GORE-Tex Professional

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Brownells Donates $50K to CRPA for Standard Capacity Magazine Fight

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

GRINNELL, Iowa (September 8, 2020) – Brownells is donating $50,000 to the California Rifle & Pistol Association to help fund the fight to restore freedom and standard-capacity magazines to California gun owners.

In August, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit upheld a previous decision against California’s ban on magazines in the Duncan v. Becerra case. The panel determined a ban on magazines with capacity of over 10 rounds violates the 2nd Amendment rights of Californians.

In an effort to delay striking down California’s draconian magazine ban, the California Attorney General’s office petitioned for an en banc review of panel’s ruling, extending the struggle for California gun owners to regain their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

To help see that struggle through to a victorious finish, Brownells is contributing $50,000 for CRPA’s efforts to the cause.

“The California Rifle & Pistol Association Foundation is proud of the partnership with Brownells to fight for the rights of all Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” said CRPA Foundation Director of Development Rick Travis. “Brownells’ generous donation will be used 100% in the fight to see the Duncan v. Becerra case to a successful conclusion in restoring the Second Amendment in California.”

If the rulings against California’s magazine ban are upheld, they could serve as precedent in similar decisions against other similar bans enacted by anti-gun politicians in other states.


Brownells California Magazine Update

Sunday, August 30th, 2020

California Magazine Update 8/28/2020

We’re is aware of the August 28th development in the Duncan v. Becerra case. We are currently in discussion with our legal team to better understand the rather complicated legal outcomes in this case as it relates to the transfer and possession of standard capacity magazines in the state of California.

Brownells, Inc. continues to accept standard capacity magazine orders from California customers; however, we are not currently shipping standard capacity magazines to California. Orders are being placed on a hold at this time pending the outcome of this case.

We’ll continue to provide updates to our customers with standard capacity magazines on order when we have more information to share.

As always, thank you for being a Brownells, Inc. customer and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Brownells, Inc.

Franklin Armory Title 1 Mass Action Lawsuit!

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

Minden, NV, July 29, 2020– Mass Action Lawsuit Against the California Department of Justice Over Its Refusal to Process Legal Sales of the Franklin Armory® Title 1® Firearm is Underway!

Franklin Armory® goes to great lengths and expense to bring quality products to market that people want. Franklin Armory® has designed, developed, and begun the manufacture of a new firearm — The Title 1® — that is California compliant but is neither a rifle, shotgun, nor pistol. Franklin Armory® has, and will continue lawfully taking preorders from buyers in the state.

Tens of thousands of Californians have already placed deposits on the Title 1® firearm so they could get one as soon as they become available. Franklin Armory® has made it a priority to deliver on these pre-orders to their customers – but we can’t – because CADOJ is unlawfully refusing to process the requisite paperwork.

In response to this inaction, the law firm of Michel and Associates, PC is preparing a Mass Action Lawsuit to represent those persons whom CADOJ has prevented from lawfully acquiring their firearm. If you have made a deposit and are unable to receive your firearm(s) because of defects in the CADOJ designed and maintained Dealer Record of Sale Entry System, you should consider joining this lawsuit. There are no fees or costs involved for participants.

Even though the possession of Title 1® does not violate California law, CADOJ has deliberately refused to process sales of the Title 1®. As a result, Franklin Armory® retailers cannot transfer Title 1® firearms to consumers because licensed dealers cannot submit their sales applications to CADOJ online. The state-mandated system, Dealer Record of Sale Entry System (“DES”,) does not allow for the transfer of certain firearms that do not meet the limited predefined identifiers in the DES System. It is an easy technical fix, but CADOJ has deliberately delayed the simple technical correction to allow this product to be sold.

The sale of Title 1® firearms are being blocked by biased CADOJ bureaucrats. CADOJ was made aware last year of the need to add an “other” category to facilitate Title 1® sales but refused to take this step. This technological barrier prevents licensed firearm dealers from proceeding with a sale, transfer, loan, or submission of information

to the CADOJ. The actual effect is that California firearm dealers cannot accurately submit the necessary information to the CADOJ for processing.

This, we believe, constitutes a violation of the CADOJ’s duty to accept and process all firearm applications and a violation of each purchaser’s due process rights. On behalf of the tens-of-thousands of people who put a deposit down to purchase the Title 1®, this lawsuit seeks to declare CADOJ’s conduct unlawful and to compel CADOJ and its agents to fulfill its obligations and process all Title 1® purchases that were made prior to any subsequent prohibitions, restrictions, and/or limitations.

To join the lawsuit or for more information, visit title1lawsuit.leverage.law

Brownells Resumes Standard Capacity Magazine Sales To California 

Friday, August 14th, 2020

GRINNELL, Iowa (August 14, 2020) – In the wake of a ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brownells has resumed selling its full lineup of rifle, pistol and shotgun magazines to California customers.

Known as Duncan vs Becerra, the case against California’s ban on standard-capacity magazines was brought by the California Rifle & Pistol Association.

The Ninth Circuit applied strict scrutiny in its decision and ruled firearm magazines, including those of 30-rounds capacity or more, are “protected arms under the Second Amendment.”

The entire ruling can be read at the United States Court of Appeals For the Ninth Circuit site.

Effective immediately, Brownells will once again ship magazines to California customers.

To see Brownells full lineup for popular magazines for AR-15 style, AK-47 style and other commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles and pistols, visit the magazine section of the Brownells website. 

This is for TominVA

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

Act Now On Franklin Armory’s Title 1

Thursday, June 18th, 2020

Minden, NV, June 18, 2020 – Title 1TM Update: Take action NOW!

The Franklin Armory® Title 1TM was created for our friends in California who wish to have a full featured firearm option for legal and compliant use in the state as it is not a pistol, rifle, or a shotgun. More importantly, it is NOT an assault weapon!

You have until midnight, June 30th 2020, to get your deposit on the Franklin Armory® Title 1TM for only $5!

We are here to stand up and fight alongside you against this overreach of your second amendment rights in California!

Franklin Armory® has filed suit, among other things, to have the California DOJ do their job and process the transfers of Title 1. Franklin Armory®, along with the CRPA, have also been working together to facilitate the individuals’ ability to be represented as well…

Franklin Armory® has donated the initial $100,000 in financing for a Mass Action lawsuit in which each customer that has made a deposit can likely participate in a lawsuit against the California DOJ as a plaintiff seeking to prevent their continued administrative barriers.

I should point out that Franklin Armory® and CRPA are already suing the State for damages in state court. This case being announced today is a wholly separate action for you, the consumer. Besides donating the initial funding, Franklin Armory® will not be managing the mass action case… You will be contacted via email by Michell & Associates, P.C. for further instructions regarding the mass action case.

Franklin Armory® has repeatedly attempted to reach out to the California DOJ to resolve this issue, but the California DOJ has stalled and promoted a backdoor ban on the Title 1TM by expanding the definition of “assault weapon” and permitting only those Title 1TM firearms possessed before June 30th, 2020 to be registered – All the while avoiding their administrative duty to add the drop down menu to enable the legal transfer of these firearms in the DROS system…

It’s doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this inaction is likely deliberate and intentional… The Title 1TM may be lawfully sold in California, but is being blocked from sale due to actions taken solely by the California DOJ!

Now is the time to act…


Kit Badger – New Firearm Owners Series

Saturday, April 25th, 2020

With so many new firearms owners, Ivan at Kit Badger has created a series of videos which starts with the 4 Weapon Safety Rules and takes off from there. We know most of you are well versed in the safe use of firearms, but this is a great resource for friends or family.

Below is a link to the Playlist on youtube.


For his full coverage, visit kitbadger.com/firearm-basics-part-17-the-journey.

A Moment In Time

Monday, February 24th, 2020

“… By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fear of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the 2nd amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationship, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the 2nd Amendment will always be important.”

John F Kennedy

American President