Columbia, SC, February 15, 2016 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce the launch of the much anticipated Panteao Make Ready Channel on Apple TV. With Apple TV, Panteao now has the Trifecta of streaming platforms, bringing the Panteao videos directly to subscribers’ televisions on Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
When Panteao first launched streaming content from the Panteao website in May 2011, the only option was to watch the Panteao videos directly from the Panteao website on a desktop or laptop computer. Technology has grown in leaps and bounds in the past five years and Panteao has continued to expand the platforms that subscribers can benefit from. First there were the Apple and Android mobile apps. They give subscribers the opportunity to watch our content on their phones and tablets anywhere they want. The launch of our Roku Channel in August 2015 bridged the gap between computers and mobile devices, introducing televisions. With the addition of Amazon Fire TV and now Apple TV, subscribers have many ways to enjoy our content.
Panteao offers a monthly subscription as well as a 3-month, 6-month, and a yearly subscription. Subscribers have access to over 30 instructors and all the video content Panteao offers as often as you want, whenever you want. More videos are added on a regular basis, expanding the amount of content subscribers have access to. Yearly subscribers (domestic customers only) also receive a free one year membership to the National Rifle Association and a choice of one of their magazines.
While training online does not replace actual trigger time on the range, it is an excellent supplement to a class. Instructional videos can prepare you for what an instructor is going to present as well as serve as a refresher of what you learned when it’s months later.
The unfortunate reality of training is the majority of firearms owners do not seek it out. Whether it’s because of a lack of ranges nearby, the cost of attending a class, or the inability to take time away from work or family. Some may even feel they simply don’t need it. Whatever the reason (or excuse) it doesn’t change the fact that firearm handling skills do not come by simply purchasing the firearm and reading about an instructor and his/her drills in your favorite gun magazine. If you are lucky enough to take a class, will you be able to afford another? What about that carbine class you want to take but the trip to Disney with the wife and kids is coming up? Or the braces little Johnnie needs? Every firearm owner should be seeking out formal training with a qualified instructor on the range, but most never will.
Then there is the seemingly endless flood of supposed firearms experts releasing videos on social media sites like YouTube and Facebook. Many are a walking liability waiting for an accident to happen. It’s hard to filter the nonsense from the true firearms instructors on the net. The vetting process doesn’t exist. Anyone with a video camera and a social media account can portray themselves as a firearms expert. With Panteao, you are presented with top instructors who have been vetted. Their backgrounds are legitimate and they are considered to be among the best in their circles.
With Panteao’s Make Ready with the Experts Series you have no excuse. Start learning proper firearms safety and gun handling skills from the best. Then go to the range for some trigger time. No excuses.
For more information on the Panteao streaming video subscriptions, visit: panteao.com/subscribe-now.