.melton.house@state.co.us

Diane Mitsch Bush: 303-866-2923
E-mail: diane.mitschbush.house@state.co.us

Dominick Moreno: 303-866-2964
E-mail: dominick.moreno.house@state.co.us

Dan Pabon: 303-866-2954
E-mail: dan.pabon.house@state.co.us

Cherylin Peniston: 303-866-2843
E-mail: cherylin.peniston.house@state.co.us

Brittany Petterson: 303-866-2939
E-mail: brittany.pettersen.house@state.co.us

Dianne Primavera: 303-866-4667
E-mail: dianne.primavera.house@state.co.us

Paul Rosenthal: 303-866-2910
E-mail: paul.rosenthal.house@state.co.us

Su Ryden: 303-866-2942
E-mail: su.ryden.house@state.co.us

Joseph Salazar: 303-866-2918
E-mail: joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us

Sue Schafer: 303-866-5522
E-mail: sue.schafer.house@state.co.us

Jonathan Singer: 303-866-2780
E-mail: jonathan.singer.house@state.co.us

Max Tyler: 303-866-2951
E-mail: max@maxtyler.us

Edward Vigil: 303-866-2916
E-mail: edvigil1@gmail.com

Angela Williams: 303-866-2909
E-mail: angela.williams.house@state.co.us

Dave Young: 303-866-2929
E-mail: dave.young.house@state.co.us

Olympic Arms Issues New York State Sales Policy

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Almost on the heels of LaRue Tactical‘s controversial policy on sales to LE in areas that restrict civilian ownership of their products, Olympic Arms issued this statement yesterday regarding sales of their products to law enforcement in the State of New York. Say what you will but Oly Arms has been in this for the long haul. In fact, I owned one before the 1994 AWB.

Press Release: Olympic Arms, Inc. Announces New York State Sales Policy

Olympic Arms is a staunch believer in and defender of the Constitution of the United States, and with special attention paid to the Bill of Rights that succinctly enumerates the security of our Divinely given Rights. One of those Rights is that to Keep and Bear Arms.

Legislation recently passed in the State of New York outlaws the AR15 and many other firearms, and will make it illegal for the good and free citizens of New York to own a large selection of legal and safe firearms and magazines. We feel as though the passage of this legislation exceeds the authority granted to the government of New York by its citizens, and violates the Constitution of the United States, ignoring such SCOTUS rulings as District of Columbia v. Heller – 554, U.S. 570 of 2008, McDonald v. Chicago – 561 U.S. 3025 of 2010, and specifically the case of United States v. Miller – 307 U.S. 174 of 1939.

Due the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity – will no longer be served as customers.

In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York – henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people.

If the leaders of the State of New York are willing to limit the right of the free and law abiding citizens of New York to arm themselves as they see fit under the Rights enumerate to all citizens of the United State through the Second Amendment, we feel as though the legislators and government entities within the State of New York should have to abide by the same restrictions.

This action has caused a division of the people into classes: Those the government deems valuable enough to protect with modern firearms, and those whose lives have been deemed as having less value, and whom the government has decided do not deserve the right to protect themselves with the same firearms. Olympic Arms will not support such behavior or policy against any citizen of this great nation.

Olympic Arms invites all firearms manufacturers, distributors and firearms dealers to join us in this action to refuse to do business with the State of New York. We must stand together, or we shall surely fall divided.


Brian Schuetz
Olympic Arms, Inc.

Colorado, Magpul and the Second Amendment Need Your Help

Monday, February 11th, 2013

While anti-gun legislation doesn’t seem to be gathering much steam on the national stage, it’s already taking hold like a cancer at the state level. This time it’s Colorado and our friends Magpul Industries have put out a call to those who support the Second Amendment to help in the legislative struggle for that state.

They issued the following statement:

In addition to the national battle to protect our firearms rights, many states are currently engaged in their own fights. Here in CO, a state with a strong heritage of firearm and other personal freedoms, we are facing some extreme challenges to firearms rights. We have been engaged in dialogue with legislators here presenting our arguments to stop legislation from even being introduced, but our efforts did not deter those of extreme views.

After the NRAs visit last week, several anti-freedom bills were introduced by CO legislators, and a very aggressive timeline has been set forth in moving these bills forward.

The bills include:
HB 1229, Background checks for Gun Transfers–a measure to prohibit private sales between CO residents, and instead require a full FFL transfer, including a 4473.

HB 1228, Payment for Background Checks for Gun Transfers– a measure that would require CO residents to pay for the back logged state-run CBI system (currently taking 3 times the federally mandated wait time for checks to occur) instead of using the free federal NICS checks.

And finally, HB 1224, Prohibiting Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines–a measure that bans the possession, sale, or transfer of magazines over 10 round capacity. The measures and stipulations in this bill would deprive CO residents of the value of their private property by prohibiting the sale or transfer of all magazines over 10 rounds. This bill would also prohibit manufacture of magazines greater than 10 rounds for commercial sale out of the state, and place restrictions on the manufacture of military and law enforcement magazines that would cripple production.

We’d like to ask all CO residents to please contact your state legislators and the members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to kill these measures in committee, and to vote NO if they reach the floor.

We also ask you to show your support for the 2nd Amendment at the Capitol on Tuesday, Feb 12, for the magazine ban committee hearing and Wednesday,
Feb 13, for the hearing on the other measures.

Due to the highly restrictive language in HB 1224, if passed, and we remained here, this measure would require us to cease PMAG production on July 1, 2013.

In short, Magpul would be unable to remain in business as a CO company, and the over 200 jobs for direct employees and nearly 700 jobs at our subcontractors and suppliers would pick up and leave CO. Due to the structure of our operations, this would be entirely possible, hopefully without significant disruption to production.

The legislators drafting these measures do so in spite of the fact that nothing they are proposing will do anything to even marginally improve public safety in CO, and in fact, will leave law-abiding CO residents less able to defend themselves, strip away rights and property from residents who have done nothing wrong, and send nearly 1000 jobs and millions in tax revenue out of the state.

We like CO, we want to continue to operate in CO, but most of all, we want CO to remain FREE.

Please help us in this fight, and let your voices be heard!

We have included the contact information for the House Judiciary committee for your convenience:

House Judiciary Committee
Rep. Daniel Kagan, Chair: 303-866-2921, repkagan@gmail.com
Rep. Pete Lee, Vice Chair: 303-866-2932, pete.lee.house@state.co.us
Rep. John Buckner: 303-866-2944, john.buckner.house@state.co.us
Rep. Lois Court: 303-866-2967, lois.court.house@state.co.us
Rep. Bob Gardner, 303-866-2191, bob.gardner.house@state.co.us
Rep. Polly Lawrence, 303-866-2935, polly.lawrence.house@state.co.us
Rep. Mike McLachlan, 303-866-2914, mike.mclachlan.house@state.co.us
Rep. Rep Carole Murray, 303-866-2948, murrayhouse45@gmail.com
Rep. Brittany Pettersen, 303-866-2939, brittany.pettersen.house@state.co.us
Rep. Joseph Salazar, 303-866-2918, joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us
Rep. Jared Wright, 303-866-2583, jared.wright.house@state.co.us

LAV Wants to Reward You for Joining the NRA

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

I received this not from Larry Vickers this morning.

I am giving every NRA member who can show me proof of membership during any of my classes in 2013 $20 cash back on the spot – if someone isn’t a member they can join the evening of the first day, show me proof on day two, and I’ll give them $20 back

At that rate the yearly membership only costs the individual $15 or $1.25 a month

Just another way I am trying to get people engaged in the fight of our lives.

-Larry Vickers

LaRue Tactical Issues New Sales Policy for State and Local Agencies

Friday, February 8th, 2013

Earlier today, LaRue Tactical issued this press release.

02/08/2013 LEANDER, TX.

Updated Policy for State and Local Agency Law Enforcement Sales:

Due to the recent and numerous new Anti-gun/Anti-2nd Amendment laws passed and/or pending across our country, LaRue Tactical has been forced to reconsider how we provide products to state and local agencies.

Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.

State and local laws have always been a serious focus of this firm, and we are now dovetailing that focus with the constitutional rights of the residents covered in their different areas by the old and new regulations.

We realize this effort will have an impact on this firm’s sales – and have decided the lost sales are less danger to this firm than potential lawsuits from erroneous shipments generated by something as simple as human error.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Mark LaRue

* * This policy does not apply to Military / Federal Agencies * *


Ron Paul Calls It Like He Sees It

Monday, February 4th, 2013


In a tweet that supporters are calling a brave act, former Texas Representative Ron Paul calls it like he sees it posting, “Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.”

What do you think?