Long range easy to fit, easy to use Hawkeye Vehicle System on stand S8-140
A quick fit electro optical system designed for recce vehicles is launched at DSEI by Chess Dynamics on stand S8-140.

The Hawkeye Vehicle System (VS) is an easy to use, easy to fit surveillance system which allows the operator to see out to 15km using long range day/night sensors.
“The basic principles of reconnaissance have not changed in millennia, it is to gather and disseminate tactical and operational level information which enables commanders to disrupt an enemy’s activities,” said David Eldridge, Sales Director at Chess Dynamics. “Our Hawkeye VS is designed specifically to enhance the most reliable method of persistent surveillance and observation, eyes on the ground.”
To reduce the operator’s workload the system uses the latest image stabilisation and video tracker techniques, in addition to relevant situational awareness aids. A touch screen, icon based display and a Game Pad style controller makes the system both intuitive and very easy to use. The system has built into it the ability to set up specific target areas which are monitored automatically and the operator alerted to any activity rather than having to continually monitor the screen.

The system comprises a four metre pneumatic mast that lifts the electro optic head, which enables the vehicle to remain “hull down” in anonymity while observing targets at a safe distance and out of reach of direct line of sight weapons.
A Gen4 cooled thermal imager and Chess Dynamics Long Range Piranha Day/Low light camera forms the backbone of the system, detecting targets at extreme ranges.
The sensor suite also incorporates a Laser Range Finder capable of measuring ranges up to 17km; an optional Laser Target Marker, Designator or NIR pointer can also be fitted to enhance the platforms capability. The system is geo-referenced system enabling the platform to give accurate target location, which, with the correct battlefield C4I system, can support and feed into the wider targeting cycle.
“A combination of these assets in a squadron would prove useful for target hand off and directing troops at night,” said Mr Eldridge.