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Archive for the ‘Fundraising’ Category

The Lieutenant Don’t Know T-Shirts

Monday, October 28th, 2013

How can you not appreciate a pitch like this?

BLUF: Everyone needs a t-shirt that says “The Lieutenant Don’t Know”. Because he doesn’t/didn’t/don’t. I’m looking for help funding the 2014 launch of my book “The Lieutenant Don’t Know” which tells the story of one Marine unit in Afghanistan in 2010. T-shirt sales will help fund the marketing and launch of the book!


If you still need a reason to purchase one, consider this:

Oh, and remember kids, MCO P1020.34G states that you can’t wear this bad boy in uniform. Best keep this one for off-duty hours and black ops…

American Apparel Jersey T-shirt Sizes: S – 3XL in OD.

Get yours at www.booster.com/lieutenantdontknow.

Vets Corps USA Veteran’s Day Sale

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

In recognition of Veteran’s Day, Vets Corps USA shirts are 20% off. Vets Corps shirts are designed and printed as part of a work therapy program for Veterans. Sales of these t-shirts will support the Vets Corps/Green Vets LA work therapy program.



Combat Flip Flops Expeditionary Production Facility – Indiegogo Campaign

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

Combat Flip Flops is currently hosting a crowdfunding effort on Indiegogo. They are looking to raise enough dough to build and set up their Expeditionary Production Facility in Afghanistan. The Expeditionary Production Facility, or EPF, is a flip flop factory in a 40′ shipping container that can be delivered and set up to quickly establish a manufacturing facility in an area. The total cost for building the facility, shipping it to and constructing it in Afghanistan, hiring and training workers, purchasing raw materials for one year of production, and other expenditures is $500,000. They’ve even outlined the distribution of their funding requirements:


Fully funded, Combat Flip Flops’ EPF will provide:

  • Employment for 25 Afghans to manage and run the EPF
  • Employment for five Americans on the CFF Staff
  • 60,000 new pairs of flip flops, made in Afghanistan
  • Additionally, if this comes off, Combat Flip Flops will become the #1 footwear and #1 textile exporter of Afghanistan. Donate and/or spread the word, if you can and get in on some cool rewards.


    Hot Shots Calendar Launches New Website

    Thursday, October 10th, 2013


    Hot Shots Calendar has launched an entirely new website, updated with info on the 2014 edition of this popular calendar, proceeds of which support wounded warriors both in the UK and US. In addition to merchandise, the site also profiles the models and gives you some additional background on the project.


    SERKET Racing – “A Lap With A Hero”

    Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

    SERKET Racing’s Mark Llano took Travis Clennon for a lap at Circuit of the Americas, located in Austin, Texas. Travis is a former Army Staff Sergeant and was wounded by a roadside bomb while serving in Afghanistan, and was awarded The Purple Heart for his bravery. On September 21, 2013, Travis was given a home due to the efforts of Operation Homefront, Wells Fargo, and SERKET Racing.



    Combat FlipFlops Presents Hot Shots Calendar

    Saturday, September 21st, 2013

    While we were in the UK earlier this summer for the Hot Shots Calendar photo shoot, Combat FlipFlops was also on hand, preparing a short, behind the scenes video.

    Don’t forget, the 2014 calendars and playing cards are now available for order.


    Bates Supports Wounded Artists

    Thursday, September 19th, 2013


    This story from Bates Footwear is pretty cool. They’ve given five wounded warriors the opportunity to partner with an artist through Fashion Has Heart to creat their ArtPrize entries. The HERO[series], pairs a Hero with an Artist to collaborate in order to share that hero’s story through the medium of art and design. Each veteran was paired with artists and designers to create two pairs of Bates boots – one for themselves and another to be included in ArtPrize® in September 2013. The veterans returned to Grand Rapids unveiled their ArtPrize® entry, “HERO[series],” on Wednesday, Sept. 11. The entry can be found at the Fashion Has Heart venue, 144 E. Fulton St, Grand Rapids, MI. Voting begins September 18, 2013.


    Above, you can see COL Kathryn Champion’s entry. To see all five entries as well as learn about the participants, visit www.batesfootwear.com.

    DSEi – Hot Shots Calendar

    Thursday, September 12th, 2013

    Today we had Lucy Pinder and Kelly a hall on hand to sign 2014 Hot Shots Calendars.


    They are located in the Edgar Brothers booth # S4 240.