Tactical Assault Gear’s CEO, Chris Osman and an unnamed business partner have announced the founding of Armatura, a new, joint training venture to provide instruction in combat pistol, combat rifle tactics, urban Sniper, vehicular tactics, as well as shooting with NVG’s using IR and Thermal aiming devices. Courses have also been developed for combat clearance tactics.
Armatura has acquired a range and training facility in New England that is located only 20 minutes from hotels, restaurants, and downtown recreation. Located on a former National Guard range, the facility features concrete butts allowing students to safely mark targets and is 200 yards long and 70 yards wide. The backstop of the range is 150 feet high and 80 yards wide and a steel pistol section is set up on the side of the range. The staff of Armatura have customized the targets to resemble a human more than the standard square piece of steel found on most ranges. The steel targets are specially designed with a custom feature for heat signature training at night with thermal optics. Finally, there are vehicles on the range to use for shooting from vehicles as well as for use of cover and firing drills.
Range access is controlled by Armatura and is not visible or accessible to the public. Additionally, no cameras are allowed on the facility. Classes will not be taught to civilians and will only be available to active duty Law Enforcement, Military, and DOD personnel with vetted credentials. Approved students will be happy to hear that they will not have to police brass or arrange targets during the courses which will be accomplished by the Armatura staff. Additionally, complimentary food and refreshments for the last day of each course will be provided for an after action meet and great with fellow students and instructors.
The Armatura was the weapons drill taught to both Roman soldiers and gladiators by skilled instructors and was fundamental to both the training and fighting skills of the Roman soldier. Even if he never actually fought an enemy, a Soldier would practice the Armatura every day.
Armatura held a walk through of the facility and capabilities demonstration three weeks ago. Since then they have signed a contract with a Government Agency, fully booking them until February of 2010. For information please call Chris Osman’s Personal Assistant Amanda Lehrer at 619-210-5956.