
Archive for the ‘Digitization’ Category

DARPA’s Warrior Web Entering Final Phase

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Ok, so maybe it’s not an Iron Man suit, but the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s “Warrior Web aims to develop a soft, lightweight undersuit that would help reduce injuries and fatigue and improve Soldiers’ ability to efficiently perform their missions.” And, they want to do it using no more than 100 watts of power.


Entering its final phase, program seeks proposals that would help combine promising technologies into a comfortable, lightweight undersuit that would help prevent injury and boost endurance

DARPA seeks proposals in the following technology areas:

Integrated advanced control systems across multiple joints
Materials, fabrics, structures, sensors, sensor interfaces and human factors associated with developing conforming, assistive wearable technologies
Technologies that significantly reduce the potential for acute or chronic injury of a wearer under typical warfighter mission profile situations
Technologies that increase physical capabilities and/or endurance of humans during activities such as running, lifting, climbing, carrying a load, marksmanship, etc.
Additional assistive wearable technologies for rehabilitation, physical therapy or those intended to help improve quality of life for the aging population

“Many of the individual technologies currently under development show real promise to reduce injury and fatigue and improve endurance,” said LTC Joseph Hitt, DARPA program manager for Warrior Web. “Now we’re aiming to combine them—and hopefully some new ones, too—into a single system that nearly every Soldier could wear and would provide decisive benefits under real-world conditions.”

Warrior Web has already undergone Task A which focused on developing a mix of core component technologies worn at the ankles, hips, knees and upper body. Next is Task B which will bring it all together.

DARPA has scheduled a Warrior Web Task B Proposers’ Day for potential performers on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013. The Special Notice for the Proposers’ Day is available at and more information is available here. The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Warrior Web Task B is available at

TALOS – What Is Happening?

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Somewhere between May, when USSOCOM dropped the “special notice” announcing the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit or TALOS, the main stream media picked up on it and started calling it an Iron Man suit. The US Army’s RDECOM even produced this slick little video that literally fuels the fire.

NPR published a short, feel good after speaking with SOCOM’s Acquisition Executive Jim Guerts. It’s worth a read if you are interested in Soldier Tech.

I still question the timing of this effort. Why wasn’t it accomplished during the height of spending? The command and industry alike could have more easily absorbed R&D efforts. Now? Money’s tight and the Recession has finally hit the defense industry. I see them accepting less risk.

Having watched this same story played unsuccessfully, over and over again like a broken record and having seen a list of the companies that SOCOM currently has brought in for this week’s briefings, I’ll say that you’ll see movie sequels 4, 5 and 6 before you run across a real DoD Iron Man suit.

I’m skeptical, to be sure.

Magpul Introduces New iPhone Case Colors

Friday, July 12th, 2013

iIPhone new Colors

Magpul is now shipping 7 new iPhone case colors: Red, Light Blue, Clear, Gray, Dark Blue, Teal, and Yellow. Field cases for both the iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 5 will be available in the new colors. Additionally, all existing colors will also remain in production.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Thursday, July 11th, 2013


Liberty Week – Privacy

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Yesterday I said that I wanted to take this 4th of July week to address the concept of Liberty. I got several excellent suggestions for topics but some of them were more focused on the roots of the Independence movement. Today, we face different threats to our Liberty that are an outgrowth of how we communicate.

Some have taken on the invasive and ubiquitous governmental data collections and begun to develop new means to counter those efforts. One of these innovations is a disruptive typeface called ZXX after the Library of Congress trigraph for “No linguistic content; Not applicable.”


While I don’t agree with the sentiment (there are more appropriate ways to raise awareness of criminal acts than compromising loads of classified information) of the example in the image above, it does give a good idea of what ZXX looks like in use.

In a recent post on Walker Art Center’s Gradient Blog, Developer Sang Mun (himself a former NSA contractor) said, “I drew six different cuts (Sans, Bold, Camo, False, Noise and Xed) to generate endless permutations, each font designed to thwart machine intelligences in a different way. I offered the typeface as a free download in hopes that as many people as possible would use it.”

I’d call this a practical design project. While it can be a pain to read, it would seem to fool OCR systems. Given the scope of ZXX’s applicability, it’s worth considering whether its use is practical. But ultimately, the question is, would an early adopter flag himself through its use? Interestingly, there was a time in the not so recent past when only criminals would feel the need to conceal their communications so. Now, more and more, the average citizen is asking himself whether the Government is reading his mail.

For more info on ZXX visit

DIABLO Field Computing Device from Digital Force Technologies

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Early on in SSD’s history we wrote about Digital Force Technologies’ Satellite Imagery Enhanced GPS (SIMEG) Receiver. It is an awesome device and garnered a lot of interest from the user community when it was released. At this year’s SOFIC, we got a chance to check out DFT’s follow-on to SIMEG, the DIABLO.


While the SIMEG used a proprietary operating system, DIABLO relies on Android. It features an integrated high-sensitivity GPS receiver, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The user can customize the functionality of the DIABLO through the use of apps, but its greatest strength is the fusion of Geospatial Information and Services data with pinpoint positioning data to provide accurate situational awareness. Throw overlay data and live reporting feeds on top of that and you increase your battlespace awareness exponentially.


Click image to download pdf

For more information visit

Systems Technology Jumpmaster Simulator

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Not only did Systems Technology, Inc give SOFIC goers some hands on experience with their free fall simulator, but they also exhibited what is in my opinion, the hidden jewel of the show; a Jumpmaster Simulator.


Parachuting is inherently dangerous. That’s why they pay military jumpers $150 per month. Jumpmasters ensure that parachutists conduct correct actions in the aircraft and exit safely. But they don’t receive any extra pay even though they expose themselves to additional hazards in the performance of their duties as seen in this video of a Jumpmaster from the 5th SFG(A) conducting a ramp jump. Fortunately, he wasn’t injured when his reserve parachute deployed, sucking him out of the aircraft.

The Systems Technology simulator relies on fused reality. The Jumpmaster wears goggles that let him see the interior of the ramp simulator. But when the Jumpmaster looks at the blue screen area, a virtual horizon with sky and terrain is projected into his vision.


The simulator allows the Jumpmaster to master procedures in a safe environment and develop skill at spotting without expending valuable flying hours. Monitors can also be configured to see what the Jumpmaster is seeing and virtual parachutists can be added to the mix.

USSOCOM to Develop Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit

Friday, May 17th, 2013

On 15 May, at the start of the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, U.S. Special Operations Command, Headquarters Procurement Division issued Solicitation Number USSOCOM_RFI_ST(TALOS), a special notice seeking industry collaboration with their Science & Technology community for the development of a Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS).

The request is pretty straightforward but the path to get to a fielded product remains murky, particularly as defense procurement budgets have been slashed. Many in industry are rather shy about sharing cutting edge technologies with government in the absence of a value exchange. However, this might make for a great dual-path strategy for companies that developed concepts for Big Army’s SPS and are looking for a return.

Before I go any further, this sounds fantastic and this is the stuff that SSD exists for, but two observations. First, this sure looks, sounds and smells like it should be a BAA. And, once again, I have to ask, why wasn’t this project begun at any point over the past 11 years of war? At any rate, here’s what SOCOM has in mind.

A. INTRODUCTION: Science and Technology (S&T) Collaboration
This Request for Information (RFI) is NOT a Broad Agency Announcement, solicitation for proposals, proposal abstracts, or quotations. The purpose of this RFI is to solicit technology demonstration candidates from Research and Development (R&D) organizations, private industry, and academia for inclusion in future experimentation events coordinated by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). USSOCOM invites industry, academia, individuals and Government labs to submit technology demonstration nominations addressing innovative technologies leading to possible Government/Industry collaboration for development of USSOCOM technology capabilities supporting a Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS). The intent is to accelerate the delivery of innovative TALOS capabilities to the Special Operations Forces (SOF) warfighter.

After review of the technology demonstration nomination submissions, the Government may invite select candidates to demonstrate their technologies at the USSOCOM sponsored S&T demonstration event. The demonstration venue will provide an opportunity for the submitter to interact with USSOCOM personnel for the purpose of USSOCOM assessing potential impact of emerging technology solutions on USSOCOM missions and capabilities. The intent is to accelerate the delivery of innovative capabilities to the SOF warfighter. Industry participation in demonstration activities does not suggest or imply that USSOCOM will procure or purchase equipment.

1. Background: These collaborative S&T demonstrations are conducted with representatives from Government R&D organizations, Academia, and Industry. S&T demonstration events provide an opportunity for technology developers to interact with operational forces and Government development personnel to determine how their technology development efforts and ideas may support or enhance SOF capability needs. The environment facilitates a collaborative working relationship between interested parties to promote the identification and assessment of emerging and mature technologies for the primary goal of accelerating the delivery of technology discoveries to the SOF warfighter. The event facilitates USSOCOM personnel to identify potential technology solutions, impacts, limitations, and utility to meet SOF technical objectives and thrust areas. Materiel solutions brought to the event should be at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5 or greater. Demonstrations may be between an hour and half a day in duration and may be conducted in unimproved expeditionary-like conditions. At the discretion of USSOCOM, respondents may be asked to complete a vendor loan agreement (see attachment).

2. Demonstration Focus: Demonstrations will be conducted from 8-10 July 2013, at or near MacDill AFB, FL and will explore emerging TALOS technology solutions for the advance enhanced mobility/protection capabilities to augment the direct assaulter. The goal of these demonstrations is to identify technologies which could easily be integrated to form an initial capability within twelve months. A secondary goal is to determine the feasibility of fielding objective capabilities within three years. Any TALOS technology-based demonstration conducted at the event shall be capable of supporting a SOF unit to provide a revolutionary improvement in SOF operations. Any and all TALOS solutions must include all necessary software and hardware to accomplish the mission. Direct Assaulter enhanced mobility/protective technologies may include, but are not limited to:

a. Advanced Armor: Materials to support next generation full-body ballistic protection
b. Mobility/Agility: Enhancement platforms such as powered exoskeletons
c. Situational Awareness (SA)
d. Light/noise discipline
e. Command, Control, Communications & Computers (C4): Such as conformable & wearable antennae and wearable computers
f. Individual soldier combat ready displays: Including non-visual means of information display, and potentially utilization of cognitive thoughts and the surrounding environment to display personalized information
g. Power generation and management
h. Thermal management of suit occupant
i. Medical: Embedded monitoring, oxygen systems, wound stasis, electromechanical compensation

Proposed solutions should take into consideration “lightening the load” of the operator, mentally and/or physically.

3. Security Requirements: Vendors should not submit classified information in the technology demonstration nominations.

4. Respondents interested in conducting demonstrations using technologies like: lasers, explosives, weapons using live fire, moving equipment, vehicles, and other technologies that present an occupational hazard shall prepare and submit a safety risk assessment. The risk assessment shall address the likelihood and severity of any inherent risks as well as risk mitigation measures required to bring the resultant risk to a low level. The risk assessment shall be submitted as an attachment to the experiment nomination. Reference MIL-STD-882D for instructions and information regarding risk assessments.


Technology Demonstration nominations shall be submitted electronically via SORDAC’s BAA and RFI Submission Tool at (like I said, sounds like a BAA to me)


You’ll be responsible for your own expenses if you’re invited to participate. (I’m paraphrasing here.)


Selection of respondents to participate will be based on the extent to which the technology represents a particular class or level of capability that can be provided to SOF.
Other considerations include:
– Technical maturity
– Relevance of or adaptability to military operations/missions
– Relevance to current operational needs
– Relevance to Event Focus Area

And then, there’s a bunch of other stuff you need to read if you are going to participate.

You’ve only got a short time to get your nomination (Response Date:
May 31, 2013 4:00 pm Eastern) in so drop what you’re doing, right now, and go read the whole thing at