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Posts Tagged ‘The Spirit of Blue Foundation’

Livonia Police Department Receives Tourniquet Grant From The Spirit of Blue Foundation; One Life Already Saved

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

DETROIT, MICHIGAN – August 30, 2018 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced that it has awarded a Safety Equipment Grant to the Livonia Police Department (LPD) to outfit its entire force of 150 officers with tourniquets and duty belt pouches.  The Gen7 C-A-T Tourniquets were purchased through North American Rescue and the Tourniquet NOW! Pouches were donated by Blue Force Gear.  The grant was funded by a partnership with Law Enforcement United and is valued at $8,892.

Chief Curtis Caid, along with Officers Alex Maher and Dominic Michels, of the Livonia Police Department (left to right) received the tourniquet safety grant from Spirit of Blue Executive Director Ryan T. Smith (right).  Officers Maher and Michels employed a granted tourniquet in July to save a member of the community.

“On behalf of the members of the Livonia Police Department, I would like to thank The Spirit of Blue Foundation for this very generous grant,” stated Chief Curtis Caid.  “This grant will allow every officer to have immediate access to a lifesaving tourniquet, which may save a life of an officer or citizen.”

And in fact, the Livonia Police Department has already recorded a save with a granted tourniquet.  In July, LPD Officers Alex Maher and Dominic Michels responded to a medical emergency call and encountered an elderly woman whose medication port in her arm had become dislodged.  The woman had already experienced a massive amount of blood loss when they arrived on scene.  Reacting quickly, and captured by their body worn cameras, Officer Michels applied direct pressure to the wound while Officer Maher employed his granted tourniquet on the woman’s arm.  According to statements made by emergency room staff, who later treated the woman after she was transported to the hospital, her life was saved by their quick thinking and application of the tourniquet.

Tourniquets are vital pieces of medical equipment that officers require on the road in the event of a traumatic injury to an extremity. When only precious minutes exist to treat such an injury, tourniquets are able to be applied individually or on a fellow officer to prevent excessive blood loss until that individual can be placed into medical care.  As a secondary benefit, officers who carry a tourniquet are also able to use them to rescue a member of the community who may have experienced a similar type of injury.

To date, Spirit of Blue has granted 2,196 tourniquets nationwide and four documented Community Saves have been made as a result.

“Tourniquets are quickly becoming one of our most granted pieces of equipment,” explained Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation.  “The reason is because they are more affordable than many other pieces of safety equipment and, sadly, officers need this type of lifesaving device more and more as their landscape changes and threats to their lives become more prevalent.”

Law Enforcement United (LEU), the grant’s sponsor, is an organization of 1,000 active and retired police officers who honor fallen officers and raise funds to assist charitable organizations that serve the law enforcement community.  Each year members of the organization ride 250 miles or more into Washington, DC to participate in National Police Week events and carry flags in honor of each fallen officer which are given to the surviving families upon their arrival.  Since its founding in 2009, LEU has raised over $5,750,000 for law enforcement causes.

Statistics released by the Officer Down Memorial Page show that 98 law enforcement officers have already lost their lives in 2018 – a 5% increase over the same period in the year previous.  38 of those deaths were firearm related, a 23% increase over the same period in 2017.  The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.

The Spirit of Blue Foundation actively encourages the public at large to honor and appreciate law enforcement officers who serve and protect our communities. By supporting the Spirit of Blue Foundation, the public can make an impact in the lives of law enforcement officers every day. To learn more about the Spirit of Blue, or make a donation, visit www.spiritofblue.org.

Craig Morgan, Spirit of Blue Foundation Present Safety Equipment Grant to Dickson County Sheriff’s Office.

Saturday, August 12th, 2017

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE – August 10, 2017 – Yesterday, the Spirit of Blue Foundation partnered with country music star Craig Morgan to present a safety equipment grant to the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office. The grant includes 70 tourniquets along with tactical belt holders that will be issued to all patrol division and reserve deputies that serve the county. Craig formerly served as a Deputy with the Sheriff’s Office in Dickson County before embarking on his country music career and was on hand to present this grant to the Sheriff’s office in his hometown. The grant, with a combined value of $4,238, is the first of Spirit of Blue’s 2017 Tourniquet Project campaign and was funded by a generous donation from Law Enforcement United (LEU). LEU is an organization of over 1,000 active and retired police officers who honor fallen officers and raise funds to assist charitable organizations that serve the law enforcement community.

The Dickson County Sheriff’s Office received a grant for 70 tourniquets and duty belt holders from Spirit of Blue. Receiving the grant (left to right) were Chief Deputy Jerone Holt and Sheriff Jeffrey Bledsoe. Presenting the grant (center) was country music star Craig Morgan and Spirit of Blue Executive Director Ryan T. Smith. Representing the grant sponsor, Law Enforcement United, (right to left) were Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Officer Joshua Black and Sergeant Anthony Brooks.

The Dickson County Sheriff’s Office received a grant for 70 tourniquets and duty belt holders from Spirit of Blue. Receiving the grant (left to right) were Chief Deputy Jerone Holt and Sheriff Jeffrey Bledsoe. Presenting the grant (center) was country music star Craig Morgan and Spirit of Blue Executive Director Ryan T. Smith. Representing the grant sponsor, Law Enforcement United, (right to left) were Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Officer Joshua Black and Sergeant Anthony Brooks.

“Having served as a Deputy with the Sheriff’s Office, I know firsthand how critical it is to have this kind of lifesaving equipment available for all of our men and women on the force,” said Craig Morgan, following the event. “I’m glad for the opportunity to take part in this donation to Dickson County and proud to help kick off Spirit of Blue’s Tourniquet Project Campaign.”

Tourniquets are vital pieces of medical equipment that officers and deputies require on the road in the event of a traumatic injury to an extremity. When only precious minutes exist to treat such an injury, tourniquets are able to be applied individually or on a co-worker to prevent excessive blood loss until that individual can be placed into medical care. As a secondary benefit, officers and deputies who carry a tourniquet are also able to use them to rescue a member of the community who may have experienced a similar type injury as happened with the Monroe County (NY) Sheriff’s Office in July of this year with tourniquets that Spirit of Blue granted to them in October of 2015.

“Being the recipients of this grant from Spirit of Blue means a tremendous amount to a sheriff’s office of our size. We operate on a limited budget and being able to supply all of our deputies with a new piece of equipment isn’t always feasible,” commented Sheriff Jeffrey Bledsoe of the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office. “The tourniquets and duty belt holders we are receiving will be an asset to each of our deputies. Dickson County has a lot of areas that are rural and remote. These tourniquets could mean the difference between life and death for any one of our deputies who are out there putting their service to Dickson County ahead of themselves on a daily basis. We are very appreciative of what Craig Morgan and the Spirit of Blue are doing for us here.”

CAT Tourniquet

The C-A-T Tourniquet, manufactured by North American Rescue, has proven to be 100% effective in occluding blood flow in both upper & lower extremities by the U.S. Army’s Institute of Surgical Research and has been the official tourniquet of the U.S. Army since 2005. The duty belt holder, manufactured by Blue Force Gear, is constructed with their proprietary, lightweight ULTRAcomp material and was specially designed for Spirit of Blue’s Tourniquet Project Campaign to hold the C-A-T Tourniquet. Spirit of Blue has granted 463 C-A-T Tourniquets since its first tourniquet grant in 2014. In 2017, Spirit of Blue has a goal of granting another 1,000 tourniquets to officers who need them across the country. To learn more, or participate in the campaign, visit: www.spiritfoblue.org/TQ

Beaverton Police Department Receives K9 Safety Grant From The Spirit Of Blue Foundation

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
Spirit of Blue presented a $2,500 grant to the Beaverton Police Department for the acquisition of a new K9 working dog, sponsored by the Planet Dog Foundation.  The grant was presented by Ryan T. Smith of Spirit of Blue (center) and was received by (left to right) Officer Matt Barrington, K9 Atlas and Chief Geoff Spalding.

Spirit of Blue presented a $2,500 grant to the Beaverton Police Department for the acquisition of a new K9 working dog, sponsored by the Planet Dog Foundation. The grant was presented by Ryan T. Smith of Spirit of Blue (center) and was received by (left to right) Officer Matt Barrington, K9 Atlas and Chief Geoff Spalding.

BEAVERTON, OREGON – February 8, 2016 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced that it has awarded a K9 Safety Grant to the Beaverton Police Department (BPD) to contribute to the acquisition of a tracking and article search K9. The new dog will replace veteran K9 Alex who retired at the first of the year after serving for 8 years with Officer Steve Anderson. The $2,500 grant was sponsored by the Planet Dog Foundation, the charitable arm of dog toy and accessory manufacturer Planet Dog, who has given over $1 million dollars to organizations that bring people and dogs together for fun and mutual support.

“The Beaverton Police K9 Program sets the standard in this area of the country,” said Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue. “Not only will K9 Atlas be a great resource for this city, but he will bring an added layer of protection to the officers in Beaverton and will continue a legacy of excellence in this program and others that are influenced by it.” Smith served as a Reserve Police Officer with the Beaverton Police Department from 1999-2006.

K9 Atlas is a 24 month old male German Shepherd, bred in Hungary, who received his initial training at the Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, IN. His K9 handler will be Officer Matt Barrington, in his first role as a K9 officer, who has been with the department for eight years. Officer Barrington and K9 Atlas are currently in a 10-week K9 Academy program and will begin working the road in Mid-March of 2016. K9’s bring an auditory and olfactory advantage to police work, able to track subjects and identify articles not easily found by their human counterparts. But, all K9’s are trained to protect their handlers, making them an effective less lethal force option while enhancing the safety of officers on duty.

“The Planet Dog Foundation is proud to sponsor the great work of essential canine partners like Atlas,” added Stephanie Volo, Chief Retail Officer of Planet Dog, Inc. “We welcome the opportunity to partner with the Spirit of Blue Foundation to offer needed grants to deserving agencies such as this.”

Statistics released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that 124 law enforcement officers lost their lives in 2015, an increase of 4% from the prior year. 42 of those officers were firearm related fatalities, while 35 were lost as a result of a motor vehicle crash. In addition, the Officer Down Memorial Page reported that 26 K9 working dogs were lost in 2015 as well. The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.

The Spirit of Blue Foundation actively encourages the public at large to honor and appreciate law enforcement officers who serve to protect our communities. By supporting the Spirit of Blue Foundation, the public can make an impact in the lives of law enforcement officers every day. To learn more about the Spirit of Blue, or make a donation, visit www.spiritofblue.com.

Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Receives Safety Equipment Grant From The Spirit Of Blue Foundation

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Monroe County Safety Grant Presentation - 10-21-15Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn (left) accepted the Safety Equipment Grant at a ceremony held at the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters in Rochester, NY. Presenting the grant was Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation, and Abbey Celeste, Field Marketing Manager from Dunkin’ Brands.

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK – October 21, 2015 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced today that it has awarded a Safety Equipment Grant to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) for the purchase of 100 Individual Patrol Officer Trauma Kits (IPOK), valued at $4,497.00. The kits will allow deputies to provide immediate self-care if injured while on patrol or in training, in addition to providing care to other deputies or members of the general public who are injured and in need of immediate medical attention. The IPOK’s, manufactured by North American Rescue, feature their C-A-T Tourniquet, Z-Fold Gauze, 4-inch emergency trauma dressing and a pair of sterile gloves, all inside of a vacuum-sealed pouch.

“I would like to thank the Spirit of Blue Foundation for their generous gift awarded to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office,” said Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn. “The Individual Patrol Officer Kits (IPOK) are a welcome addition to our patrol vehicles. This equipment will provide an extra margin of safety for staff and the public we serve, when addressing critical incidents.”

Funding for the grant was provided by a generous gift from The Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation (DDBRCF), a nonprofit organization of volunteer Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins franchisees and Dunkin’ Brands employees that ensure the basic needs of the community are being met in areas of hunger relief, children’s health and safety. In total the DDBRCF has enabled Spirit of Blue to make 17 Safety Equipment Grants throughout New England with a total value of more than $100,000 in 2015. Spirit of Blue also announced that donations from the community, pledged by texting “KIT” to 41444 and received by November 1st, would be used to purchase additional IPOK kits for the Sheriff’s Office.

“A tremendous leap forward has occurred in the area of tactical emergency medicine,” commented Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation. “With the right equipment, such as a tourniquet, and the right training on how to use it, those who are injured in the line of duty have a much higher survival rate than before. These kits can help stabilize a deputy with a severe extremity wound, for instance, long enough to get the proper medical attention to save their life.”

2015 statistics released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that 102 law enforcement officers have already lost their lives this year, an increase of 17% from the same period in the prior year. Of those deaths, 32 were firearm-related, and an average of 56 firearm-related fatalities occur each year. The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.

The Spirit of Blue Foundation actively encourages the public at large to honor and appreciate law enforcement officers who serve to protect our communities. By supporting the Spirit of Blue Foundation, the public can make an impact in the lives of law enforcement officers every day. To learn more about the Spirit of Blue, or make a donation, visit www.spiritofblue.com.

2014 Spirit Of Blue Sweepstakes

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

SOBF Sweepstakes Banner - 7-11-14

The Spirit of Blue has partnered up with Craig Morgan and the Grand Ole Opry for a special Law Enforcement tribute to be played during the Opry Show on August 19th, during which safety equipment grants will be presented. They’ve launched a national sweepstakes with a range of prizes, the grand prize being two tickets to the Opry Show, including:

– Round-trip airfare
– 2-night hotel accommodations
– A personal tour of the Opry by Craig Morgan
– Admission to a VIP reception prior to the show

To enter, click the link below and fill out the entry form. The contest runs from now until August 5th, so get your entry in while you can.

Additionally, the Spirit of Blue Foundation has set up a pilot fundraising program in the Nashville-area with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. For every second dozen doughnuts sold in the 5 Nashville-area stores through July 31st, $1 will be donated to the Spirit of Blue Foundation.


Philadelphia Police Department Receives Safety Equipment Grant From The Spirit Of Blue Foundation

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

PPD Grant Presentation to Commissioner Ramsey - 3-21-14Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation (left), presents the $10,000 Safety Equipment Grant to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey (right) during the formal grant presentation at the department’s 35th District Headquarters on March 21, 2014.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA – March 31, 2014 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced today that it has awarded a $10,000 Safety Equipment Grant to the Philadelphia Police Department for the purchase of at least 24 ballistic vests. The grant was given in memory of fallen Officer Charles E. Cassidy who was killed in the line of duty while attempting to stop an armed robbery in 2007. The ballistic vests will be purchased in conjunction with the US Department of Justice’s Ballistic Vest Program, which provides federal matching funds for ballistic vest purchases, and will be issued to members of the 35th District where Officer Cassidy served.

“We appreciate this generous gift that is being donated to our department in an effort to keep our members safe. A ballistic vest is one of the most important pieces of equipment for a police officer because it can save his/her life,” stated Commissioner Charles Ramsey of the Philadelphia Police Department. “We want to thank the Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation and the Spirit of Blue Foundation for this grant; and we thank you for honoring the memory of one of our fallen heroes, Officer Charles Cassidy.”

“We expect so much of our police officers. We need them in many ways to hold our society together,” commented Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation. “But there is an unwritten social contract that we will protect those who protect us. That is what we have to be about. So, it is an extreme honor to award this grant to provide ballistic vests to these fine men and women, so they can hopefully end each shift safely and return home to their families.”

The Safety Equipment Grant was enabled by a generous gift from The Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation who partners with organizations that work to support public safety officers, in addition to a number of other community initiatives.

2014 statistics preliminarily released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that 29 law enforcement officers have already lost their lives this year, an increase of 16% from the same period in the prior year. On average 56 firearms related deaths occur annually. The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.


New Middletown Police Department Receives Safety Equipment Grant From The Spirit Of Blue Foundation

Monday, March 17th, 2014

New Middletown Grant - 2-25-14Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation (left), presented the New Middletown Police Department with a Philips HeartStart AED. Receiving the grant was Chief Vincent D’Egidio (right) at the City Municipal Building on February 25, 2014.

NEW MIDDLETOWN, OHIO – March 17, 2014 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced today that it has awarded a Safety Equipment Grant to New Middletown (OH) Police Department. The grant is for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) that will be positioned in a patrol car and available to officers on duty at all times. The grant was made possible by a generous gift from Blue Force Gear and is valued at $1,609.00.

New Middletown is a vibrant suburb of Youngstown, Ohio with a population of 1,600 residents. The police department has 9 officers who serve the Village of New Middletown, 3 of which are over the age of 50.

“The immediate availability of having the AED in the patrol unit is critical in the event an officer suffers a heart attack during training, or a police incident,” stated Chief Vincent D’Egidio of the New Middletown Police Department. “The AED dramatically increases the survival opportunity for the officer in need.”

The Philips HeartStart OnSite AED is a simple to use medical device that provides on-demand audio coached AED and CPR guidance during the resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim. Paddles for both adults and children/infants were provided with the AED, as it will also be available for medical calls throughout the village.

“We talk about officer safety in terms of being able to go home safely at the end of each shift,” commented Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue. “But, when you have officers who have been working the road for 20-30 years, you need to consider a safe end to their careers as well. If that means ensuring an AED is available, then we are more than happy to provide it.”

2014 statistics preliminarily released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that so far this year 23 law enforcement officers have already lost their lives, an increase of 28% from the same period in the prior year. On average, 17 officers are lost each year due to on the job illness or health events.

The Spirit of Blue Foundation actively encourages the public at large to honor and appreciate law enforcement officers who serve to protect our communities. By supporting the Spirit of Blue Foundation, the public can make an impact in the lives of law enforcement officers every day. To learn more about the Spirit of Blue, or make a donation, visit www.spiritofblue.com.

A-TACS LE Camo Uniforms From Propper To Be Available In Early March

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

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Propper has announced that items in their popular TAC.U series are to be released in A-TACS LE camouflage, beginning in March. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of any item in A-TACS LE camo will be donated to the Spirit of Blue Foundation.

The TAC.U Combat Shirt – A-TACS LE Camo Edition

The PROPPER TAC.U Combat Shirt is made for comfort under the weight of body armor. The lightweight knit wicks moisture away from the torso and the antimicrobial fabric prevents bacteria from growing, keeping odors at bay. The durable Battle Rip fabric on the sleeves coupled with extensive pocketing provides incredible functionality. Additionally, the fully articulated elbows and a unique dual-layer stretch shoulder, allow complete free range of motion. Additional features include…

-Nametape on back of collar
-External opening for shoulder pads
-Quarter-zipper front
-Side panel with underarm gusset for enhanced range of motion
-Fully articulated elbows
-Two zippered, upper-arm pockets with loop-facing patch for insignia
-Two zippered forearm pockets
-External opening for elbow pads
-Two-channel pen pocket on left forearm
-Right forearm pocket with hook and loop closure
-Adjustable hook and loop fastener at sleeve cuffs
-Integrated thumb holes at cuffs prevent bunching and twisting

The ACU Coat – A-TACS LE Camo Edition

The PROPPER ACU Coat is an authentic military garment style approved for active duty use by the US Army. Mandarin collar can be worn up or down. Hook and loop sleeve cuff closures provide an adjustable fit, while a three-pen pocket on the sleeve and minimized shoulder pockets are designed to fit optimally with an OTV (Outer Tactical Vest). All pockets and pouches are consistent with military specification FQ/PD 07-13A. Additional features include…

-Fade, shrink and wrinkle resistant
-Felled seams throughout for enhanced durability
-Mandarin-style collar can be worn up or down
-Two tilted chest pockets with hook and loop closure
-Drain holes in bellowed pockets
-Covered two-way zipper front with cloth pull
-Bi-swing back improves range of motion
-Two upper-arm pockets with loop-facing patch for insignia
-Three-channel pen pocket on left sleeve
-External opening for elbow pads

The ACU Trouser – A-TACS LE Camo Edition

The PROPPER ACU Trouser is an authentic military garment style approved for active duty use by the US Army. Features forward-tilted cargo pockets, knee pouches with hook and loop fasteners for internal kneepad inserts and bellowed storage pockets on the calf. Leg cuffs feature a front closure tie, allowing a more comfortable fit on the outside of the boot collar. Sewn to military specification FQ/PD 07-14A.

-Sewn to military specification FQ/PD 07-14A
-Fade, shrink and wrinkle resistant
-Felled inseams, outseams and seat seams
-Drawstring waist for quick and secure fit
-Reinforced seat
-Button fly closure
-Eight-pocket design
-Two tilted cargo pockets with button flaps
-Two shin-high cargo pockets with hook and loop closure
-Two back pockets with button flaps
-External openings for knee pads with hook and loop closure
-Drain holes in bellowed pockets
-Durable drawstring leg closures

The Boonie Cap – A-TACS LE Camo Edition

The Propper boonie is sewn to military specification MIL-H-44105B. Vent holes on either side allow for air circulation while an adjustable chin strap ensures a secure fit

Additionally, some retailers are now beginning to take pre-orders for A-TACS LE Camo gear. Stay tuned for information on any information regarding pre-orders when it becomes available.


