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Archive for the ‘weapons’ Category

PEO Soldier – Army Civilians “Shaping the Fight” – Precision Weapons Division

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

It’s amazing how far our Army has come over the past 10 years. Our Soldiers are the best equipped and most lethal in the world and it’s partially due to the hard work of the civilian workforce who have applied their skills and expertise to support the fight. This video from PEO Soldier is a great look at what they bring to the table and how they have improved the Army’s war fighting capability.

TYR Tactical HK417 Pouch

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

This is the TYR Tactical open top pouch for the HK417.

In addition to this triple mag version, there are also single mag pockets as well as double mag variants.

Vltor SCAR Stock

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Vltor has produced a few upgrades to the SCAR’s standard furniture. One item is the SCAR Stock.

Coming in April, this new stock is completely compatible with the FN SCAR but incorporates some of Vltor’s modstock functionality. For example, the adjustment mechanism is unchanged and it still works the same including folding. However, it looks and feels completely different. The buttpad has been re-shaped to include a negative pitch for a more natural transition to the ready position and storage space has been added behind the buttpad with built-in cleaning rod retention and cleaning material storage spaces. Additionally, QD sling swivel sockets have been added in the upper-rear portion of the stock, and a metal reinforcement plate has been added for greater impact resistance.

The SCAR Stock is available in Black and Tan and fits both light and heavy models.

Make Ready with Jim Fuller – The AK Armorer’s Bench

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Panteao Productions: Make Ready with Jim Fuller, the AK Armorer’s Bench is now available for purchase. Unlike other tactical training video producers, Panteao also offers a unique feature. You can stream all of their videos with a membership.

Jim Fuller, founder of Rifle Dynamics and widely recognized as one of the industry’s leading experts on the AK design, talks Kalash history then walks you step by step through disassembly, cycle of operation, cleaning the AK, the trigger group and trigger group choices, changing furniture, sights, muzzle devices, trigger guard removal, barrel pin removal, front sight gas block alignment, fitting the safety, scope mounts, rails, and more. After-market parts and modifications are also reviewed in detail.

This is a trigger assembly mock-up he built to demonstrate how the weapon functions:

There’s also a good video on ATACTV where Mr Fuller talks weapons, you should check it out.


Ase Utra Introduces New BoreLock Fast Attach System Products

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

During the recent EnforceTac show in Germany, Ase Utra introduced new products in their BoreLock fast attach system line. The HiPer flash hiders are designed to provide flash suppression on various barrel lengths, for both 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm weapons.

Interestingly, the technology looks very similar to the BE Meyers flash hiders we recently wrote about. If so, I’d say that they are on to something.

BCE Slideplate for GLOCKs

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Battle Comp Enterprises has introduced a new, replacement slide plate emblazoned with their logo for the GLOCK line of handguns. It is made in USA and easily replaced.


20mm Ultra Long Range Sniper System from Anzio Ironworks

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

This video by Tactical Life of Anzio Ironworks‘ 20×102mm magazine fed, bolt action Ultra Long Range Sniper System is a couple of years old but I wanted to share it anyway. I used to regularly fire a 20mm cannon testing armor systems and I can tell you that at the velocities we were generating I wouldn’t want to shoulder fire the load.

BOLO Report Reviews ‘Snipers Notebook Pt 1’

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

BOLO Report published a pretty extensive review of the book, ‘Snipers Notebook Pt 1.’ I don’t want to steal any of their thunder, but if you’re a real student of the science of long range shooting this one is for you.