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Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Introducing Grey Ghost Gear Outlet

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

We’ve heard rumblings in industry for years that one group or another was going to set up an online outlet for over runs and excess inventory of tactical gear. Finally, someone has made it happen and named it Grey Ghost Outlet. Currently, the store has a bunch of Tactical Tailor kit on deep discount. For example, you can get a 1 piece MAV with pouches set up for either M4 or AK for $88!

And before anyone jumps to any crazy conclusions, we can assure you, that despite the fact that they both use “grey” in their names, name Grey Ghost and Grey Group have nothing to do with one another.

Visit to get in on the savings.

Family of Camo Patterns Solicitation

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Let’s start out by revisiting the baseline requirement. The Army’s Phase IV of its camouflage project is seeking a Family of (camo) Patterns (FOP) consisting of woodland, desert and, transitional (sometime called universal) color schemes. Additionally, a pattern for personal equipment (such as body armor, ammo pouches and rucksacks) may be required to work effectively with the other camouflage patterns. The FoP must provide camouflage in the visual, NIR, and SWIR spectrums in each of the respective environments. Each of the individual patterns will not only be evaluated in the environment it was designed for but will also be assessed for its capability into the transitional environment.

Now that we have established that the Army is fully committed to this thing I have to say that they have come up with an excellent plan to determine the best pattern. The Army has developed a plan of action that allows them to look at a rather large number of candidate FoPs and down select to the most promising three commercial and two government FOP quickly. Then, the majority of time dedicated to this undertaking can be used to assess the candidates under more realistic conditions.

It is very important for you to know that the Army is conducting an unprecedented analysis of the Global Military Operating Environment (more on this later). All of the FoPs will be assessed against terrain, climate, and seasonal factors on a global scale rather than isolated environments. This has never happened before. Not by the US. Not by anyone.


Some Thoughts on the Army Camo Improvement Industry Day

Monday, December 13th, 2010

I attended the Army Camouflage Improvement Industry Day held last week at what was once called Harry Diamond Labs in Adelphi, Maryland. Before I can comment on any of the information presented at the conference, and there was a lot, I feel it is important that I address the underlying issue at hand; the requirement itself.

Overall, is the requirement valid? In my opinion yes, but to a point. The Army should continually assess technologies to reduce the signature of the American Soldier. My issue is with the implementation. The program’s timeline, which I will discuss in more as the week progresses, ends with a plan of action being presented to Army leadership at the end of FY12. This means a decision won’t be made until then at the earliest, with implementation not taking place until well into FY13. The problem with this? We are at war now.

My biggest issue with this program is that the authors of this latest requirement have failed to learn from the past, and worse yet, the recent past. In fact, by working to field multiple specialized patterns, they are repeating failures from THIS war. Prior to the adoption of UCP, the US Army relied upon Woodland and Desert camouflage patterns. All Soldiers were issued Woodland clothing and equipment regardless of posting. The 3-Color Desert pattern was considered specialty equipment and only issued to select personnel based on operational requirements. Unfortunately, during 1991’s Operation Desert Storm many American troops wore Woodland clothing due to the shortage of desert issue. Ten years later, this same situation was repeated during the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom and what’s worse, once again during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Unlike post 9/11 operations, the military had ample time to procure and issue specialized desert clothing and equipment prior to the commencement of hostilities with Iraq, yet they failed to accomplish that task. Consequently, we had troops that wore a combination of desert and woodland clothing while some received no desert issue at all. UCP was envisioned to overcome these issues. One pattern for clothing and equipment so that Soldier’s could deploy at a moment’s notice, anywhere in the world. While the implementation was lacking, there is no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I have some relevant experience here. I spent much of my career in the 72-hour contingency business serving in both the Army and Air Force. Even in a unit that issued all deployable personnel desert equipment, September 13th 2001 found me rounding up DCUs and other field equipment for support troops that were not slated to ever go to war. Their specialties were normally accomplished at home station but the unique nature of the burgeoning War on Terror required them to deploy forward. These technicians literally reported for duty that morning with news that they leaving on a flight that evening for an Intermediate Staging Base in the Middle East. Fortunately, we kept ample supplies of OCIE on hand, but this still held up their processing for deployment. Standing in line for uniforms is the last thing you want to do when you are deploying that same day. Make no mistake, had we not had unit stocks of equipment, these men would have deployed in the wrong uniform. So long as we issue specialized patterns, individuals as well as entire units will risk deploying in the wrong uniform.

The Family of Camo Pattern program will produce exactly the same set of circumstances in future conflicts. Soldiers will fight with the equipment they have rather than the equipment they desire. The perfect piece of kit sitting in a warehouse somewhere has zero effect on the outcome of a battle. And really, what’s worse, is that two or even three patterns won’t be enough to truly provide 90% or better camouflage in the world’s disparate environments. A woodland pattern will still have to be a compromise for all woodland or jungle areas. The same holds true for desert. Based on this current requirement, the Army is asking for generic patterns that will work well in some environments and not so great in others. The chance that a Soldier’s camouflage will work against him actually increases based on this requirement. The more specialized patterns the Army develops, the fewer places the Soldier can use them. At the conference, I kept hearing that this is about performance and not a fashion show, but spending money on a camouflage pattern that won’t work most places sounds like a fashion statement to me.

Which brings me to the next point. What makes this issue even worse is that it seems that no one is taking into account the shrinking defense dollar. Purchasing multiple patterns is not cost effective for the standing Army and associated Reserve and Guard force that our country fields. Consider that the Army issues a garrison uniform (ACU) as well as specialized combat apparel (FRACU and ACS). The Basis of Issue for these garments multiplied by the size of the force calls for a uniforms requirement in excess ten of million. And that is just to start. Factor in sustainment and you can see that we just can’t afford multiple patterns.

While dedicated camouflage patterns are fantastic in the environment they are designed for, they work against the Soldier in other environments. As you can see in this graphic shown at the Industry Day conference, the Army has learned that Soldiers in Afghanistan traverse multiple micro environments during a single mission. If the Army adopts dedicated patterns, Soldiers will potentially be safe as houses in one micro environment, but as their mission progresses, their uniform will do the enemy’s work for him, making them stick out like the proverbial sore thumb.

As you may have read in Kit Up!, the Army is not going to include the current Army standard UCP as a baseline in the evaluation phase of the solicitation. Essentially, COL William Cole, PM for Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment said that the 2009 camo study showed that UCP was not an effective pattern. Instead, they are going to baseline results against OCP and what is essentially already a DoD Family of Patterns, MARPAT Woodland and Desert and their cousins AOR 1 and 2 which all share similar geometries.

In 2009, the Army chose MultiCam for use as the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP) based on a rigorous test protocol that will essentially be repeated in this latest search for a Family of Camo Patterns. While testing focused on the Afghanistan theater, candidate patterns were assessed in a variety of micro terrains. In that test, MultiCam proved to be effective 70% or better in EVERY environment it was pitted against. No other pattern reached this mark.

OCP is available now. As a GOTS solution, it has been tested, and is in production. Of all of the multi-terrain or “transitional” patterns available during the last round of testing, it proved to be the most effective. Consequently, the Army adopted it.

In the end, the requirement is there. It is important for industry to put their best foot forward and participate. But, in my opinion, the Soldier is losing out as the can is kicked down the road. Remember, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Let’s field a viable solution now and take our time with the science projects.

-The Editor


Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Stuff We Didn’t Write About Returns

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Business Confidential: Lessons for Corporate Success from Inside the CIA

Info on XM25 Deployment to Afghanistan

Beretta US GM/CEO Stepping Down

Magnum Boots Launches New Website

2Cent Tactical Reviews the JAKPAK

The Lesson Here? Don’t Move to New Jersey

Deadline extended to apply for retroactive stop-loss pay

Potential Individual Carbine Offerors Pay Heed

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

It’s not often that you get something for free but the Army is offering just that with their Individual Carbine M855A1 Familiarization Shoot and Compatibility Check. Available exclusively for those firms that plan on answering the Army’s call for a new Individual Carbine, they will have the opportunity to fire 10,800 rounds of the new M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round. Additionally, they will have the chance to check compatibility of their system with the Army’s 40mm M320 Grenade Launcher and 12 Ga M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System.

LTC Chris Lehner, Program Manager, Individual Weapons commented to SSD, “This shoot represents the first chance for our industry partners to see for themselves just how their weapons perform when using the powerful new M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round (EPR).”

The event will be held at the world renown HP White Laboratory which serves as a ballistic test facility. LTC Lehner went on to explain this choice, “By hosting the event at the independent H.P. Laboratory, vendors can familiarize themselves with the EPR and the accessory weapons in a non-competitive environment and know that their results are confidential and will remain proprietary. The info/results they gain can then be used to tweak their weapons (if needed) and better shape their proposals, both of which will be needed for the competition starting this summer.”

While the IC competition will be open to additional calibers other than 5.56, the military will not provide ammunition in those calibers for this event. However, manufacturers who plan on entering such weapons into the competition are still invited to participate in the compatibility portion of the event.

Not only is this a great opportunity for those companies who are interested in offering a candidate for the Individual Carbine program to see how their weapon fairs with the new M855A1 round as well as ancillary items but it also is signal to the rest of us that this thing is real. This is the first tangible stop on a long road to a new rifle for the US Army.

LTC Lehner’s final comment to me was the most important. He said, “We are committed to a fair, transparent, and open competition…we feel that the more we can engage industry in the process early on, like this Shoot/Check at HP White, the better the ultimate product will be for our Soldiers.”

You only have until Friday the 10th to register, so get on it!

Read the entire FBO posting here.

Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Be sure to attend the Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition January 31st – 3 February 2011 in Crystal City, Virginia. Now, in its 4th year, Soldier Technology will host 48 military and government decision makers who have confirmed to deliver requirement and program briefs, and lessons learned including:

• Brigadier General Peter N Fuller, Program Executive Officer, PEO Soldier
• Lt General Micheal Vane, Director, US Army Capabilities Integration Center
• Colonel Wil Riggins, Project Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier
• Brigadier General Jess Scarbrough, Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office, Chemical Biological Defense
• Major General (ret’d) Robert Scales, Former Commandant, US Army War College

The conference features Lightening The Load and Situational Awareness Focus Days. Download the full agenda here.

In addition to the conference program, the exhibition will hold over 50 exhibitors from system integrators such as: Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and QinetiQ and innovative solutions providers including: eMagin, Schott and Ultra Electronics.

Soldier Systems readers are entitled to a 15% discount to attend the show – quote code: 12607.004_SSY_1 when registering. You can register here.

If you require further detailed information please call Saima Qureshi on +44 (0) 20 7368 9465 or email

“Investigative” Reporting Strikes Again

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

If you remember the M203 debacle, you know my opinion of television-based investigative reporting isn’t that great. This week’s reporting by Seattle’s KING 5 takes the cake. Naturally, they only had the best intentions. Going into the first report all the elements of a great story were there. There was a victim and an evil Asian sweatshop who was working an behalf of big business. The truth however, is hardly the same.

So, before we get into this further, you need to go catch up on KING 5’s reporting so we are on some common ground.
Day 1
Day 2
I am not going to critique the KING 5 piece bit by bit since it is so bad. Instead, I am going to hit a few highlights.

Now that you have read and watched the reporting, I am sure that some of you with experience in this industry are already going, “oh crap”. For the rest of you, the reason that some are saying, “oh crap” is because almost everyone uses sub-contractors at one time or another and what’s more, many in the tactical sewing business use home sewers. So, before we go any further, a little on home sewing for those of you unfamiliar with the practice.

Home sewing is great for both worker and business. The sewer is paid by the piece and can be at home with the kids or a sick relative, working at their own pace and taking breaks as needed. If they are good, they can make a lot of money in a relatively short amount of time. Of course, with piece work as it is called, the inverse is that, if they can’t sew well, they don’t make much money. The reason home sewers don’t get paid by the hour is because they are unsupervised and there is no way to determine how much time they have actually worked. Home sewers are almost always contract (1099) employees.

So now that you know a little about home sewing, don’t you find the reporter’s shock over the sewer receiving 80 cents for an assembly piece a bit ridiculous? He acts as if she is being underpaid, but we have no idea how long it took her to make the piece. If it were say four minutes, she could make up to 15 an hour and net $12.00. But no, the KING 5 reporter made a big issue over the 80 cents and left the rest to our imagination, expecting us to imagine that this woman were receiving sweat shop wages.

Another issue from the reporting that struck me was the repeated insinuation that these products were somehow not American made. It reeks of racism to imply that because these products were made by Asians, some of whom do not have a great command of the English language that these products might as well be made off-shore.

Another issue here is sub-contractors. Almost every industry in America relies on them. Once it is established that the potential sub is in compliance with tax and labor laws the main concern goes to ensuring that the sub supplies a quality product. And that is where Tactical Tailor was with Haos Sewing.

Remember, Tactical Tailor is an advertiser on SSD but they wouldn’t be if they were the kind of company that KING 5 insinuated that they are on their news report. I wrote this piece because I am sick and tired of the press sensationalizing stories and filing reports about things that they don’t know anything about. Ultimately, anyone could have been the target of a report like this. Neither Tactical Tailor nor J.L. Darling (Rite in the Rain) deserve this kind of broad brush attempt at making them look like they are doing something wrong. During these trying economic times they are some of the few businesses in the area that are hiring folks. Tactical Tailor follows the law. They have to to keep their military contracts.

Based on this story, Tactical Tailor ended their contract with Haos Sewing for cause due to a contract violation, but I also want to point out that I have no idea if Haos Sewing is in violation of any law or ordinance. While there was a lot of implication in the news piece they just didn’t make that case.

KING 5 has already moved on to the next story, but the damage is done. The story began with concern for the victim, Huong Duong but KING 5 didn’t follow up with her. On the other hand, I spoke with Tactical Tailor Director Sales GW Ayers III and he said that they would be happy to offer Huong Duong a job at a full-time wage. Tactical Tailor said this to KING 5 as well, but that fact didn’t make the story. I wonder why.

-The Editor