Tactical Tailor

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

SilencerCo – One On One With Donald Trump, Jr

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Joshua Waldron, SilencerCo’s CEO goes one-on-one with Donald Trump, Jr, son of the Republican Presidential Nominee.

Some Words Of Wisdom from Raven Concealment Systems

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

Raven Concealment Systems posted this to Facebook. It’s spot on, so read and heed.

Winter is coming.

The gun industry has ups and downs that are tied to the seasons, and this year, we should ALL begin preparing for winter now.

As far as market trends go, summer is historically the “slow” time of year for the firearms industry. For most consumers, buying guns and accessories takes a back seat to family vacations, opening up the pool, putting the boat in the water, and buying back-to-school supplies.

Then, come late September and early October, sales start to pick up as those other distractions draw to their natural close. By Thanksgiving, people are buying guns and gear like they’re allergic to money and trying to rid themselves of every dollar.

This year, the perception – perhaps accurate – that changing political leadership might result in the banning of certain types of weapons and magazines, combined with a feeling that civil unrest is making people unsafe in their communities, will drive new buyers to acquire their first firearms, and current gun owners to “stock up.” And this surge of demand has the potential to make the 2008 “Obamageddon” panic buying frenzy look like a slow day at the gun show. 

If you’re looking to buy your first AR-15 or Glock, now is the time to do it. If you need to stock up on extra magazines or ammo, don’t wait. If history is any indicator, come November, you’re going to see dramatically higher prices in the gun shops. By Inauguration Day, you’re going to see the shelves of gun shops looking like the shelves of a Venezuelan grocery store.

Right now, you might be thinking to yourself: “Oh look…the gun industry guy is telling us we need to buy stuff now. What a surprise.”

True. I am part of this industry, and maybe that makes me biased. But I make holsters, and I’m here telling you to buy guns, magazines, and ammo. Besides, panic-buys don’t benefit holster sales. In fact, the last time the gun industry had a buying frenzy, the only thing that wasn’t completely sold out in gun shops was holsters. Hell, when gun shops run out of pistols to sell, that actually *hurts* holster sales.

Panic-buys are bad for everyone. They block new people from getting into shooting because prices skyrocket. They block shooting enthusiasts from getting resupplied on ammo and magazines because shelves get stripped bare. Buying now will help you avoid suffering the high prices and scarcity of a panic.

Perhaps the worst impact is on the people who you’d think were actually benefiting: Your local gun shop owners. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, panic-buys are bad for your local gun shop. They force store owners to make the no-win choice between getting accused of “price gouging” because they raise prices to match the surging demand, or keeping their prices at pre-panic levels and getting cleaned out by speculators (only to watch guns they just sold at pre-panic prices get listed hours later by their customers on Gun Broker for 300% mark-up) only to discover they are unable to get more inventory to sell because the manufacturers are backlogged till spring. And that’s the real problem: When a retail business can’t get more of the primary product it sells in a timely fashion, how are they supposed to pay the rent, electric bill, and their employees?

Basically, you can’t go wrong stocking up now. If the panic hits, you’ll be glad you bought before P-Mags skyrocketed to $40 apiece, and while you could still find AR’s behind the counter at the local gun shop. If the panic doesn’t materialize, there’s no harm in having an extra case or two of ammo for training classes, or another dozen Glock magazines.

Don’t wait till the frenzy is in full-swing, and then whine about how your local gun shop is “price gouging.” Help your wallet, your gun safe, and your local retailer by buying now.

New Violent Little Patch: Pieces of Flair

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Violent Little Machine Shop takes it up a notch with what may be the most controversial pro-2A morale patch ever.

The Pieces of Flair morale patch by Violent Little Machine Shop

The ultimate symbol of persecution. If you feel like us, with the laws, the lists, the registrations, the public shaming -making us to feel as if we’re somehow in the wrong for exercising our rights and wanting to be able to protect ourselves, our families, and our country. These people have forgotten their history. Let this symbol remind them, abruptly, that we’re not far off from reliving the atrocities of the past. (more…)

A Morale Patch Bourne Of Hypocrisy

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

Have you ever noticed that “Celebrities” really enjoy making statements about whatever hot topic issue will get them the most press?

One such example is Matt Damon, who decided to spew all sorts of anti 2nd Amendment talking points recently. Ironically, he voiced his asinine opinion while engaged in a publicity tour for the most recent installment of his GUN HEAVY Bourne franchise. Well, the irony wasn’t lost on our friends at Tactical Pro Shop in Burbank, CA. So they are proudly producing a limited run of this patch.

These are Direct UV printed on PVC coated polyester webbing with velcro hook bonded to the backside.

$5.00 from each patch sale goes to the CalGuns Foundation, the leading voice in the fight for 2A Rights in the state of California. California is a paradise, legislated by idiots, and they practice over-reaching gun control there before they try to take it national.

Instead of spending money on a movie this weekend, buy this patch and help the fight in California.


NRA News – Colion Noir On The Media And Racism

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

This is a subject that I’d normally avoid here on SSD but as a gun owner and NRA member, this video speaks to me.  I hope you give it a listen.

No matter your background, if you care about your second amendment rights, join the NRA.

A Public Service Announcement In Light Of Gunpocalypse

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Dear Freedom Loving California Gun Owners,

Think of this an intervention. Move to a state where you still have your civil rights. There is strength in numbers. We welcome you with open arms.

People who care about you

Dom Raso – The Threat Of Lone Wolf Attacks

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

NRA News has released another video by former SEAL Dom Raso.

Firearms Prohibitions Are Damaging To Our Nation’s Defense

Sunday, June 19th, 2016

I originally wrote and published an article with this theme back in 2012. Based on current events I felt it was time to revisit the subject.  Once again, anti-Second Amendment groups are taking advantage of a tragedy to further their gun control agenda and attempt to take away the liberty of our citizens. The conversation is much larger than feelings, which are being manipulated by these groups who seek to chip away at our civil rights. Last week, even our nation’s President played party politics, calling for a reinstatement of the so-called Assault Weapon Ban. What’s more, there are currently no less than four amendments up for vote in the Senate this Monday to legislation that would in various ways, deny due process to Americans by instating a ban on the purchase of firearms by those on the “Terror Watch” and “No-Fly” lists. The very existence of such secret targets lists is Un-American and the notion that a person can be placed on a list without their knowledge and for unknown reasons, and with no way to ever get off of the list, is Orwellian. The Congress is the voice of the people and must gain control of this list making by the Executive branch. Until then, any attempts to expand their use must be stopped. But this move is endemic of an even larger issue. This article focuses on a relationship between commercial firearms industry and the ability to produce arms for National Defense and why the Second Amendment is the linchpin of that connection.

While these calls for additional firearms legislation are a direct threat our rights enumerated in the Constitution, they have other effects as well. A vibrant firearms industry, serving law-abiding citizens purchasing and responsibly using firearms results not only in innovation, but also a robust industrial base which can be called upon by our Nation in times of crisis. Since 9/11 all innovations in military firearms, whether targeting, accuracy, man-machine interface or lethality, have all been accomplished by industry.

Rarely do legislators consider the second and third order affects of laws. Only later, like ripples in a pond do these implications manifest themselves. Now, we can look at the AWB and its affects not only on crime, but also on national defense. Let’s not repeat mistakes of the past.

History has taught us that prohibition does not work. But, from 1994 until 2004 the American firearms industry suffered under a form of prohibition. The “Assault Weapons Ban” not only covered weapon features but also magazines over 10 rounds. This legislation did nothing to alter crime and, once lifted, did not result in any increased gun violence. Overall, it was useless legislation.

These very magazines and weapon features that were banned under the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcemenent Act of 1994” have been crucial to the US Department of Defense’s and our Allies small modernization as part of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as globally against piracy, terror and general mayhem. During the 10-year period of the AWB, US businesses curtailed small arms innovation. The point of a business is to make money. When there is little market for a product (as was the case during the AWB), the business case is not there to service it. This was most definitely the situation with magazines for the M9 Beretta Handgun. Many who served early in the war will remember poorly produced high capacity magazines for that weapon. This is because there was no competition in the marketplace due to a lack of market. Rather, government contractors for that magazine were allowed to produce products that performed poorly on the battlefield since there was no competition. There was no innovation. A pistol magazine might seem inconsequential to some, but a pistol is a self-defense weapon. If the magazine fails, the pistol is useless. The same goes for sub-standard magazines for rifles. What good is an Infantryman if he can’t engage the enemy?

It has been more than a decade since the ban was lifted and an entire industry has grown and flourished, producing innovative solutions for both law-abiding citizens and our military alike. American troops are the best equipped in the world and other countries look to us for technical innovation in small arms. We must maintain that edge.

Contact your Congressional representation (switchboard 202-225-3121) and let them know how you feel about any proposed firearms legislation which would hurt our military’s warfighting capability. A strong Second Amendment fosters a robust American firearms industry which contributes directly to our National Defense.