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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Stuff Like This Makes It Hard To Justify The Defense Budget

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Yesterday, I was surprised that the Army PAO released yet another story on their Tyr Tactical MICO knockoff now dubbed the “Ironmanan” by the Army after a rebranding effort to sex it up. But, this time they make it sound like the Iowa Army National Guard developed the product instead of Natick. It was somehow missed by the main stream media last time but this time it hit big. Let’s spread the word and let everyone know that the Army spent money building something that already existed.

Is there some fat that needs to be cut in the defense budget? Definitely. After reading this story, I’d say we can come up with a few nominees. So let’s do that. In the comments section, tell us about Fraud Waste & Abuse. This story was originally broken by Military.Com’s KitUp! in July.

Source: SSD 7 July 2011

The Army developed he “new” High-Capacity Ammunition Carriage System in 45 days for use by troops in Operation Enduring Freedom. As soon as I saw it I raised an eyebrow. Unfortunately, it already existed in the form of the MICO from Tyr Tactical. The MICO was developed on Tyr’s own dime and debuted about a year ago. If time was of the essence, it sounds like the Army wasted 45 days to redevelop a commercial product that already existed.

Since we haven’t actually seen the High-Capacity Ammunition Carriage System, it might work entirely differently from the MICO. For instance the MICO uses a dedicated frame while the Government model attaches to a Down East frame. However, conceptually, they work the same way. Granted, it’s been done before to varying degrees of success, but something had to inspire the idea. We have been at war for nine years and no one asked for this until now? Was there at the very least some outside inspiration? Take a look at both versions and you be the judge.

But then again, maybe they were just inspired by Hollywood.

Naw…I’m not buying it either. If anyone in Government ever questions why Industry has animosity toward them, this might just be a good place to start.

Good on Kit Up! for breaking this story.

Camo – Creating a Mirage

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Researchers at University of Dallas in Texas have figured out how to use transparent carbon nanotubes to create photothermal deflection, or as it is more commonly known, a Mirage. In their paper, “Mirage effect from thermally modulated transparent carbon nanotube sheet” they lay out the science. It seems to look pretty good in water but I’m not too sure how it would look for all aspects of observation. Additionally, I’m not too sure how it would be done on land or if it would be as effective. But, for certain underwater applications, it might be just the ticket. Like hiding the entrance to a secret underwater lair for instance.

Via Wired’s Danger Room.

William Abbate Faces Molestation Charges

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

This is a weird one. Some of you may know William Abbate’s name because he is Jessie Abbate’s ex-husband. Jessie, as I’m sure you know is a world class shooter.

According to an article published late last week in the GA Daily News, William Abbate has been charged with “child molestation, aggravated child molestation, enticing a child for indecent purposes, sexual exploitation of children and statutory rape.” The victim is a 15-year-old girl on a shooting team.

Acknowledge This Popular Mechanics

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Turns out Popular Mechanics found out about the HK 416’s role in the demise of one Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden from websites like this one. Too bad they didn’t bother asking someone from one of said websites how to set up their 416 (or bother acknowledging where they got their info in the first place).

Anyone notice anything wrong here? Who knows, maybe it’s the new gangsta model.

Oh The Irony

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

“There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry.”
-COL George Armstrong Custer

What’s so ironic about that? Google “Custer” and “25 June” to find out.

Toys Come to Life

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Ever wonder what all of those plastic Soldiers did when you went to sleep at night?

You Find the Darndest Things on Craigslist

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

An intrepid reader sent us this one.

Basically for $75,000 you get two URLs no one has heard of, an Angelfire-based (yes, apparently it still exists) based business and a client list. The seller is very adamant that he won’t show you his financials which sets off sirens from here to Wall Street. That is, if the Craigslist advertisement wasn’t enough. He claims his client list should be enough to seal this deal.

Disney Trademarks “SEAL Team 6”

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

No kidding, it sounds like an internet hoax but on 3 May, 2011 The Walt Disney Company filed three separate trademark applications (see below) for the term “Seal Team 6” covering clothing, footwear, headwear, toys, games and entertainment and education services. There are a few other baubles thrown in such as “gymnastic and sporting articles (except clothing); hand-held units for playing electronic games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; Christmas stockings; Christmas tree ornaments and decorations; snow globes”.

In 2004, Novalogic had applied for a trademark for the term for use with games and action figures but abandoned the effort in 2006. Who knows, maybe they were visited in the middle of the night by black helicopters.

I can’t for the life of me figure out how you trademark a historical term that is decades old. While I am completely dismayed at the intellectual simplicity of the financial and entertainment industries (money, money, money), I find it hard to believe that they didn’t conduct a simple search of eBay which offers literally pages and pages of geedunk slathered with the term “SEAL Team 6”.

Overall, this feels like a really crappy move from a company that supported America’s war effort during WW II producing logos and insignia for a wide variety of units. Although I have to admit, Disney might be on to something with the snow globes.