It has come to our attention that the US Army has not contacted any of the contenders for the US Army’s replacement for the so-called, current issue Universal Camouflage Pattern to inform them whether or not they were selected.
They’d better hurry up. Word is that the Secretary of the Army will offer a very welcome birthday gift on 14 June in the form of an announcement for a new camouflage pattern. But, if they cut it too close, any possible protests by non-selects could come after the announcement. This could result in some egg on the face of the Army leadership if it delays or even overturns the selection of the announced winner. Conversely, if they notify the companies too early, there is concern that one or more will announce their status in order to capitalize on deals for their patterns that they have held at arms length awaiting the Army’s decision. There’s lots of money on the line whether these patterns are selected or not. It’s time for the Army to come clean with the companies that made it this far.