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Archive for the ‘SHOT Show’ Category

SHOT Show – Emergency Life Saving Armor

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

I stopped by the DKX Armor booth at SHOT Show to check on their buoyant armor plates and they showed me the ELSA.


Emergency Life Saving Armor is a new take on something has been around for awhile but never executed very well; suitcase armor. Developed by a former Marine, the idea was to offer discrete armor protection that could be carried anywhere without a signature, yet quickly placed into action.


It looks like an ordinary nylon briefcase but can quickly transform into a fully functional Plate a carrier with PALS field that can be preconfigured with a basic fighting load.


It can support most standard sized armor plates and incorporates a routing system for comms cables or hydration tubes into the shoulder straps as well as a simple waist belt for stabilization that secures with a Cobra GTX buckle from ITW.

SHOT Show – Crye Precision – Six12

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014


Probably the biggest surprise at SHOT Show was the debut of Crye Precision’s Six12 Breaching Shotgun. The threat to the breacher is great. He remains exposed at the breach point while at work. Oftentimes he will use a shotgun to breach but these are Masterkey-style short barrel shotguns with limited capacity (generally, 3 shells). If the breacher is engaged, he may be unable to reach his sidearm or carbine and in many cases, he foregoes the carbine altogether due to not having enough hands. Then, there’s that pesky small capacity of the standalone breaching guns. The 3 or 4 shells (if one in the chamber) may not be enough in the event multiple doors must be breached as a building is accessed. The gun can be reloaded but it’s a slower process than replacing a magazine,


The idea of a carbine mounted, revolver-style breaching shotgun with a removable/replaceable cylinder magazine came to Caleb Crye in a dream and he brought firearms engineer Eric Burt onboard to make the concept a reality.


It offers a revolving cylinder containing Six 12 ga shells (hence the name) in a bullpup configuration that retains a full barrel length while keeping the overall length short enough for stand alone or carbine mounted use. Crye Precision has developed a patent pending means to deal with the recoil of a bullpup configuration so that it doesn’t affect the carbine. When the trigger is pulled the cylinder rotates like with a revolver but before the round is fired, it moves slightly forward to mate with the barrel in order to contain the force and flame. Considering the location of the round in relation to the shooter, this is critical.

In this video produced for SSD by Blind Owl Media, weapon designer Eric Burt goes over some basics of the Six12.

Crye Precision Six12 breaching shotgun at Shot Show 2014 from boo keller on Vimeo.

According the Eric Burt, these should be available for agency purchase by December with individual sales commencing after the new year.

Mil Spec Monkey – The Hardest Working Man at SHOT Show

Monday, January 27th, 2014

If you attend SHOT Show, you’ll see Mil Spec Monkey and his crew of merry men everywhere. Whether he’s picking up women (literally), riding a Tactical Dino or running to and fro’ with cameras in hand, shooting video and stills, that guy gets around.


I caught up with Monkey as he filmed Senior Team Leader Joseph Garcia of US Corrections Special Operations Group and his K9, Max. STL Garcia discussed use of the Core Survival HEL-STAR strobe to mark team members as well as the Team Wendy Bump Helmet.

Look for Monkey’s video soon.

SHOT Show Media Day At The Range

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Range Day Overview Shot Show 2014 (Enhanced) from boo keller on Vimeo.

TD TV | Mechanix Wear | Shot Show 2014

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

TD TV stops by the Mechanix Wear Booth at SHOT Show 2014 to speak with Michael Hale about their newest project. Mechanix Wear X Crye Precision Multicam gloves. This partnership will be seen on the Fastfit, Original and M-Pact gloves.

See more from Mechanix Wear at:

TD TV | High Speed Gear | Shot Show 2014

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

TD TV sits down with Brannon LeBouef from NOLATAC in the HSGI suite to talk about some new products coming out from HSGI. The M3T (Multi Mission Medical Taco), the HCM (High Capacity Magazine Taco) and the Extended Pistol Taco.

Check out more from High Speed Gear at

A Tour of the Blue Force Gear Booth at SHOT Show

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Thanks to photographer Blind Owl Media, you get a quick tour of BFG’s booth at SHOT Show.

TD TV | Daniel Defense | Shot Show 2014

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

TD TV visits the Daniel Defense booth to talk with Joe Scull about the new Cerakote Rifle. DD has developed their own cerakote color called: Daniel Defense MilSpec Plus. This color will be available in the V7, Mark18 Short Barrel Rifle, the V5 Lightweight and the M4A1. All available with the new updated Buttstock and Pistol Grip.

Check out more from Daniel Defense at