
Archive for March, 2012

Found on /k/

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Sometimes we see the funniest stuff on /k/. Very sage advice indeed.

Tactical Distributors Gear Girl – It’s That Time Again

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Tactical Distributors is well known for their Gear Girls. It’s Saturday but we’re still going to let you have this one after the jump.

Blast From The Past – The Chinese Entrenching Tool

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

This may prove to be the most entertaining 8:46 of your life, or the most terrifying if you consider the Chinese horde all armed to the teeth with these shovels. It slices, it dices, it juliennes. Truth be told, a couple of the features such as the “scissor” and nail puller are pretty cool, but music and effects make this one worth the price of admission. Make sure you stay long enough to see the entrenching tool museum.

This article first appeared on SSD June 9th, 2010.

Ase Utra Introduces New BoreLock Fast Attach System Products

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

During the recent EnforceTac show in Germany, Ase Utra introduced new products in their BoreLock fast attach system line. The HiPer flash hiders are designed to provide flash suppression on various barrel lengths, for both 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm weapons.

Interestingly, the technology looks very similar to the BE Meyers flash hiders we recently wrote about. If so, I’d say that they are on to something.

The BFG Ten-Speed Mag Pouch Story

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Blue Force Gear’s Ashley Burnsed and Stephen Hilliard tell the story of the creation of the Ten-Speed™ mag pouch.

Bataan Death March Warning Order

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

SSD received this WARNORD from Team XTREME, Extreme Outfitters and TEAM JORDAN.

1. Situation

The Bataan Memorial Death March will serve as a cornerstone for the beginning of our 2012 – event schedule. This event embodies our Warrior Athlete Program as Noah Galloway joins the team on the 26.2-mile high desert course in New Mexico. This event is also aligned with new sponsorships from Arcteryx, Ops-Core, Mil Spec Monkey and Princeton Tec.

2. Mission

Team X-T.R.E.M.E. Mission Statement: We Honor, Empower and Motivate Wounded Veterans through a physical and mental rehabilitative cycle that is a model for overcoming adversity and hardship through innovation, team work and perseverance.

Extreme Outfitters CEO
Noah Galloway
Jeremy Soles
Anjan Shah
Barbara Yates
Dan Covolesky
Meg Sauve
Stephen Mills
Jeremy Stifler
Kevin High

2012 Bataan Memorial Death March

Depart – Friday, March 23
Event Date – Sunday, March 25
Return – Monday, March 26

White Sands Missile Range
Latitude- 32deg 56’ 38.10” N
Longitude- 106deg 25’ 10.76” W
Elevation- 3,915 ft.

To represent and embody the mission of Team X-T.R.E.M.E. through team work, endurance and overcoming insurmountable odds in the face of adversity highlighted by example of Warrior Athlete, Noah Galloway.

Extreme Outfitters is honored and proud to be working in conjunction with Jeremy Soles and Team X.T.R.E.M.E. to bring awareness to our nations warriors who have given up so much in defense of our great nation. TEAM XTREME and TEAM EXTREME OUTFITTERS will be on site for this weekends Bataan Death March in support of a US Army combat wounded double Amputee. This is one of many events that TEAM XTREME and EXTREME OUTFITTERS participates in and sponsors to help those who have given up the most and to help motivate those with disabilities and to keep the awareness going.

Since we are doing this solely for awareness and charity, we sincerely appreciate those who have contributed gear and equipment and for those who come out to support the events. We want to give a very special thanks to Michelle at Arcteryx, Jeff Knight and Wade at Granite Gear for working down to the wire to get TEAM XTREME the specially designed Packs and outerwear which was very critical for the success of this mission. Many great people and great companies have pulled together to help the team complete its missions. A very great thanks to Princeton Tec, Numa Ballistic Optics, Tactical Assault Systems, Powertraveller, Darn Tough, Under Armor, Camelbak, Ops Core, Black Ice, Mil Spec Monkey, Arcteryx, Granite Gear,Walkstool, and last but not least Extreme Outfitters!

Rumor also has it that Team XTREME, Extreme Outfitters and TEAM JORDAN, are all teaming up for a 2013 Mt. Everest attempt. Jeremy and his team along with a Marine Corps double amputee and possibly a triple amputee will attempt to do what no other military double or triple amputee has done, scale EVEREST! When Team Jordan meets Team XTREME, this is civilian and former military combining for one mission, that’s get to the top! For more information about this event, link up on Extreme Outfitters Facebook page;

Kifaru Woobie Express

Saturday, March 24th, 2012


Weighing in at 16ounces, the newly released Kifaru Woobie Express is based on the already proven Woobie technology. As you can see it is worn poncho style and is a little smaller than other products that are designed for a wide range of uses.


It features a high collar and can be thrown over your armor and other gear during halts or anytime you need to hunker down.


Keep Calm and Return Fire – The T-Shirt

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Coming Monday from Tactical Distributors in association with Soldier Systems Daily…