The Super Reaction Rod
The Super Reaction Rod was designed to fulfill the need of an advanced armorer who frequently works on AR15/M4 platforms with over torqued, seized or Loctited barrel nuts. The Super Reaction Rod works by pre-loading the barrel extension lugs to the lugs of the Super Reaction Rod to eliminate movement created by adding torque to the barrel nut while at the same time fixing the upper receiver in place. Having the barrel extension mated to the Super Reaction Rod lugs and fixing the upper receiver before torqueing will remove stress that could be placed on the index pin. This allows the armorer to place tremendous torque on the barrel nut to assist in breaking seized nuts loose. The Super Reaction Rod’s pre-loading system can also be removed to allow it to work just like a standard Reaction Rod, which allows upper work to be performed in a 360° both vertically, and horizontally.
Reaction Block
The Geissele Reaction Block is designed to aid in the assembly of lower receivers. Once the armorer has installed the buffer tube onto the lower; the buffer tube and lower receiver assembly can be slid into the Reaction Block at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock positions. This allows the armorer to rotate the lower in 90 degree increments in the block simply by loosening the provided nylon screws, removing the lower, and sliding it back in at the desired orientation. The Reaction Block provides an ultra-stable platform for performing an array of lower receiver operations, as well as making the installation of the buffer retainer nut quick and easy. All while keeping both hands of the armorer free to work, saving both time and frustration.
MSRP: $99