SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Posts Tagged ‘Complete Parachute Solutions’

SHOT Show 18 – CPS-K9 Jump Bag

Friday, January 26th, 2018

Complete Parachute Solutions displayed their K9 Jump Bag in the Core Survival Booth.


Offered in size Medium for Malinois and Large for Shepherds, the K9 Jump Bag contains the dog’s body, legs and feet. This protects the animal From the cold environment as well as a mechanical injury during exit, descent and landing.

Additionally, they offer a K9 mannequin which Simulates the size and bulk of a Malinois or Shepherd and weighs approximately 62 pounds. This allows for both static and jump training with the harness.

Complete Parachute Solutions – Maritime Military Javelin Tactical Parachute System

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


The Maritime MJ Tactical Parachute System features the Maritime Military Javelin harness with the container constructed of 420DWR Parapack with removable spacer foam and leg pads. After fresh or salt water immersion, the system is designed to dry quickly once rinsed.


The Maritime MJ is paired with their Cormorant CT280 main canopy and TR281 reserve with fabric and line sets specially treated for multiple water landings. The Maritime MJ has cargo attachment rings, weapon stow loops, oxygen and communications pouches as well as multiple flotation stow loops.
