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Posts Tagged ‘SCAR’

KAC-TV Presents – SCAR Submissions

Monday, March 31st, 2014

In this latest episode of KAC-TV, they cover the SOF Combat Assault Rifle as well as KAC’s two submissions for that program. The first, the SCAR SLICK or SOF Lightweight Individual Carbine Kalashnikov is not well known and integrated several interesting features including a monolithic upper receiver, modular lower receiver and a Kalashnikov-style bolt.


In the video, Trey Knight also takes us through their more conventional submission that more closely resembles a Stoner AR-style weapon. They did this in order to capitalize on the muscle memory SOF personnel have with the ergonomics of the AR. Interestingly, both weapons offered the option of using the Stoner 63 magazine which presents a more pronounced curve that the standard AR magazine.

KAC Stoner 63 Mag

The video is definitely worth a look.

This episode also has the distinction of introducing Jack Leuba as he joins KAC TV as the primary host, replacing Trey Knight.

Jack Leuba joined the United States Marine Corps in 1997 as a Rifleman, beginning his secondary military occupational specialty of Marksmanship Coach in 1999, and Combat Marksmanship Instructor in 2002. In 2005, following two combat deployments to Iraq he was assigned to Weapons Training Battalion Quantico with the task of assisting in the creation and implementation of the USMC Combat Marksmanship Program, as well as the Foreign Weapons Instructor and Trainer Courses. During his time in Quantico he became involved in competitive practical shooting to bolster and validate the concepts and techniques taught in the programs and classes under his charge. His experience and knowledge of small arms were frequently referred to by internal and external agencies for weapons testing, product development, acquisitions, training, and training curriculum development. In 2007, Jack was selected to be the USMC’s Marksmanship Liaison to the British Royal Marines. While working for the MoD, he assisted in the creation and implementation of three separate official programs of instruction, and provided individual instruction and training to numerous MoD units and agencies. Upon return from the UK he was again deployed for combat operations in Afghanistan with the USMC.

Jack has successfully completed numerous courses and military occupational specialty schools, to include: Marksmanship Coaches Course, Combat Marksmanship Instructor Course, Small Arms Weapons Instructor Course, Formal School Instructor Course, Close Quarters Battle School, Foreign Weapon Instructor Trainer Course, and the USMC High Risk Personnel Course. Personal awards include the Bronze Star with Combat “V” and the Meritorious Service Medal.

Following his departure from the DoD, Jack formed a tactics and firearms training and consulting company with another Marine Corps veteran. Jack brings his enthusiasm for imparting knowledge, technical skill, experience in the military and civilian firearms training, and expertise in the contemporary employment of small arms in a military context to KAC.

Hat tip to our friends at Predator Blog. Good catch bro!

Vltor SCAR Stock

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Vltor has produced a few upgrades to the SCAR’s standard furniture. One item is the SCAR Stock.

Coming in April, this new stock is completely compatible with the FN SCAR but incorporates some of Vltor’s modstock functionality. For example, the adjustment mechanism is unchanged and it still works the same including folding. However, it looks and feels completely different. The buttpad has been re-shaped to include a negative pitch for a more natural transition to the ready position and storage space has been added behind the buttpad with built-in cleaning rod retention and cleaning material storage spaces. Additionally, QD sling swivel sockets have been added in the upper-rear portion of the stock, and a metal reinforcement plate has been added for greater impact resistance.

The SCAR Stock is available in Black and Tan and fits both light and heavy models.


Saturday, July 10th, 2010

The fur continues to fly in the controversy that just won’t end. Two weeks ago, Kit up! broke the story that SOCOM would not be purchasing or fielding any of the 5.56 Mk16 SCAR-Lights. Then, the deluge of fanboys and shills hit the internet like a tsunami denying the story. Next, FNH USA issued a press release that was more plea than promise. Unfortunately, they also admitted on message boards that they had not yet been informed of SOCOM’s decision. Welcome to the world of Government contracting. It happens. SOCOM asked them to build a beast. They built it, and then SOCOM decided they didn’t want what they had asked for.

Now like a spurned lover, the parent company, FN Herstal in Belgium has taken the offensive issuing a new press release originally posted through The Firearm Blog, refuting the Kit Up! story. Looks like FNH hired a wily English major to craft this one because it splits more hairs than Donald Trump’s barber.

Belgium-based firearms manufacturer FN Herstal hereby refutes the allegations recently found on the web that USSOCOM abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR® rifle and reconfirms USSOCOM’s decision to acquire the full FN SCAR® family of weapons, including the 5.56mm rifle.

The FN SCAR® family of weapons consists of the 5.56mm SCAR® rifle, 7.62mm SCAR® rifle and 40mm LV Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (respectively designated as MK 16, MK 17 and MK 13 by USSOCOM). These three components were developed by FN Herstal in close cooperation with USSOCOM and have each met all the operational and fielding tests required by the program. This resulted in the notification by USSOCOM last May that the full SCAR® system entered into Milestone C phase, allowing production and deployment of the full range of SCAR® weapons. The 5.56 version will be part of USSOCOM’s inventory.

The choice between the 5.56 and the 7.62 caliber will be left to the discretion of each constitutive component of USSOCOM’s Joint Command (e.g. Seals, Rangers, Army Special Forces, USMC, AFSOC) depending on their specific missions on today’s battlefield.

We have emphasized a few key terms in the release and find it quite interesting that a foreign company, FN Herstal is now speaking for USSOCOM especially considering that Kit Up! followed up with SOCOM and they confirmed the details of his earlier story. The last bit is also telling in that it seems that FN Herstal has worked out a deal with one or more of the components to take the Mk16s off of their hands. It will be interesting to see how that works out.

A word or two for FN writ large. Stop fanning the flames. It will all go away if you just keep building great guns and stop issuing ill-thought press releases. We’ve been fans of FNH for years, but to perpetuate this is costing you in terms of good will.

New SCAR Ammo Pouch

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Bulldog Equipment's New SCAR PouchBulldog Equipment has introduced a Triple SCAR Mag Pouch w/ Double 9MM Pouch based on user requirements. This pouch can hold up to three 20 rd SCAR magazines and two 9MM magazines. Additionally, Bulldog has produced custom design pouches for 30 rd SCAR magazines. It can be provided with or without the 9MM pouches. Manufactured from 1000D Cordura, the pouch is PALS compatible and features a double retention system for both the SCAR as well as 9MM magazines.

Available from Bulldog Equipment.

TangoDown SCAR Rail Panels

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

This is kind of a follow up to our article on the ARC magazines developed by TangoDown for the SCAR program. In addition to the specialized magazines TangoDown whipped out a couple of other cool items including a new version of their successful rail cover. The main change is that the SCAR panels are thinner than the originals. Military Morons has been running some for a couple of years now and has a great introductory write up.

Visit Military Morons to check out his article and pictures.

FNH USA to Sell SCAR Commercially

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Leading off their press release with, “SCAR 16S and SCAR 17S As close to USSOCOM as you can get without enlisting.” FNH USA announced that the plan to begin selling semi-auto commercial variants of their Special Operations Combat Assault rifle in early 2009. The 16S is chambered in 5.56X45mm NATO (223 Rem.) and the SCAR 17S fires the 7.62X51mm NATO (308 Win.). Both rifles feature ambidextrous controls and are finished in Flat Dark Earth.

Both 10 and 30 round magazines will be available as well as a full line of accessories. Additionally, many weapons accessories developed for the M16 family are compatible with the SCAR although we fully expect purpose designed items to hit the market soon. In fact, we already know that a magazine has been especially designed for the SCAR by TangoDown LLC.

For more information check out FNH USA’s website.