AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

SHOT Show 18 – CPS-K9 Jump Bag

Complete Parachute Solutions displayed their K9 Jump Bag in the Core Survival Booth.


Offered in size Medium for Malinois and Large for Shepherds, the K9 Jump Bag contains the dog’s body, legs and feet. This protects the animal From the cold environment as well as a mechanical injury during exit, descent and landing.

Additionally, they offer a K9 mannequin which Simulates the size and bulk of a Malinois or Shepherd and weighs approximately 62 pounds. This allows for both static and jump training with the harness.

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8 Responses to “SHOT Show 18 – CPS-K9 Jump Bag”

  1. Joey Johnson says:

    Never jumped a K9 my self but seen it done. Where does it attach to a static line jump. Also, if the paratrooper is jumping from a great height, with a ruck he’s gonna need oxygen for him and the dog. What about water landings. How will that work?

  2. JK says:

    that just looks like a painful ass PLF…

  3. PLiner says:

    MEH, the German’s have been using a K9 bag just like that for several years….I wonder where CPS got the idea from? ( insert eye roll here)

    • Dmole says:

      Ah, the Germans use the CPS bag, this is a newer updated version of the K9 bag they have been offering for years!

  4. mupp says:

    Yeah, a couple of units in Europe already have similar bags since at least the early 2010’s….