GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

Donate Your Used Boots to the ANA Commandos

Monday, December 29th, 2014

Although the war is over for the majority of Americans, it wages on for the Afghan National Army and their advisors.


Advisors we know have been telling us about the state of the Commandos’ footwear.

There was this one mission where we were going in at night to clear some checkpoints that the Taliban had raided. We were stacked tightly with our Afghan partners in a helicopter, late at night. It was probably only about 25 degrees or so. You could just barely make out the white capped mountain peaks as we skipped through the valleys. Snow and ice patches littered the LZ. I looked down to make sure that the laces on my cold weather boots were still tight, and that’s when I noticed that the two dudes in front of me had on plastic shoes and the guy next to him had taped the soles of his boots to his uppers. There were several other Afghan Soldiers with similar footwear. It didn’t matter how cold I got on that mission because I knew that those dudes were colder and probably tougher. Period.

The ANA Commandos are generally well equipped but their boots aren’t built to our standards and many of them are wearing footwear that is taped back together as well as running shoes, flip flops and even plastic shoes purchased at the market. This is making it difficult for them to make movements over rough terrain.

It’s tough to kick doors when you’re wearing flip flops. They need gently worn desert and mountain boots in sizes 7-10 to help get these guys back in the fight.

Tactical Tailor has agreed to accept the boots and transship them to their recipients in the ANA.

Tactical Tailor
ANA Boots
2916 107 ST S
Lakewood, WA 98499

Tactical Distributors – Limited Edition Holiday KCRF T-Shirt

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

KCRF Promo

Starting today, Tactical Distributors will be offering a Limited Edition SSD – KCRF t-shirt. Themed for the holidays, this festive green, white, and red KCRF tee will be available stand alone, or as part of a special promotion: any orders of $125 or more qualify to receive the Holiday shirt for only $1 by using promo code DOGOOD1 at checkout. $1 from every shirt sold will be donated to The Salvation Army. ‘Tis the season.


A Show Of Support For Willie Meyers

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Willie Meyers

Members of industry have banded together to help in the recovery efforts of Willie “Creasy Bear” Meyers. Over his long career, Willie Meyers has worked as a Flight Medic, SWAT Medic, and Paramedic, for the State Department Security Contract in Iraq and Afghanistan, and most recently as a medic in Israel.

Recently, Willie was severely injured while working in Israel on the US Embassy Security Detail as a Security Contractor, which has left him with a central core spinal contusion, two crushed vertebrae, a broken neck, and a torn rotator cuff.

Willie Meyers 2

Willie is currently undergoing treatment at Shepard Spinal Rehab Center in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is making steady progress towards his recovery. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Willie and his family with his medical expenses, and a Facebook fan page has been set up in support of Willie and his efforts. We here at SSD wish Willie an expedient recovery and thank him for all his many years of service.

You can contribute to Willie’s GoFundMe page here: www.gofundme.com/creasybear

You can check out Willie’s Facebook fan page here: www.facebook.com/pages/Willie-Creasy-Bear-Myers/1492581537690930

Additionally, those wishing to send Willie a card or care package can mail it to the following address:

Willie Meyers
Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Rd. NW
Atlanta, Ga. 80309

Challenge Bears In The News

Monday, November 24th, 2014


After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the Vets Corps USA’s Challenge Bears began popping up on the news at various outlets.

They were featured on a news special on NBC-4 LA:



As well as the front page of Army Times:


Univision Channel 34 also did a two part story on Challenge Bears:



Challenge Bears are available at vetscorpsusa.org

Tactical Distributors Partners With 31 Heroes Project For Veterans Day

Monday, November 10th, 2014

31 Heroes

This Veterans Day, Tactical Distributors has partnered with 31 Heroes. 10% of all sales made tomorrow will go to benefit 31 Heroes, providing support for surviving and Active Duty military family members.


Three New Challenge Bears Added To Kickstarter Campaign

Sunday, October 26th, 2014


Three new Challenge Bears, Scout Bear, Military Bear and Law Enforcement Bear, have been added to the Challenge Bear Kickstarter campaign. As a reminder, the campaign currently has 7 days left to go. The original article can be read below:

Carson, California: A group of formerly homeless Veterans issue a challenge to make our world a better place using teddy bears sewn in therapy.


GreenVetsLA, a non-profit organization started in 2010 by Jim Cragg a service disabled veteran, employs formerly homeless veterans as part of a work therapy program. The bases of this program is to teach sewing skills to struggling veterans and give them tools that will allow them to rejoin the society that they once served. All the projects that are taken on have a socially relevant component such as assembling first aid kits for the military or sewing environmentally friendly reusable cloth shopping bags.


For years the veterans have sewn the “Battle Bear”, a stuffed toy, made of camouflage material that matched the uniform of the deployed soldier. The soldier would take a picture with the bear, put a unit patch on it and send it back to the loved one to serve as a connector and companion during their absence.

This concept has morphed into the “Challenge Bear”, an inspirational bear made of durable military cloth scrap that comes with a challenge card from the veterans who created it to take on a social action project. Whether volunteering in a soup kitchen or doing a park or beach cleanup, this bear, strapped to the persons belt or backpack becomes a buddy on a journey to improving community. A Veteran in the program had the idea of taking a “selfie” with the bear while doing a “selfless” act and then posting that photo on social media to inspire others to engage in bettering our environment and our world.


As a nod to the formative years they spent in the military, the Veterans designed a special military / law enforcement Challenge Bear. Their hope is that teams, squads, and platoons would attach their unit patch and adopt a Bear for unit runs, road marches and other physical challenges.

For a recovering Veteran to have a person purchase and value a product they made is a victory. Our goal is to see viral demand for a Made in America, Veteran crafted bear that inspires and motivates others to do their part for community and country.

Challenge Bear is currently a Kickstarter campaign seeking support: www.kickstarter.com/projects/1507757642/challenge-bear.

To learn more about the program, see www.GreenVetsLA.org or www.VetCorpsUSA.org.

ISOF Support Initiative On Indiegogo

Friday, October 24th, 2014


There is currently a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to provide ISOF soldiers with basic equipment including:

– Gloves
– Flashlights
– GPS devices
– Eye protection
– Hearing protection
– Medical supplies

All donation will go towards supplying ISOF units with basic supplies and equipment, and shipping and operation costs. No restricted items will be purchased or sent.

You can check it out here: www.indiegogo.com/projects/special-operations-support-initiative

Semper Fidelis Health & Wellness – Steve Reichert Charitable Shooting Event

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

SRT (5)

Last Week, Steve Reichert organized a charitable shooting event for the Semper Fidelis Health & Wellness Organization. Ten combat wounded Marines & Soldiers spent two days and nights on the range, going through the SRT Pistol Employment Course where they practiced skills necessary to employ their pistols under stress from concealed positions both day and night. Medal of Honor Recipient Sgt. Dakota Meyer was also able to break away from his busy schedule to join the group.

The event was sponsored by the following companies and individuals, who donated:

• Heckler & Koch – P30 pistols and a sizable donation to SFHW
• Remington – provided 9mm ammunition
• Strongside Holsters – pistol/mag holsters
• High Speed Gear – dump pouches, belts, and TACO’s
• Trigger Time – hosted the class on their range
• Lloyd Wainscott – captured the event on video
• InForce – APL’s and 6VT lights
• NOLATAC – medical kit

SRT (6)
