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Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F) and Tomahawk Charitable Solutions to Support Leader in Neurotherapeutics to Provide Breakthrough Treatment Technology for Special Operations Veterans

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

SAN DIEGO, CA, September 5, 2019 – Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F), Tomahawk Charitable Solutions (TCS), and Brain Treatment Center San Diego (BTC San Diego) are pleased to announce their collaboration for BTC San Diego to offer an innovative and promising treatment modality for special operations military service members for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Post-traumatic Stress (PTS).

The dynamic collaboration between SOC-F, TCS, and BTC San Diego offers a unique opportunity for service members struggling with symptoms such as lack of focus, chronic sleep disruption, and cognitive fog. Over the next 18 months, this collaboration will facilitate treatment by BTC San Diego of Special Operations Forces (SOF) veterans. SOC-F and TCS will bring valuable resources to support BTC San Diego’s pioneering work with the military community, and they are excited for the transformative opportunities the collaboration will bring to those who served.

Over the past six years, BTC San Diego has used Magnetic EEG/EKG-guided Resonance Therapy (MeRTSM) to help military service members and is conducting clinical trials with the Department of Defense and US Special Operations Command. MeRTSM  is a patented process that uses computational neuroanalytics to build a personalized treatment protocol aimed at restoring each individuals neurological health. This process takes approximately 30 minutes per day over a 4-6 week period. MeRTSM was developed by Wave Neuroscience (Wave Neuro) – a leader in the non-invasive neuromodulation space.

Here is what service members who have completed MeRT at Brain Treatment Center say about the treatment:

SOF, USMC Veteran:

“Within 4 days of being treated, I was sleeping through the night. My anger had subsided significantly, and I was smiling and enjoying things again. I was able to focus and concentrate on information much more efficiently and easily, and did not get lost in conversation as I had prior to coming here. My chronic headaches had ceased, my balance was returning, and my ringing in my ears, (tinnitus) had also ceased.”

SOF, US Navy Veteran:

“Besides offering the most effective treatment I’ve experienced, the BTC and MeRT promise to accelerate results that might take months or years through traditional treatments.  I feel like BTC reintroduced me to the person I can be, and put me back in control.”

SOF, US Army Veteran:

“After my 6th treatment, I slept 8 hours straight, I usually averaged 3-5 hours max. In the morning it felt like a light bulb turned on in my head… clarity of thought that I haven’t experienced in years.” 

To make a donation in support of service members in need, please visit or www.soc-f.org (EIN: 46-3326489) or www.tomahawkcharitablesolutions.org (EIN: 82-1606687).

For inquires on becoming a participant, please visit www.braintreatmentcenter.com/SOF

Torn Warriors 2019 Recap

Friday, August 9th, 2019

The Torn Warriors event was a big success. In case you missed out on the fun!

FirstSpear Friday Focus – TORN Warriors

Friday, July 26th, 2019

Stay tuned with FirstSpear TV this weekend as they make there way to Nevada for the inaugural kick off fundraiser for TORN Warriors, a nonprofit developed for disabled veterans and wounded service members that helps empower them through off-road driving, racing, and shooting events.

The two day shooting and riding event will be held this weekend with a raffle on Saturday the 27th with proceeds going to offset costs for future events including the first professional race in August – Best in the Desert’s Vegas to Reno. Driven by Curt Caruso 25-year veteran of the USMC and the navigator will be double amputee Clint Trial who you may have seen recently receiving the Purple Heart from POTUS.

The raffle will include hand crafted knives and firearms built by veterans along with more awesome industry kit.

There are multiple ways to donate / purchase raffle tickets ($100/ per ticket):

-Rough Neck Raffle July 27: go.rallyup.com/tornwarriors

-PayPal: info@tornwarriors.org

-Mail: TORN Warriors

HC 67 Box 30

Wells, NV 89835

Be sure to include your full name, email address, and annotate “TORN WARRIORS RAFFLE”

Support Torn Warriors

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

TORN Warriors is a nonprofit for Disabled Veterans that helps empower them through off-road driving/racing (SxS, Motorcycles, and Trucks) and shooting events. Torn Warriors Foundation is launching its first Summer Fundraiser this month with the intent to get include some Vets and raise funds for their inaugural race in August.

Their inaugural fundraiser kicks off July 27th with a two-day shooting and riding event for disabled veterans and wounded service members at the TORN Facility in northeast Nevada. This event is provided at NO COST to those wounded in defense of our country. 

On the evening of July 27, they are holding a raffle to offset the costs associated with the above events. They have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our military-community businesses and disabled veterans who have donated items for raffle. Each $100 donation provides a chance to win prizes such as firearms, knives, and veteran-made items.

They appreciate your generosity in their efforts to provide disabled veterans and wounded service members a sense of normalcy and pride participating and enjoying sports and events previously unavailable to them due to injury. 

This year, they are hoping to raise $30,000 to cover the costs of the event as well as their first professional race–Best In The Desert’s Vegas to Reno Aug 16-18. The driver will be Curt Caruso, a 25-year veteran of the USMC; the navigator will be double-amputee Clint Trial. 

Clint Trial is a Recon Marine who lost both of his legs while running combat operations in Afghanistan January of this year.

MSGT Trial was wounded in action running combat operations in Afghanistan January of this year. Friends of Clints have started a nonprofit for Disabled Veterans called TORN Warriors that helps empower disabled vets through off-road driving/racing as well as shooting events. TORN is launching their first Summer Fundraiser this month with the intent to support Clint in the Vegas to Reno Race.

As a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt organization, any contribution you make will be tax deductible. 

There are multiple ways to donate to this cause:

-Rough Neck Raffle July 27: go.rallyup.com/tornwarriors

-PayPal: info@tornwarriors.org

-Mail:  TORN Warriors

HC 67 Box 30

Wells, NV 89835

Be sure to include your full name, email address, and annotate “TORN WARRIORS RAFFLE”

Task Force Dagger Assists Department of POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Repatriating American Casualties from the Battle of Saipan

Monday, July 15th, 2019

From the hand of Mark Stephens, USA (Ret):

It is my honor to be a part of something so humbling this 75th Anniversary of events that occurred in 1944 during WWII. Out of respect to the families and a much deserved notification process I am not at liberty to discuss our mission in great detail but what I can say is we are returning to Saipan to look for and excavate WWII losses from the Battle of Saipan. We will be excavating a site possibly associated with a F6F-3 Hellcat that was found by our team last year. Several Hellcats were lost during 1944 and we are hoping to excavate and correlate the site with a loss with the hopes of a recovery. Also we will be searching for a B-29 that went down with the entire crew on a mission in 1944. It will involve magnetometer, side scan sonar, and ROV investigation followed by shallow to deep CCR (rebreather) target diving.

The mission is a continued collaboration and teaming of the Department of POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), East Carolina University Marine Archeological Department (ECU) and Task Force Dagger Foundation (TFDF). The TFDF team will be made up of some of our leadership/staff and SOF members that need Mission, Purpose and Focus. These three words, implemented, are incredibly important and impactful to those the foundation serves and supports.

We have received support from many in industry and other great Americans. These types of missions need to continue. It’s great to see so many knowing we can never forget! This is a promise our country made to everyone that has or is serving in our military.


Annual Tactical Distributors Cornhole Throwdown To Benefit SOC-F Tomorrow Night

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019

Tomorrow evening, TD is hosting their annual Cornole Throwdown, at their headquarters in Virginia Beach. The event which includes food, friendship and fun consists of barbecue, a corn hole tournament, and raffle. There is a fee at the door and raffle tickets are available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the special operations care fund.

SOC-F “Fills in the gaps” where Tri-Care, the VA, and private Insurance fall short; often leaving a family facing a financial catastrophe. The funds raised on Tuesday will be allocated into (2) primary pools of Healthcare needs & Family related issues:

• The Healthcare needs they invest in: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatments (Which also helps significantly with the dealing with PTS) and send SOF to a 12 Step Recovery Center for MIL & LE members grappling with alcoholism and addiction.

• The Family needs that they fund are: SOF Gold Star Kids Camp, Mentoring Program, and Marriage Counseling for those SOF at-risk couples facing the abyss of divorce.

For more information and depth on the programs, please find me at the event or check us out online: soc-f.org/who-we-are. Since their inception in 2014, they have raised and donated over 4 Million Dollars for these needs. 0% of raised money has ever paid a salary, rent, debt service, or bonus. They are 100% volunteer run and guided organization and rightly so, proud of their efficiency.

Special Operations Wounded Warriors South Florida Dinner and Auction

Saturday, June 29th, 2019

A couple of times each year, Special Operations Wounded Warriors, a 501(c)(3) Charity, holds fundraisers.

SOWW was formed in August of 2012 for the distinct purpose of providing outdoor experiences and focused therapeutic retreats to a select group of both active duty and veteran U.S. Military Special Operations Forces

Their next event is the evening of August 23, at the Boca Raton Resort and Club, A Waldorf Astoria Resort in Boca Raton, Florida.

The speaker is Mark “Oz” Geist, a member of the Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, Libya, from September 11 to September 12, 2012. This battle was documented in the book and film “13 Hours.”

If you’re interested, here is a link to the invitation on Facebook.

ON THE EDGE / Jeff Provenzano Red Bull Skydiver Rhino Jump

Thursday, June 27th, 2019

EDGE, a 501c3 based in Los Angeles, is developing asymmetric counter-poaching efforts in Limpopo, South Africa among other areas.

Their area of operation is home to the third highest concentration of endangered wildlife on the continent, particularly rhino.

EDGE also works in this area pursuing genetic research on elephants, and youth community art and photography programs.

Red Bull sent their top skydiver Jeff Provenzano to South Africa to see their work — and to leap from a hot air balloon over a massive reserve of rhino which EDGE works to protect.