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Posts Tagged ‘Operators Suppressor Systems’

OSS Introduces PASS Program

Friday, July 8th, 2016

MURRY UT – Operators Suppressor Systems (OSS) has introduced the Professional Armed Service Sales (PASS) program.

This special program enables those who have risked their lives to protect us to purchase the most advanced suppressors needed for their assigned duties at exclusive prices. These brave Americans deserve the best, and OSS is proud to offer them this special program in gratitude and thanks for their service.

The OSS PASS Program is available to the following individuals:
• Active, Reserve or Retired members of the military
• Members of the National Guard
• Law Enforcement Officers involved with protection and/or enforcement

For more Information on how to participate in the PASS Program, click here

About Operators Suppressor Systems

Founded in 2007, Operators Suppressor Systems designs, manufactures and distributes advanced weapon suppressor systems that meet the demands of military, SOF, tactical and sport shooters around the world.

Visit for more information. Connect with OSS on Facebook, Twitter (@oss_suppressors), Instagram (OSS_Suppressors) and YouTube.

SHOT Show – OSS Suppressors

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

OSS Operators Suppressor Systems at Shot Show 2014 from boo keller on Vimeo.

Check out this video from the SHOT Show floor at the H&K booth, where OSS head honcho Russ Oliver goes over their proprietary suppressor system in detail.

Book Now for #BeyondSHOT

Monday, January 6th, 2014


During the week of Shot Show (Jan 14-17th), Operator Suppressor Systems (OSS) & Beyond Clothing will be hosting a off site in Las Vegas, NV with a handful of other brands. Interested parties looking to learn more about the #BeyondShot event should contact Beyond’s Mission team or Johnny Primiano (OSS).

Sneak Peek – OSS CHRISTIAN Brakes

Monday, January 6th, 2014


The new CHRISTIAN series from Operators Suppressor Systems is a dedicated flash hider that can also be used as a standoff/motivational device or glass break. Dedicated to SSG Rusty H. Christian from 1st SFG(A) KIA 28JAN2010. OSS is donating money from each sale of the CHRISTIAN series to the Green Beret Foundation in dedication to Rusty.

Sneak Peek – OSS BANNAR Brakes

Monday, January 6th, 2014


Tomorrow Operators Suppressor Systems will be releasing their BANNAR series of flash hiding muzzle brakes. They are dedicated to MSG George A. Bannar from 3rd SFG(A) who was KIA in Afghanistan 20AUG2013. OSS is donating money from the sale of each BANNAR to the Green Beret Foundation in dedication to George.

H&K Goes KeyMod?

Saturday, January 4th, 2014

In this photo of an HK417 from Operators Suppressor Systems you can see 4″ of suppressor sticking out the business end if the rifle’s 16″ barrel. Interestingly, the H&K hand guard features a KeyModesque system. It’s backward from what we normally see in the KeyMod standard. While this isn’t PCAP! you have to remember that H&K came up with a negative space attachment system during the XM8 trials. You can also see H&K’s unimount.


Look for this setup and more at SHOT Show.