
Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category


Saturday, January 6th, 2018

Tattoos have become an essential way for those in the military, law enforcement and first responder communities to celebrate and commemorate their service. EVERENCE is going taking that idea to a whole new level. The name itself is a portmanteau of the words Forever and Reverence. Both of those concepts describe why people get tattoos, but EVERENCE is a patented technology by Endeavor Life Sciences that allows you to add DNA from a loved one into any new or existing tattoo.

EVERENCE was created after Patrick Duffy saw a commemorative tattoo on the leg of the widow of a fallen SEAL while SCUBA diving in Key Largo, Florida. There, he and his father run a therapeutic diving program for Veterans. Duffy looked at the tattoo considered how to add something even more significant and that’s when he came up with DNA. After a lot of research, Endeavor Life Sciences was born.

I’m told the process is simple. The collection is as easy as taking a cheek swab. The DNA is then synthesized and encapsulated in what looks like a powdery substance. It is actually a medical grade polymer called PMMA, often used in medical applications. The PMMA contains the DNA sample. The vial of Everence can be brought to any tattoo artist and added to the ink. This is significant because it means you can go to any artist you choose.

It’s harmless and completely individualized. Because it’s a powder, you can take it to any artist. They add it to the ink, prior to tattooing. Here, Retired SEAL Stephen “Turbo” Toboz talks about his experience.

Once you start thinking about it, you can do almost anything. Imagine a tattoo of your family with their DNA. It’s like having them with you always. Likewise, a unit tattoo can be customized with DNA from fellow teammembers. It could even be the DNA from a beloved pet.

But that’s not all. The EVERENCE powder could be added to many processes or left in a vial. It could become a keychain or placed in the handle of a knife. In fact, I imagine specialty vendors creating new applications.

While I see it as very complimentary to military tattoos commemorating friends, family and service, anyone could incorporate EVERENCE into tattoos and other applications, and I hope they do. It’s a fine way to honor those who mean so much to us.

Merry Christmas To All!

Monday, December 25th, 2017

Santa Claus makes a delivery on London’s Regent Street, circa 1940.  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 24th, 2017


WAR Pendant From Tyr Group LLC 

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

The TYR Group WAR Pendant is a reproduction of WAR pendants during the Vietnam war. Some American Soldiers during the war would wear war pendants to counter those who wore peace pendants. The TYR Group WAR Pendant is made of AEB-L stainless steel and is approximately 3/16 inches thick. It is attached to a stainless steel loop finding and a length of 550 survival cord.

To get yours, visit

American Marauder – Greetings from Pineland

Friday, December 15th, 2017

American Marauder has launched a new design; Greetings from Pineland. Available as a Tri-blend distressed printed T-shirt and 15 oz ceramic mug.





Combat Flip Flops – Free Combat Flip Flops AK’s with the Purchase of a War Rug

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017

War Rug

Combat FlipFlops currently has a new line of Afghan War Rugs up for pre-order on their site. They’re handmade in Afghanistan, sourced throughout the Northern provinces, and every rug purchased covers the funding of a week of education for an Afghan girl. For the next week, Combat Flip Flops is offering a free pair of AK-47 flip flops with every rug pre-ordered. Put in your order before December 16th, and you’re guaranteed a pair of flip flops under the tree in time for Christmas; the rugs will be delivered early 2018.

The festive video below sums up the offer quite nicely:

SPARTANAT – Do It With Style: MultiCam Bow Tie

Saturday, December 9th, 2017

Tardigrade Fliege 1

Danish, you have to melt on your tongue: Taktisk Butterfly og Lommetørklæde fra Tardigrade Tactical. This means “Tactical black bow tie and matching handkerchief from Tardigrade Tactical”. Great idea, so you can also send a small tactical signal during the opera visit in a tuxedo. Or in civilian professional life. Ideally you have to wear it in front of the Christmas tree. Extremely tacticool! HERE are black bow tie and handkerchief to have:

INF WEAR im Internet:

Black Rifle Coffee Company Introduces Instant Coffee

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017


BRCC’s new Instant Sticks allow you to take your favorite coffee anywhere. These pouches of instant coffee are a robust blend of Colombian and Asian coffee with a full body flavor, a touch of acidity, and a smooth finish. Mix with 5-8 oz of hot water and stir for kickass coffee in seconds!