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Archive for the ‘Weapon Accessories’ Category

NTOA – Shadow Tech PIG 0311-G Tripod

Monday, September 25th, 2017

Shadow Works introduced the PIG 0311-G Tripod for budget minded shooters and departments. The PIG Saddle Mount and a tripod is $230 or $138 for just the tripod.


In addition to the Interchangeable spiked feet, the PIG 0311-G Tripod features a Removable Load Bearing Hook. Additionally, the tripod will splay to 11″ thanks to the short center column. That rotating center column also allows you to direct mount a HOG or PIG Saddle.


MDM 17 – SureFire Advanced Rifle Operating Core

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

SureFire’s new Advanced Rifle Operating Core is a system consisting of an enhanced Bolt Carrier Group, Barrel Extension, Buffer and Spring.

Because AROC requires a new Barrel Extension, they’ve also developed a Drop-In BCG called the Optimized Bolt Carrier. It includes Buffer and Spring. Although it’s not fully optimized like AROC, it is backward compatible with existing Mil-Spec AR pattern rifles.

Below, you can see (top to bottom) the AROC, OBC and standard AR BCGs.

The AROC Bolt offers 30% longer bolt lugs. Naturally, this means it requires a longer Barrel Extension. This was done to eliminate bolt lug breakage.

Additionally, the Buffer is longer than the Mil-Spec version. The H8S comes with AROC and is 8 oz. The 2 oz H2S comes with the OBC. The included Action Spring offers additional tension.

Regardless of which SureFire BCG, the Gas Key features a single screw which SureFire’s Barry Dueck related is stronger than the standard two screw model.

The BCG features an internal weight which is spring loaded in both directions. This, along with the other elements, combine to offer additional travel time. This also affects the angle from the bolt to the feed ramp. With a standard M4, the angle is 52 Deg. For an M16A4, it’s 45 Deg. But with AROC, it’s 37 Deg.

When the Bolt is at the end of its stroke while using a Mil-Spec BCG, it takes 28 milliseconds for the bolt to travel back into battery. With AROC, it’s 38 milliseconds. That slight difference is signifigant, especially when firing full auto or suppressed, or both.

On the range, AROC was demonstrated successfully with both Piston and Direct Impingement rifles. Although we previewed a version of this at 2016 SOFIC, SureFire has been working with suppliers to bring the cost down signifigantly from the initial estimates. At this point, Bolt Carrier Groups are a commodity item. Prices are so low that even specialized versions, such as this, have to be price competitive as possible.

No word yet in when this will be released commercially.


MDM 17 – Pro-Shot Products

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

This year Pro-Shot Products is celebrating their 35th anniversary. They are a family owned business, located in Illinois, who make weapon cleaning products.

Pro-Shot Products has some innovate stuff, like their locking handles for their cleaning rods.

While they are very big in the commercial market, they’ve just recently began to sell in military channels. They are available through ADS Inc for unit and agency orders and have already begun to ship cleaning supplies to a variety of customers.


Sneak Peek – Kinetic Research Group Bravo Chassis

Monday, September 18th, 2017

KRG’s Bravo chassis page is live and loaded with details.


They are planning to open up ordering/shipping by 24 November 2017. Although they don’t have a final price for the long action Rem700 version yet, it will be released shortly after the R700 (SA) and T3.


Why Hasn’t The US Army Adopted Polymer Magazines?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

Despite adoption of polymer magazines by USSOCOM, the Marine Corps, and even the Air Force, the US Army has yet to join them. To make matters worse, the Army has evaluated polymer rifle magazines several times, and seems to have ignored their own results. In fact, the Air Force is said to have based their decision on the last Army test report. Granted, the Army has authorized use of the Magpul GEN M3 PMAG, but unlike the others, they haven’t made it their primary magazine.

While there’s been lots of online conjecture as to why the Army hasn’t adopted a polymer magazine, the true answer may well lie in this slide from a briefing presented by LTC Steve Power, PM Individal Weapons at PEO Soldier’s PM Small Arms, during NDIA’s 2017 Armament Systems Forum, this past May.

The Army is going to conduct yet another polymer magazine evaluation under the Soldier Enhancement Program. Direct your attention to the sub bullet on the slide below, which states, “Assess legal and contractual issues that could arise of pursued.” Most fail to understand the significance of that statement. Turns out, what’s holding the Army back is something bigger than any of us; procurement set asides.


To begin to understand why it’s so important, you need to know that AbilityOne has a government-only sales website sponsored by three organizations, National Industries for the Blind, SourceAmerica (formerly NISH), and the US AbilityOne Commission, the operating name for The Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled. They are all involved in providing goods to the US Government, based on the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act or “JWOD Act” authorized under 41 U.S.C. 8501-8506c. These nonprofit agencies manufacture a variety of commodities throughout the United States, and employ people who are blind or have other severe disabilities. It’s a public/private success story.

Not only is the program Congressionally mandated, the AbilityOne Program employs more than 47,000 Americans. As you can imagine, this gives it a lot of clout. Essentially, once a commodity is provided via a directed source, it always will be. That’s why the legal review was mentioned as a factor, perhaps as important as, if not more than, how well the magazines work.

By now, you’ve said to yourself, “Well the other services have transitioned to the PMAG, why can’t the Army?” The answer lies in the numbers. The Army’s buying power is massive when it comes to small arms amd accessories. It buys more than the other three services combined, and that’s even if you add SOCOM into the equation. For the Army to drop a directed source is a very big deal and they will assuredly face Congressional pressure over such a move.

While it’s certainly frustrating to see the Army move so slowly toward the the wholesale adoption of a polymer magazine, we understand that there’s a bit more to it. That’s why we are publishing this information. You need to understand it as well. The Army needs to get its ducks in a row in order to make the business case for transition. But now that all of the cards are on the table regarding what’s at stake, there’s no excuse to keep kicking the can down the road. While performance must trump set asides, the question is, how much does performance need to improve for the Army to upset the rice bowl?

Ask SSD – Help ID This Rifle Attachment

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

SSD Reader Luke sent us this message:


Need help identifying this rifle attachment. Have a 10k run and gun coming up and I’m looking for one of these for myself and my wife.

Here’s your chance to help put a follow SSD reader. What do you think it is?

Colt Partners with VZ Grips on Aftermarket OEM 1911 G10 Grip Line

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (September 15, 2017) – Colt, original manufacturer of the worlds most prolific pistol platform – the 1911, is excited to announce it’s partnership with VZ Grips Custom Gun Grips to create the Colt Signature Series line of genuine OEM G10 grips for Colt’s legendary 1911 platform pistols.


“We couldn’t be prouder of our association with VZ Grips,” said Justin Baldini, Product Director for Colt. “VZ Grips has established themselves and one of the premier G10 grips manufacturers in the industry, and their quality and toughness is a perfect fit for Colt. Some folks may have noticed that nearly all of our new-model pistols have come with Colt-branded G10 grips, including our Colt Competition Pistol™ and Colt Combat Unit™ Rail Gun®, and many have asked for them on the aftermarket. We listened, and now we can anyone who’s looking for an excellent, duty-grade option for their Colt 1911 platform pistol, need look no further than VZ Grips’ Colt Signiture Series.”


“When Colt approached us to develop the next chapter in Colt pistol grips, I was excited,” said John VanZyck, President of VZ Grips Custom Gun Grips. “All of our products are made right here in the USA, so working with Colt is a great fit for us. We share Colt’s commitment to quality and performance in the harshest environments, so to be able to incorporate our passion for making the best pistol grips into Colt’s legendary history is a great opportunity for us.”


Colt Signature Series G10 grips are available in the Double Diamond pattern for Colt Government Model® size 1911 platform pistols in the following colors: Black, Black & Blue, Black & Cherry, or Black & Gray, and have an MSRP of $69. Please visit www.vzgrips.com for more information.


XS Sights Introduces New F8 Night Sights

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

Fort Worth, TX (September 6, 2017) – XS Sights is pleased to introduce the F8 Night Sights – its newest high-visibility personal defense sights for fast target acquisition in all light conditions. Featuring a figure-eight, inline sight picture for an easy two-point alignment, the F8 sights are designed to instantly increase front sight focus thanks to the large (0.160” wide) high-contrast front sight with a photoluminescent orange colored ring surrounding the tritium. This proprietary, durable XS Orange paint is formulated with a focus on yellow, one of the most visible colors in low light, making it easier to see in rapidly changing light conditions.

XS Sights - F8 Night Sight

Another significant advantage of the F8 Night Sights is the ability of the XS Orange ring to absorb ambient light. This allows it to glow in low light levels, aiding shooters in finding the front sight before the tritium becomes visible. The F8 sight is also easily visible in daylight.

The wide notch rear sight is designed to increase the visibility of the front sight by allowing more light around the sides of the front sight. This expanded sight gap helps shooters find the front sight faster when drawing from a holster and shooting on the move. The tritium vial on the rear sight enables quick and easy alignment with the front sight in various light conditions while the chamfered notch eliminates the bottom edges of the sight, drawing focus to the top edges of the sight for proper alignment. The overhung rear sight reduces glare in bright daylight for greater sight definition, and its angled ledge aids in one-handed slide manipulations in emergency situations.

“Night sights don’t just need to glow in the dark, they need to be visible at all times,” said Zack Kinsley, marketing manager for XS Sights. “Gun fights don’t happen in perfect light or complete darkness. They happen in-between these two broad spectrums, and our F8 Night Sights are optimized for fast and accurate target acquisition in varying light conditions. In a defensive shooting situation, this can make all the difference for law enforcement and civilians alike.”

The F8 Night Sights are backed by a 10-year, ‘no questions asked’ warranty. After 10 years, XS will replace the sight at a discounted price.

XS F8 Night Sights will be available for order for the following pistol models at NASGW in October. More pistol models will come in the months ahead.

Glock 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43
Sig Sauer – 9mm and .40 S&W in P226, P229, P320 and other original P series pistols
S&W M&P Full Size, Compact and S&W M&P Shield
Springfield XD, XDS, XDM, and XDE

MSRP: $184.99

For more information, visit www.xssights.com.