This is a pretty cool item I ran across here at IWA, spying it out of the corner of my eye as I walked through the aisles. My brain screamed “FG-42” but something wasn’t quite right. I stopped and asked the man at the booth what it was and sure enough, he told me it was a modernized FG-42. Turns out, the guy I was talking to was Bernd Dittrich and it was his company. Aesthetically the rifle is different, but it retains the same operating system as well as a few classic design cues. The name is different as well, being referred to as a Sturm Gewehr rather than a Fallschirmjäger Gewehr.

Chambered in .308 rather than the original 7.92x57mm, the rifle is offered in two length, SG-11 (320mm barrel) and SG-12 (500mm barrel). You’ll notice there added a full length Picatinny rail above the barrel as well as a section below the barrel.

As you can see, it utilizes the original-style magazine which Sport Systeme Dittrich manufactures.

The SG-11 utilizes a folding charging handle but unfortunately, it’s on the right side of the gun, making the manual of arms a bit awkward. I do like that they incorporated an AR-style grip, but I’m not a fan of the CAA model they included kn the display guns. While the stock is inspired by the original sillhouette of the FG-42, accommodation for an AR-style stock would be interesting.

Additionally, they offer an SG-13 which is chambered for the 7.62x54R cartridge. They also manufacture working reproduction firearms. A sampling is seen below. Unfortunately, these are not yet available in the US but Herr Dittrich told me he has been scouting factory locations.