GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for April, 2011

Wild Things Tactical Catalog 2011

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

WT Tactical Catalog 2011


New Targets from BHI

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Blackheart International is offering two new targets. They are available with a 2″ bullseye or a 1″ bullseye and come in packs of 25. They are intended for zeroing weapons, grouping your shots or for load development for ammo reloaders. BHI has added a section at the bottom of the gridded targets so that you can record pertinent data when using them for load data. The 8.5″ x 11″ targets are printed in a table format so you can tear off individual sheets as you go.


Pre-cut Grip Tape from 10-8 Performance

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Why pay for checkering or cause someone else to risk carpal tunnel? That’s a good question, and something 10-8 Performance has an answer for. They are offering pre-cut sections of Grip Tape for 1911 front straps. The aim is to avoid the cost of checkering for a working gun. Additionally, the tape can be easily replaced when needed.

Two versions are offered: Ultragrip Fine grit (similar traction to 30 lpi checkering) or Medium grit (similar traction to 20lpi checkering) (lpi is lines per inch). Each piece is adhesive backed for ease of installation and comes packaged as a set of 5. According to 10-8. for best results, apply only to smooth front straps and be sure to thoroughly degrease front strap with acetone or alcohol prior to application.


How do you feel about the Army’s plan to develop new camo patterns?

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

The Army should be releasing the solicitation that will lead to the development of a family of camouflage patterns. Let us know what you think.

Panteao Productions Website is Live

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Panteao Productions has launched their new Panteao website. What’s cool about it is that you can watch their “Make Ready!” series of instructional videos right on the website.

Panteao (pronounced Pan-tē-ō) is Portuguese for Pantheon, which means “a temple or place for the gods” or “a group of persons most highly regarded for contributions to a field or endeavor”. The name is fitting since Panteao Productions produces instructional videos taught by highly regarded instructors from our industry.

Panteao brings you instructors like Paul Howe, Bill Rogers, Massad Ayoob, Bill Jeans, Dave Harrington, Dean Caputo, Jessie Abbate, Bob Vogel, Mark Redl, and Tom Yost with more instructors coming. All are in the one-on-one training style.

Led by industry vet Rick Bravo, known best for his work on Michael Mann’s hard crime film and series Miami Vice, the Panteao team has a wealth of experience in high-speed, high-impact filmmaking ranging from action movies and television to law enforcement and major league sports.

For the first time in the shooting sports/tactical world, you can purchase an instructional DVD or a video subscription to the entire video library – streamed direct in High Definition.

You can also watch free Pro-Tips from the instructors direct from the website. Visit Panteao at: www.panteaoproductions.com

Neptunic Technologies Protective Materials

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Developed by Jeremiah Sullivan for use in shark proof suits, this new Neptech material is a replacement for the chain mail suits in use for the past 30 years. In fact, if you’ve ever watched Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, you’ve seen the chain mail suits in use. And, you may have seen a teaser where Jeremiah showed a next generation material that was integrated directly into the wet suit. The goal was to protect from the bite of a great white shark. A few Navy frogmen found out about Neptech and immediately realized that it would be great for land warfare clothing as well as for diving suits.

We’ve seen cut resistant materials before but this one is different. It is truly puncture resistant as well. Sure, if you lay up enough of anything including paper it becomes puncture resistant, but with some materials it becomes too heavy and too bulky to wear as part of your clothing. This is what makes Neptech different.

As you can see in the video, it is a porous, permeable material and yet it fully sheds slashes. When several layers are combined it is capable of preventing stabbing penetrations and can even break a blade. Additionally, based on additional footage I have seen, Neptech materials are flame resistant. All in all, that makes for a great addition to a field uniform if even only for certain special applications.


Joseph Marak Indictment

Monday, April 11th, 2011

On Friday, former USASOC acquisition official Joseph J Marak was found guilty of 35 felony counts. Over the weekend, SSD obtained a copy of the federal indictment against Marak. It gives you an excellent overview of the violations committed by Marak. Look for more coverage soon.

Marak Indictment

Down Range Gear’s Great Idea Turns ITW’s QASM on Its Side

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

We received an email at an odd hour last night from Down Range Gear’s founder telling us he had awoke from a dream with a great idea and just had to turn it into reality. Ten minutes later he had produced the first Down Range Gear QASM Vertical Connector. Once he told us about what he was up to this morning we agreed; it IS a great idea.

The ITW Nexus QASM (Quick Attach Surface Mount) is designed to fit on a piece of 1″ nylon webbing such as in a PALS application to allow you to attach an item to it that is equipped with the male portion of a 1″ side release buckle. Since PALS webbing is oriented in the horizontal plane, you can’t use it to attach vertical buckles without adding vertical webbing to your platform. That is, until now. Down Range Gear has come up with a simple yet effective modification to the buckle using 1″ webbing to allow it to be woven through PALS and attached back on itself. This means no modification to your existing kit.

Read more about it here: downrangegear.wordpress.com.