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Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Brownells Announces “Mag Dump” to Raise Funds for SAF Lawsuit against Washington Magazine Ban

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Brownells Announces Mag Dump for Washington State

GRINNELL, Iowa (March 14, 2022) -– In response to the standard-capacity magazine ban passed in Washington state, Brownells will donate $2.00 to the Washington-based Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) for every aluminum Brownells AR-15 magazine sold. SAF is currently planning to file a lawsuit against the state of Washington on behalf of gun owners in the state.

The Brownells Mag Dump donation event lasts through June 24 and has two main goals.

The first is to help Washington state gun owners procure reliable, proven, standard-capacity magazines for their AR-15 style firearms – before the ban goes into effect – to help guarantee their ability to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and freedoms.

The second is to supply cash to the Second Amendment Foundation that will be earmarked to help fund a lawsuit to be filed against the ban on all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

“Brownells provides the products Americans need to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and freedoms,” said Brownells Chairman of the Board Pete Brownell. “We’re proud to partner with groups like the Second Amendment Foundation to help fight for those rights and freedoms.”

The Brownells magazines eligible for the $2 donation include the following:

Grey Magazines

• #078-000-454 grey aluminum magazine                       $14.99 retail

• #078-000-595  10-pak grey aluminum magazine       $149.99 retail

• #430-100-777  20-pak grey aluminum magazine       $243.08 retail

• #078-000-596  100-pak grey aluminum magazine     $1,399.99 retail

Tan Magazines

• #078-000-455W tan aluminum magazine                     $16.99 retail

• #078-000-597 10-pak tan aluminum magazine           $159.99 retail

• #430-100-778 20-pak tan aluminum magazine           $269.54 retail

• #078-000-598 100-pak tan aluminum magazine        #1,399.99 retail

To learn more, visit the Mag Dump for Washington page.

Silencer Central Announces Update to Suppressor Buying Process

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Sioux Falls, South Dakota – December 9, 2021 – Silencer Central, America’s largest silencer dealer, is proud to announce the eminent availability of electronic Form 4 applications—a major update to how the silencer buying process works, and a change that is expected to cut wait times for approvals down to as few as 60 days.

Silencer Central is allowing customers to buy now and will hold applications until the official implementation of eForm submissions, which is expected before the end of the month.

“With this upgrade, the ATF will accept electronic submissions from Silencer Central,” said Brandon Maddox, CEO of Silencer Central. “Silencer Central has tested this new system and the benefit is clear; wait times will be cut in half—and likely much more. Data entry has been one of the largest contributors to the ATF wait-times and backlogs. Now the data will begin in a digitized format and the process can focus on what matters most: approvals.”

Silencer Central has been on the front line of BETA testing the new process since day one. With more than 16 years of experience, Silencer Central has become the leading authority in suppressor sales and worked closely on the eForms testing process to help ensure that the new process is as efficient as possible. 

“Silencer Central’s customers will still receive the same rapid and streamlined filing process,” Maddox added. “The new electronic submissions will be handled in-house at Silencer Central with the same attention to process and detail that has made us the leading authority in suppressors.”

For more information about how the process works, or to learn more about the ATF eForm 4, visit Silencer Central’s website: The All-New Electronic Form 4 Process

SIG SAUER Supports Second Amendment Foundation

Monday, December 6th, 2021

NEWINGTON, N.H., (December 6, 2021) – SIG SAUER, Inc. is proud to announce a sustained, multi-year Double Diamond sponsorship to support the important programs and initiatives of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF). 

“It’s an honor for SIG SAUER to contribute to the important work of the Second Amendment Foundation and join forces with their 700,000 plus membership to defend our constitutional rights to privately own and possess firearms,” said Tom Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Commercial Sales, SIG SAUER, Inc.  “The Second Amendment is under constant attack and the legal activism, education, and resources provided by the Second Amendment Foundation is absolutely essential to stopping the encroachment on our constitutional rights and ensuring that the Second Amendment is preserved for future generations.”

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms.  SAF supports legal action and educational programs to protect and defend the Second Amendment.  SAF has been engaged in legal action across the U.S. for over 45-years and has successfully defended, overturned, and set precedent in many cases. 

“This unprecedented commitment from SIG SAUER is simply awesome,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “To have this legendary company as our very first Double Diamond sponsor underscores the importance of our legal and educational efforts. I am both humbled and grateful at this level of support for our efforts to defend the right to keep and bear arms.

“SIG SAUER’s commitment will guarantee that SAF can continue winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time,” Gottlieb added.

To learn more about the Second Amendment Foundation and support its programs visit saf.org.

SilencerCo Celebrates The American Dream With Release of Latest American Gun Episode

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

November 17, 2021 — West Valley City, UT — SilencerCo is excited to release episode five of the American Gun series, “American Gun: The Immigrant.” This video features Dahl, an American immigrant who was born and raised in Dominica, a small island in the Caribbean. Dahl’s story illustrates why the American Dream is not dead, and why the second amendment offers a freedom unlike anything else.

Dahl came to America when he was 25 years old on a path to citizenship through the U.S. Navy. Previously, he lived in other countries all around the world. The one thing that kept him from staying in any of these countries was his inability to participate in his favorite hobby: shooting guns.

“One thing I like about the US is you can be armed. The second amendment guarantees that you have that ability which is incomparable with any [other] country you go to,” said Dahl.

Now, as an American citizen, Dahl enjoys all of these freedoms and shares them with the people he loves. Although he and his brother are separated by a large age-gap, recreational shooting bridges that gap and creates a unique bond. Dahl also frequently invites other immigrant friends to join him in his hobby and teach them safety and tactical techniques.

This love of shooting is just one reason why the second amendment is so important. Previous “American Gun” episodes point out other reasons such as personal protection, craftsmanship and mental health.

Episode five marks the end of the first half of the “American Gun” project and videos can be found on the SilencerCo YouTube channel. The second half of the project will commence in early 2022.

For more information on the “American Gun” campaign, click here. To view “American Gun: The Immigrant,” visit youtu.be/dx7PcBWQcLQ.

SilencerCo’s Latest “American Gun” Episode Analyzes Mental Health and Gun Controversy

Thursday, October 21st, 2021

October 20, 2021 — West Valley City, UT — SilencerCo’s newly released “American Gun” episode challenges the common stigma that guns and mental illness do not mix. “American Gun: The Advocate” dives into the story of Genevieve, a girl from Downingtown, Pennsylvania, who struggles with severe OCD and anxiety. To the surprise of many, recreational shooting is the one thing that quiets the chaos of her mind. 

The “American Gun” campaign, created by SilencerCo, seeks to illustrate the diversity that exists among American gun owners. Genevieve doesn’t fit the demographic of what many believe to be the standard gun owner. However, firearms play a vital role in her life and the lives of many others outside of this demographic. 

Genevieve has struggled with severe OCD since she was a child, but more recently she developed a panic disorder so extreme she could no longer interact with the outside world. She attended an intensive behavioral health center to just get by. That is, until she discovered competitive shooting. 

“I felt just so at peace, and I realized how skewed everybody’s perception of mental illness is, specifically in the gun industry, because I’m not a danger to people,” said Genevieve.

Genevieve works help others with mental illness see the meditative benefits of shooting.  She even started an organization called “Hold My Guns” to give shooters with mental health issues a temporary and voluntary storage option for their guns. It can be utilized for any reason, but is aimed at suicide prevention. 

“There are so many people who suffer from some type of mental illness, whatever it is,” said Genevieve. “If you don’t suffer from one, you know somebody who does. And if you support the second amendment, but you’re saying that 60-70% of people in America don’t have the right to own guns, then do you support the second amendment?”

Other episodes of “American Gun” pose similar thoughtful questions about gun ownership across America. For more information on the “American Gun” campaign, click here

To view “American Gun: The Advocate,” visit youtu.be/aOwHLko-VW0

Firearms as a Necessity in Newest SilencerCo “American Gun” Episode

Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

September 15, 2021 — West Valley City, UT — SilencerCo’s newly released “American Gun” episode spotlights a farmer from the small town of Ville Platte, Louisiana. In a campaign intended to prove the diversity of gun owners, “American Gun: The Farmer,” launched on September 15, 2021, reveals a unique point of view from someone who has been surrounded by firearms his entire life. 

Chase grew up working on the family farm and continues to run that same farm today. Firearms are an everyday necessity in order to maintain crops and run off pests. From overpopulating turtles that become a nuisance to raccoons that damage carefully placed crawfish traps, Chase requires a gun in order to make a living. This is a concept that many are unfamiliar with in the modern era. 

“Gun owners being portrayed in the media is kind of a weird feeling [to me] because you never saw it growing up here,” said Chase. “It’s getting to be a difficult thing being a gun owner today. We are starting to be viewed as something different than we were back then.” 

The “American Gun” series sets out to uncover different points of view surrounding firearms to contrast against what is commonly portrayed in the media. Contrary to the violence and hatred that is represented, there are a variety of important reasons why Americans exercise their second amendment right. For Chase, it was a tradition to grow up hunting, recreational shooting and controlling varmints with a firearm. 

“American Gun” videos will be released on a monthly basis and can be found on the SilencerCo YouTube and social media channels. For more information on the “American Gun” campaign, click here

To view “American Gun: The Farmer,” visit www.youtube.com

SilencerCo’s Second Episode in  “American Gun” Campaign Features Custom Riflesmith

Thursday, August 12th, 2021

Campaign Demonstrates Diversity of Gun Owners Across America

August 11, 2021 — West Valley City, UT — SilencerCo released the second episode of their “American Gun” series on August 11, 2021, discussing the diversity of gun owners across America. “American Gun: The Riflesmith” features a custom riflesmith from Lousianna, Terry, whose main clientele include military and police officers. 

Vastly different from the single woman highlighted in the last American Gun episode who carries for personal protection, Terry is fueled by a passion for his craft. The contrast between these two videos illustrates the far-reaching effects of the second amendment, and how it applies to every American.

“When you put it into context of when it was written and when it was actually originated,” said Terry regarding the second amendment, “the reason that they put it in there wasn’t for deer hunting; it wasn’t for going and shooting pheasants or any of that kind of stuff; it wasn’t for recreational shooting; it was to protect ourselves from an overreaching government.” 

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), 8.4 million Americans became new gun owners during the year 2020 with an increase in sales from women and African Americans. “American Gun” sets out to uncover the many reasons behind why people own a firearm as well as highlight the diversity of the owners themselves. 

“Everything that we consider to be freedoms and liberties right now…” said Terry, “is standing firmly on the shoulders of the first and second amendment.” 

Videos will be released on a monthly basis and can be found on the SilencerCo YouTube and social media channels. For more information on the “American Gun” campaign, click here

To view “American Gun: The Riflesmith,” visit silencerco.com/the-riflesmith

Brownells Donates over $150,000 to Firearms Policy Foundation

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

Brownells Donates more than $150,000 to Firearms Policy Foundation
GRINNELL, Iowa (July 20, 2021) –  Brownells donated more than $150,000 to the Firearms Policy Foundation, with money generated by the “Made in America” promotion at Brownells.com leading up to Independence Day.

The Firearms Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization which helps fund the Firearms Policy Coalition, a 501(c)4 dedicated to defending the Constitution of the United States, especially the individual right to keep and bear arms.

The donation will help with the on-going struggle to restore and eventually expand constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights for all Americans.

“I want to thank everyone who bought American to help save the 2nd Amendment,” said Brownells Chairman Pete Brownell.   “We all benefit from the great work of the Firearms Policy Coalition.”

“On behalf of the FPC team and our members, we are humbled and honored that Brownells and its amazing customers have so generously provided this significant funding for our critical pro-rights legal and education programs, including dozens of active lawsuits and new cases being prepared today,” said FPF Chairman and FPC President Brandon Combs. “Especially in this era where our rights are under attack at all levels, from the Biden administration to local governments like San Jose, California, every dollar counts and will go straight to the front lines in principled efforts to defend and expand individual liberty,”

The FPC has been involved in several recent high-profile Second Amendment court cases, including Miller v. Bonta which resulted in California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” to be declared unconstitutional.

FPC also filed suit against Nevada’s recent ban on homebuilt firearms, and filed a brief in support of the right of all Americans to carry arms on their person in public.

To find ways to become involved in the struggle to maintain and recover 2nd Amendment rights, visit the Brownells Second Amendment Action Center.