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Archive for the ‘Armor’ Category

Morgan Advanced Materials And Tyr Tactical Announce Armor System Passes NIJ Level III Certification Testing Requirements

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Morgan Advanced Materials has recently announced that their hard armor system, in conjunction with Tyr Tactical’s soft armor system, has passed the NIJ 0101.06 Level III certification standards. The full release can be read below:


Morgan Advanced Materials hard armor, in-conjunction with Tyr Tactical’s soft armor system, has successfully passed the ballistic, durability, and environmental requirements of the NIJ 0101.06 Level III certification process. Full NIJ certification is pending, with completion expected this summer. With a 10-inch x 12-inch plate weighing 2 pounds and just over ¾-inch thick, the modular and scalable system provides substantial weight and thickness advantages over stand-alone plates.

The system consists of a Lightweight Buoyant LWBIII+ rifle plate developed by Morgan’s Composites and Defence Systems business with Tyr Tactical’s T52/SP or T54/C soft armor. In addition to the NIJ Level III threat, the Level III+ system is capable of stopping a variety of rifle threats, including 7.62 millimeter (mm) ball rounds, 7.62mm mild steel core (AK47) rounds and 5.56mm ball rounds (M193 and LE223T3).

The ultra-lightweight, high performance hard plate insert which is manufactured from the latest generation durable composite technology is extremely hard wearing and designed specifically for the rugged environments faced by military and security personnel. The products are available to law enforcement, security, and military/defense customers.

The rifle plates, soft armor, and full system are available in the US through Tyr Tactical’s facility in Peoria, Arizona. It is available in Canada through Millbrook Tactical, located in Stittsville, Ontario.



ADS Federal Range Day – Angel Armor

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Relative newcomer to the market displayed their armor panels which will fit inside a vehicle door panel.  


I know their website is spartan but the stiff works. The technology was initially developed in the aerospace industry where size and weight reign supreme. They’ve been refining the armor and demonstrating all over the place.


TenCate Advanced Armor – Plate Up, America! Initiative

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Plate Up, America

The Dalton Agency, on behalf of TenCate Advanced Armor, has started up the Plate Up, America! initiative. Plate Up, America! is an effort to raise awareness for the use of hard body-armor with Law Enforcement. The initiative targets LEOs and their families, with the goal of having them add their voices to the effort of making funding available for agencies to purchase hard body armor.

Plate Up, America! has its own website, in addition to efforts through social-media channels including Facebook and Twitter, through which they communicate statistics-based facts found on Government research websites such as those of the FBI and U.S. Bureau of Justice.

Although this effort is spearheaded by TenCate Advanced Armor, a commercial, for-profit entity, the hope is for more body armor companies to join in the effort. They are also making active efforts in demonstrating that the main goal of Plate Up, America! is to protect officers from violent criminals, and not the disarming of responsible citizens.


Armour Wear’s AR680 Steel Armor Plate Is Industry Game Changer

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

May 22, 2015: Armour Wear, the leader in protective armor innovation has officially announced its newest revolutionary product; The AR 680 Hardened Steel armor plate. The AR680 plate is a full size 10in X 12in, shooters cut, single curve hard steel plate that can thwart multiple hits from “Green Tip” M855 5.56mm rounds (at 3200 FPS), or M193 5.56mm rounds (at 3300 FPS). This is a truly unique plate, where most other plates are heavier, and cannot withstand the same level of abuse.

The 6.2lb plate is only 5mm thick- an industry first. The extra level of care has also been taken to prevent metal spalling by adding a Linex base coat and build up. This makes for an extremely well designed, and balanced plate which is already shattering records and expectations. Always having the consumer in mind, Armour Wear has the plate rated at a $134.95 MSRP. With engineering of this magnitude, and a price which is unbeatable, this plate is a threat that competitors will not be able to protect themselves against.

Learn more at: www.armour-wear.com

Armour Wear Partners Up With Shellback Tactical To Create New Body Armor System

Thursday, May 21st, 2015


May 18, 2015: Armour Wear, the leader in body armor technology, has combined efforts with Shellback Tactical to help launch a new body armor package: The Banshee Defender System. Due to the popularity of the Banshee carrier system and customer demand for a better well-priced armor plate, Armour Wear and Shellback Tactical created the Defender System. The Defender series addresses the shooter’s main concerns from a price conscious, rock solid carrier that is user adaptable to the peace of mind of being equipped with Level 3+ or Level 4 plates (which can stop multiple hits from 62gr Green Tip 5.56). The Defender System starts at $439.99 MSRP.

Learn more at: armour-wear.com/shop/all/banshee-hard-plates

SOFIC 2015 – Tribalco / Raine Inc – Marauder Adaptive Warfare System Plate Carrier

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Designed as a maritime plate carrier for the combat diver, the Marauder is made from hydrophobic materials. The Quick Release system should be familiar for divers as it features beads for tactile verification on all release handles.  

It incorporates tactical flotation aids on the cummerbunds as well as removable radio pouches.  
Internally, the Marauder has a removable passive cooling panel.   

Additionally, the plate pocket is example via bungee cord to accept different size plates.


Tribalco is the prime on this project which should be available commercially soon from www.raineinc.com.

SOFIC 2015 – Turtleskin Snake Armor

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

The Turtleskin Snake Armor has been tested against all biting snakes in North America, most in Australia and several in Africa.  They are currently selling them to Border Patrol as well as utility workers and outdoorsmen in snake ridden areas.  

Available in gaiters and chaps, the Snake Armor will also protect the wearer from brush.  Made in USA, they’ve been submitted to the Soldoer Enhancement Program.


SOFIC 2015 – Revision’s Kinetic Operations Suit

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Based on development of USSOCOM’s TALOS program, the Kinetic Operations Suit from Revision Military incorporates a variety of technologies.


Most obvious is the distinctive Armageddon camouflage pattern.  The operator wears the Prowler exoskeleton powered by Revision Sharepack.  The exoskeleton bears the weight of the system as well as ancillary mission equipment. And can be up armored with XSAPI level plates as well as frag protection on the lower leg.  Up top is the Vertical Load Offset System which equates to zero helmet weight born by the operator’s neck.  The ballistic helmet is 100% polyethylene with cutout for use with augmented vision systems. The ensemble also includes a scalable armor vest that goes from 18% vital area chest coverage all the way up to 60%.
