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Archive for the ‘Fundraising’ Category

Photos of MultiCam Black Have Been Out For Months

Monday, November 25th, 2013

This summer I was present during the photo shoot for the 2014 Hot Shots Calendar. As in years past, many of teh costumes were designed and manufactured by Caleb Crye, founder of Crye Precision who developed the MultiCam family of camouflage patterns. I immediately noticed a darkened variant of MultiCam on several of the garments. Turns out, it was what is new referred to as MultiCam Black. I’ve had a little chuckle to myself for the last couple of months, waiting to see if anyone would notice the pattern in the calendar. I guess the ladies’ other attributes have had the lads a bit distracted from the minutia of details like clothing.

To get a gander of the pattern in the wild hit the jump.


AmmoNation by James Yeager

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

James Yeager is holding a crowd-funding venture on Kickstarter for a documentary titled ‘AmmoNation’. It will follow a group of James Yeager’s Tactical Response students through “..intensive and gut wrenching scenarios.” Depending on the success of the project, it might even turn into a series.


Hot Shots Calendar Gets A Refined Look

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013


Hot Shots Calendar has refined the look of their website. In addition to updated info on the 2014 edition of this popular calendar, it also offers merchandise as well as profiles of the models and background on the project.


Only £40.00? Come On Guys, We Can Do Better!

Thursday, November 14th, 2013


Hot Shots Calendar is currently auctioning a 2014 Limited Edition Copy signed by India, Rosie, Holly, Kelly and Daisy on eBay UK. These calendars help support the UK military charity, Help For Heroes. The bidding is currently stalled at £40.00 with 2 days remaining. I know we can do better! Let’s go European readers!


What’s The Navy SEAL Foundation All About?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Our friends at Ironclad produced this great video for Navy SEAL Foundation that shows what they are all about.

Hot Shots Calendar Donate Over £10 000 to Help For Heroes

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

H4H Donation

(l-r H4H co-founder Mark Elliot, Paul Ainsworth, Mike Newman, Kelly Hall and a nice chap named Lofty!)

Hot Shots Calendar recently donated over £10 000 to Help For Heroes based on UK sales of the 2013 calendar. Help For Heroes offers practical, direct support to the UK’s wounded.

My Favorite Glamour Model Of All Time!

Additionally, the ever popular Kelly Hall signed a load of calendars to give out to the blokes rehabilitating at Tedworth House. Thanks Kelly! I know they appreciate your efforts.

Help A Vet – Get An Elder Heart Tomahawk

Friday, November 1st, 2013

Be A Good Human
Actions are more important than words.
Take action to help a veteran.

Elder Heart Tomahawk

I have mentioned Elder heart and the rehabilitative work they do every day for our Veterans. Recently, I found out that some of the art they create is available for sale. I jumped at the chance to pick up a tomahawk which you can see above. Hand forged with inlays of brass, silver and unique twists and patterns, these tomahawks are unique works of art. This also means that I would hang it on a wall as a work of art and not take it out in the woods.

All proceeds go to helping raise awareness for the 22 Veteran suicides every day. If getting a great piece of art wasn’t enough, your donation includes a shirt of your choosing.


CFF Introduces Force Multiplier Giveaways For Their Expeditionary Production Facility Indiegogo Campaign

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

KOTA Longboards carves with Combat Flip Flops from KOTA Longboards on Vimeo.

We recently mentioned the Combat Flip Flops Expeditionary Production Facility Indiegogo Campaign. Rather than hit up a bank to raise funds for this endeavor, CFF went the crowdfunding route. There are a couple of reasons they took this course of action. One is, believe it or not, because they “only need $500k”. It might sound like a lot of money but banks generally look at this amount as sitting in this deadzone below $1 Million that they won’t loan to small businesses. Often, they’ll tell you to hit up a relative. Additionally, once you read about the project, you realize that it is perfect for crowdfunding. It’s meant to help a fragile economy and that fits in that philanthropic mindset that created crowdfunding in the first place. I know many of you harbor a resentment toward Afghanistan and her people. But it’s never going to get better if some stability isn’t introduced into the mix. One way to do that is economically. That’s where this project comes in.

As for the amount of $500,000? There are folks who consider this a lot of money, and it is. And many are concerned that the amount is padded imagining some kind of wild lifestyle going on at CFF. I know these guys, despite this world traveler aura that they project, the reality is less playboy and more surf bum. If you’ve got any questions about the budget, by all means please go visit the page on Indiegogo. There is a great graphic that breaks it all down.

SOG Micron

If altruism isn’t doing it for you, CFF is introducing Force Multiplier Giveaways for their fundraising campaign and SOG Knives is their first partner. They’re donating 100 Micron knives to the campaign. Starting NOW, the next 100 donors of any value get a SOG Micron added as a perk once the project is successfully funded. How about that?

Head on over and help them out.
