Born of Flames. Seriously. The Septimo™ Multi-Tool is a tactical carry designed by a seasoned Green Beret to be more than a convenience—he forged it of experience to serve as a lifeline. A tanto blade with one Veff Serration™ pairs with a Philips and flathead screwdriver, bottle opener, glass breaker, and adjustable wrench to create this deployment-prepared powerhouse.

Jeremy Valdez of Tampa, Florida brings combat experience and time serving in the 7th Special Forces Group to the aptly named Septimo™ Multi-Tool; a tribute meaning “seventh” in Spanish. Designed in the spirit of his tactical folding knife by the same name, the main motivation for this multi-tool design arises from his 2009 deployment to Afghanistan. During combat operations, Jeremy was involved in a helicopter crash. In the chaotic aftermath, the small folder he had failed to perform when he was cutting straps and moving debris while pulling fellow soldiers out of the burning, tangled chopper wreckage.
Duty to his fallen comrades and brothers and sisters in arms drove him to design the Septimo™ and now the Septimo™ Multi-Tool with a thumb stud opening, a desert-proof black oxide finish, and friction points on the handle to help deal with inclement conditions. It was given a single Veff Serration™ for impressively effective strap cutting ability.
In addition to the powerful blade, the Septimo™ Multi-Tool features both a Phillips and flathead screwdriver, a bottle opener, and an adjustable wrench with a strong glass breaker.
Some are born of novelty. The Septimo™ is born of purpose.
About the Forged By War® Program
In 2013, Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical, designer of elite, military, tactical tomahawks, approached CRKT® with the news that he had been working with a few combat veterans that had returned from war with varying degrees of post-traumatic stress (PTS).
To help work through their challenges, they have been designing and forging steel into custom tools. Drawing from their experience earned in combat situations, they have been creating tools they wished they had available to them in the battlefield.
CRKT® cares deeply about our returning veterans and we saw a way to give back to the community that created them. In 2016, we launched the Forged By War® program.
These are mission ready tools, designed by veterans, with a portion of the proceeds donated to the veterans’ charity of choice.
Mission ready tools that are Forged By War®. Learn more here.
Jeremy Valdez’s charity of choice for this tool is the Green Beret Foundation.