TYR Tactical

Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Finally, a Brian Williams Meme Worth Sharing

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015


The Manly Innovations Magazine Base Interchange System Is Showing Up Again

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Since the Manly Innovations Magazine Base Interchange System has started showing up on social media again, we figured what the heck, let’s reshare our story from Jan 2014. The ‘Manly’ bayonet is now referred to as the DED (double edge defense) Blade and is offered with a training version cleverly named the Not-So DED Blade. And yes, Manly is the guy’s last name. How awesome is that?


The Manly Innovations MBX (Magazine Base Interchange System) is a baseplate replacement for magazines that functions as a quick attach/detach for select attachments. Initial attachments will include the ‘Manly Bayonet‘ DED Blade, Glass Breaker/Seatbelt Cutter, and a Picatinny rail.

The proprietary ‘Manly Bayonet‘ DED Blade allows the user to deploy a blade in a low or no-ammo scenario without holstering the sidearm and reaching for a fixed blade. It comes with a dedicated Kydex sheath that mounts to PALS webbing, which allows the user to mount and detach the DED blade during draw and holster.

MBXs will be available for magazines of the following models of pistols:

Beretta M9/M9A1/92FS
Glock: .40 models – 22/23/35


SHOT Show – The SKD ‘Dicks, Bag Of, Camo’

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015


Late yesterday, SKD Tactical gave us a first look at their ‘Dicks, Bag Of, Camo’ available today on their site. Yes, it’s filled with exactly what you think it is. We all know someone who deserves one.


Get a Load of This – Perceived Carry Decoys

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

The Year Is Still Young But This Might Be The Worst Business concept of 2015. Virginia Beach-based Perceived Carry Decoys claims that “perception is reality.” In a nutshell, PCD sells fake guns.


From their website:

-These devices are for those who wish to feel protected but do not want the hassle of owning an actual firearm
-PCD’s require no background check or permit since they are not actual firearms
-Store doesn’t have your favorite ammunition in stock?
-Want to wear in a parking lot and stow away in purse once you’ve reached your destination and not fear a discharge?
-Don’t want the fear of young children finding a loaded weapon by mistake?
-Give your unarmed security staff a more authoritative presence
Shop owners concerned about robbery
-Know someone who could benefit from carrying a handgun, but aren’t safety conscious?
-Don’t want to be approached by a criminal element?

As you can see, the uses and possibilities are endless.

Don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on something that may not be used? The all in one piece construction of these devices addresses all of these hurdles while still allowing for the benefits of open carry.

To their credit, they warm potential customers that their products aren’t for Home Protection, Law Enforcement Situations or Self Defense. But this is just a bad idea all around.

Who Knows Where This Sign Was Posted?

Saturday, January 10th, 2015


Just ‘Liking’ This Photo on Facebook Will Get You UCMJ

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015


Long story short, deployed unit is f’ed up. Thanks to the mad shitter, they’ve locked all of the port-a-johns except two which are under guard by SSGs and SFCs. There’s a lot more going on here aside from anal retentive leadership, but apparently, word was put out in the unit in question that the thought police are trawling Facebook looking for any unit members who ‘liked’ the photo.

(photo from US Army WTF Moments)

Why The Hell Not

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

I’ve seen this on Facebook two or three times now so what the hell, why not share?


Bonus points if you know what is missing in this equation.

Who Needs a SIG Brace When There’s No Stock Needed? (I Kid, I Kid)

Saturday, December 27th, 2014

This video by TTAG’s a Nick Leghorn is the only thing left of the Halix “No Stock Needed” which offered a chin stop to absorb the recoil of an AR-pistol. When we initially mentioned it in 2012 it was quite the spectacle. Somewhere between then and now, the NSN and its maker Halix were cast upon the trash heap of bad ideas.

Later, something much better came along. The SIG SAUER stabilizing Brace or SB15 was designed to allow the disabled to enjoy an AR Pistol and its associated recoil as much as any other Red Blooded American. I for one applaud SIG’s efforts on behalf of disabled gun owners.


I only mentioned the NSN, the most unfortunate of inventions, because another trainwreck has transpired in the form of an ATF Firearms Technology Industry Services Branch (FTISB) issued determination letter from November on the popular SB-15 stabilizing brace from SIG SAUER. Despite the fact that earlier this year the ATF issued a determination letter that stated that misusing an SB15 fitted to an AR Pistol by shouldering it akin to a rifle did not make the rifle an SBR, plenty of people have been sending in letters of their own regarding their particular pistol builds. Now, how silly is that? As a kid, I learned that if mom gave you the answer you wanted, don’t go asking dad the same question.

The question was asked again, for the umpteenth time. Of course, what do you think happened? This time, a determination letter came back that stated:

“if this device, un-modified or modified; is assembled to a pistol and used as a shoulder stock, thus designing or redesigning or making or remaking of a weapon design to be fired from the shoulder; this assembly would constitute the making of a “rifle” as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 921(a)(7).”

Feel free to visit Prince Law for more info and a copy of the entire letter.

Although it’s most disconcerting that the ATF can arbitrarily change its opinion, an AR Pistol fitted with an SB15 has been the only option for those who cannot own SBRs. Unfortunately, some folks ignore the “Yes” and keep asking until they get a “No.” Now, that option has become a bit more restrictive and disabled gun owners may lose their ability to enjoy AR pistols.