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Posts Tagged ‘Brunton’

Brunton – Lost Hiker Kit

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

No larger than a credit card, this kit contains the essentials to assist you in an emergency situation.

Disk Compass
Magnifying Lens
Signaling Mirror
Emergency Information

ORSM – Brunton Axis Pocket Transit

Wednesday, August 10th, 2016

I don’t know which influenced me more, my time in Scouting or my time in the military, but I love compasses, so whenever I see a new one, I want to check it out. This is Brunton’s Axis Pocket Transit.

First off, it’s a transit, so this isn’t the orineteering compass you keep in your daypack. Created by a geologist, the Axis, it requires only one measurement configuration for strike & dip, trend & plunge, bearing & vertical angle, increasing efficiency and accuracy of measurements. Additionally, Compass North is parallel to the main hinge axis, making the Axis the only transit able to measure strike and dip concurrently, through contact or sighting methods.

-Dimensions (Closed): 3.92″ X 2.78″ X 1.18″
-Weight: 12.5 oz
-Compass Bearing Accuracy: ±1/2 WITH 1° graduations
-Inclinometer Accuracy: ±1/2 WITH 1° graduations
-Dip Angle Accuracy: ±1 WITH 2° graduations
-Plunge Angle Accuracy: ±1/2 WITH 1° graduations
-Azimuth Graduated Circle: Model F-5012
-Quadrant Graduated Circle: Model F-5011
-Magnetism: NdFeB rare earth magnet on sapphire jewel suspension; high visibility North and South markings; induction damping for quick stabilization.
-Adjustable needle locking mechanism

Brunton – All Day GoPro HERO 3+ High Capacity Power Supply

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

brunton GoPro

Bruntons All Day GoPro HERO 3+ high capacity power supply is an attachable lithium polymer power supply for the GoPro HERO 3+ line of action cameras. It extends the life of the GoPro HERO 3+ to nearly 4x the specified run time of the standard battery while maintaining the all weather durability the GoPro line is known for. It also doubles as a portable power device, allowing the user up to 2.5 smartphone charges from full. Included is a 3-in-1 adapter cable for Micro USB, Lightning, and 30-Pin to USB.

Brunton All Day from Brunton on Vimeo.

Available in Black and Yellow.

OR Summer Market – Liberty Bottleworks

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Made In USA Liberty Bottleworks has teamed up with another Made In USA brand, Brunton to offer the new Navi-Cap which integrates a compass into the cap.


These will be available starting late this week, initially from Kryptek and REI.


OR – Brunton

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014


The Hydrogen REACTOR from Brunton was actually launched at Summer OR. Over the past 6 months they’ve improved the storage capacity of the HYDROCORE cylinder. It now produces up to 30 AA batteries of potential energy. The hydrogen is stored in a solid state rather than gaseous making it more stable for transportation. Meaning, it is cleared to be airline safe. However, beware of uneducated TSA agents who may be wary of the technology.


The REACTOR is where all of the magic happens. As soon as a HYDROCORE is inserted into a REACTOR, it immediately begins to produce electricity. The power can be ported to a power bank or used to directly power electronic items.


The only by products are a low amount of heat and water. And by a low amount of heat, you can comfortably hold it in your hand.


Brunton was founded on making compasses. In fact, they still manufacture the Pocket Transit in Wyoming. There is a variant of the Pocket Transit some of you cannon dockers may be familiar with; the M2 artillery compass that features mils.


The new World’s Best Compass takes design cues from the venerable Pocket Transit but streamlines the features for more casual use. While the Pocket Transit has a machined aluminum chassis, the WBC uses a lighter polycarbonate body. And, the WBC does not feature the inclinometer of the professional grade Pocket Transit.


For their other orienteering models, they’ve incorporated a new global needle that is balanced for use in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. If you use the wrong needle in the wrong hemisphere you may encounter severe needle drag. Additionally, the three higher end compasses feature rare earth magnets which offers stronger attraction to magnetic north in addition to resistance to de magnification as well as jewel bearing for smoother needle movement.

Brunton BrewFire Dual Fuel Coffee Maker

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008


Brunton BrewFire

Brunton always seems to come up with the coolest gadgets.
The BrewFire is the first coffee maker to be fueled by either propane or butane fuel. This is fantastic for occasions when electricity isn’t available.

Brunton BrewFire

It brews 8 cups of coffee in 10-12 minutes and comes with a stainless steel carafe. It’s compact size (10″x14″x10″) makes it perfect for the deployment box. It won’t be available until February of 2009 but this is a great time to start saving up for the perfect Valentine’s Day present for the First Sergeant.

You can pre-order here.

Brunton Firestorm Lighter

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Yes, the Editor owns one and No, he won’t share. Yes, it puts out one hell of a flame, but No, it won’t light above 14,000′. But what the hell, we’ve never been that high. Its ultralightweight and can withstand winds of up to 80 mph. It is guaranteed for one year and utilizes butane fuel.

If James bond ever needed a lighter, it would be the Firestorm. It’s sleek lines conceal its true identity, that of flamethrower. The flame generates in excess of 2000 deg F. Let’s face it, black is beautiful.

Brunton Firestorm Lighter

For more information check out Brunton’s website. But if you want to buy one (and you know you do) get it from the same place as the Editor; TAD Gear. Tad Gear is the Editor’s source of choice for tacti-cool accessories.