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Archive for the ‘History’ Category

The Shot Heard ‘Round The World

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

We’d like to remind you that April 19th, 1775 is the true beginning of the American Revolution and not July 4th, 1776, the official date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

On the morning of April 19th, a year before the Continental Congress sat down to write the Declaration, events on the commons of Concord between British Troops bent on seizing the arms of the Militia and the Colonists resulted in what we now call the “Shot Heard ‘Round The World.”

It ignited the American Revolution, a worldwide conflict which would engulf the super powers of the day in battles as far away as India, and last for another eight years.

Rebellion had already been brewing on the North American continent for a decade. Finally, in the early hours of the day, North American Militiamen fired on British troops, starting a war that would result in the ascendency of the American Eagle over this land we now call the United States.

This battle is also where we draw our concept of the iconic Minute Man from.

Each Patriot’s Day, we honor those men at Concord and consider what it must have been for them to stand there together, in the face of the world’s greatest army and take up arms in the defense of their colony from oppression.

This militia came together on that morning to protect their arms from seizure by an oppressive government. That is an indisputable fact. We find the roots of the Second Amendment in the events of that day.

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

-John Parker
Captain of Militia

As the initial volleys of fire were exchanged near daybreak on Lexington Green, colonial volunteers fell back in the face of over 500 occupying British troops. But as the battle moved on to Concord, the tide turned, and the redcoats were routed as more and more colonists joined the fray.

The British troops retreated through Concord where they were reinforced. Despite boasting a strength of 1700 men, they remained no match for the determined colonists who forced them to retreat to the safety of Charlestown in Boston. The militiamen continued their pursuit which transformed into the Siege of Boston.

Today, join me in honoring those early American warriors who pledged their lives to give us our hard fought freedoms and this great land.

Stories of Service: TACP turning the tide of battle

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023


Some missions require exceedingly specialized skills and knowledge to be successful in highly contested environments. To win in these environments, highly trained battlefield Airmen embed with Army, Navy and Marine units to provide lethal airpower in the fight.

During a deployment in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel and Resolute Support, one such Air Force Special Warfare Tactical Air Control Party Specialist Tech. Sgt. Cam Kelsch, put years of training and preparation into action by providing guided precision strike airpower as close as 35 meters away to turn the tide of battle against an overwhelming enemy ambush.

In the span of six hours, with no regard for his own safety, he stepped into heavy enemy fire, and directed dozens of 40 mm and 105 mm rounds, two 500-lbs. bombs and saved the life of a wounded teammate … even after being shot himself in the chest plate.

Kelsch, alongside Army Rangers and Afghan special forces, were directed to find a high-value target in enemy-held territory. With clear skies and the moon’s illumination sitting high at 90%, Kelsch’s team made first contact with enemy forces outside of the target compound.

According to Kelsch, the contact resulted in a small firefight that quickly neutralized the enemy.

As the team successfully secured the target compound and interdicted the targeted individual, the force continued to encounter small enemy forces. Intelligence gathered during the operation within the compound led Kelsch and his team to believe there was a second high-value target nearby.

Due to the brightness of the night, Kelsch utilized the oversight of an AC-130-U “Spooky” gunship to develop a low-profile route for the assault force to maneuver to the next target compound: a creek bed with a 1-foot-wide path.

“When we were down in the creek bed, it was pitch black because we were covered in trees, and there were high walls on either side of us,” Kelsch said.

Then … chaos.

“It was like a bomb went off,” Kelsch said. “It was so bright and looked like fireballs going off all around me.”

Kelsch and his team were ambushed by enemy forces using assault rifles, fragmentation grenades and belt-fed machine guns.

“The fire was so overwhelming, I couldn’t stick my head out,” Kelsch said. “Bullets were ricocheting; dirt was being kicked up.”

Another teammate called out the position of the attackers … a mere 40 meters away.

“I realized that I had to get eyes on target, so I had to leave the protection of cover,” Kelsch said.

With no regard for his own safety, Kelsch exposed himself to fire to conduct danger close air strikes from the AC-130 with 40mm rounds to suppress the threat, several only 35 meters away from his position.

“If it weren’t for the true competency of that AC-130 crew, I wouldn’t be here today,” Kelsch said. “The aircrew really brought their A-game that night and made sure we got out of there.”

With a moment without fire in all directions, Kelsch and his ground force commander seized the opportunity to recover their wounded teammate. While dragging him to safety, Kelsch took a direct hit to the magazine on his chest rack the plate in his armor caught the bullet.

Upon recovering his wounded teammate and receiving more enemy fire, Kelsch opted to upgrade to the 105 mm rounds from the gunship, still danger close to his fighting position. The effective munitions proved enough to allow Kelsch and his team to fall back roughly 100 meters, but not before suffering an Afghan casualty.

At that time, the team elected to call for extraction.

To ensure aircraft could land so close to the ambush site, Kelsch directed a coordinated attack from two F-16 Fighting Falcons using precision-guided 500-lbs. bombs, neutralizing all remaining threats.

In the end, Kelsch’s actions played a role in completing a successful mission, suppressing multiple prepared forces and saving the lives of the joint special operations forces members. In 2019, for his gallantry in action that day, Kelsch was awarded the Silver Star, the third-highest award for valor in combat.

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Announcing www.jstrykermeyer.com

Monday, April 17th, 2023

MACV SOG Legend John Stryker Meyer has a new website that links directly to SOGCast, his interviews with Jocko, as well as the books he’s written over the years.


The Baldwin Files – Iraq War Requiem

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

“No one starts a war–or rather, no one in his sense ought to do so–without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by the war and how he intends to conduct it.”

Carl Von Clausewitz

“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.” 

Gilbert. K. Chesterton

“In war, the moral is to the physical as ten to one.”

Napoléon Bonaparte

“War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government’s decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him . . . but to make him do what you want him to do. Not killing . . . but controlled and purposeful violence.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“Basic truths cannot change and once a man of insight expresses one of them it is never necessary, no matter how much the world changes, to reformulate them. This is immutable; true everywhere, throughout all time, for all men and all nations.”

Robert A. Heinlein

Everyone who has read my articles knows that I am a big military history geek. Which explains why I spent a few days recently at Fort Benning, Georgia. Specifically, I was there to attend a History Symposium (March 10-11), the theme was “A 20-Year Retrospective on the Iraq War.” The event was sponsored by The National Infantry Museum and Columbus State University. Many of the people involved in setting it up were associated with USASOC and subordinate elements including SWCS. Several I had crossed paths with in Iraq. Generally, Military Historians dominated the first day’s discussion panels. All were retired career officers (most, but not all, were Iraq vets) who were now PhDs in academia. All had two or more books already published. The second day was a mix of other veterans of the war and published Anthropologists (someone who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and relationships). Several were Iraqi Americans who had lived in Iraq before and during the war and as academics are still doing current research in Iraq. One was a veteran herself and Gold Star Spouse. She was deployed to Afghanistan when her husband was killed in Iraq. Her research was focused on surviving families of those service members killed and seriously injured in the war. Another was studying the long-term effects of Coalition Burn Pits and other toxic environmental impacts of the war on Iraqi civilians

As one would reasonably expect, the Anthropologists were generally “anti-war” and brought an impressive and convincing amount of data to support their position(s). A non-veteran might be surprised, but none of the veterans involved – with the full benefit of hindsight – had much positive to say about our county’s involvement in Iraq either. Various potentially provocative questions were presented by moderators for discussion and the panel(s) of experts provided their research, insights, and perspectives in response. For example, “Was the war a success or failure?” It was a spirited exchange and well worth my time. I was especially happy that in the audience were a good number of Army Officers and NCO students and cadre. I got to engage a lot of them, including several Marines going to school there. They were all sharp and surprisingly well informed on the history of Iraq (several had BAs in History). A couple had even been in Iraq, Syria, or Kuwait, recently in support of SOF operations

For those that might not have heard the term before, here is a definition of historiography for context. “The historiography of a specific topic covers how historians [of varying credibility] have studied that topic using particular sources, techniques, and theoretical approaches.” Legitimate historians use analytical skills like, “data analysis, research, critical thinking, communication, [and] problem-solving…” to get as accurate a picture of events as possible. Historians are part storytellers, but mostly operate like detectives. A historian sifts through the available evidence and develops a coherent theory of the crime (event) that can be supported by that evidence. Likewise, the historian also has to judge the reliability of the information provided by all the witnesses (sources). If new credible evidence is discovered then the original theory may be modified or discarded accordingly.

A historical event that is recent or ongoing, like the War in Iraq, has yet to have much truly analytic history written about it. Therefore, our understanding is still relatively shallow and dominated by less reliable and likely biased sources. Political or Military figures intent on justifying or rationalizing their decisions and actions, for example. In terms of storytelling, Historians work by first picking a reasonably objective “lens to look through.” Think of the device that optometrists use when they have you look at an eye chart and tell them which lens gives you the clearest view. In this case, a historian is both the patient and then the optometrist in the scenario. First getting the picture as clear as he can in his mind based on vetted sources and then through his or her writings helping an audience see that picture with the same clarity.

It was good to observe and participate in an event that involved professionals willing to go right up to uncomfortable facts about the war and look them in the eye without blinking or flinching away. It was also good for me to hear so many other perspectives on the subject. While I did not necessarily agree with every argument of every panelist at the Symposium, I thought they all made valid points worth considering. In that spirit, I am going to share some of my own observations about the war – for what they might be worth to the reader. No one need agree with me. In terms of my bona fides, I spent considerable time in the region and the countries bordering Iraq between 1991 and 2003 in 5th and then 3rd SFGs. I was no novice to local players, threats, and civil dynamics. I was there for the final planning and the run-up to the invasion phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Altogether, I spent four years of my life in Iraq itself. And another three and a half in Afghanistan in between. Moreover, my jobs in SOF units required me to travel throughout the country; and, because I was “mid-management” I got to be close to the senior decision makers in every phase as well. I think, it is fair to say, that access probably gave me a broader perspective on the conflict than most.

Admittedly, given my intimate personal involvement, I may not always be an entirely detached or objective observer of those events myself. But, for personal and professional reasons, I try. I will start at the beginning of our invasion in March of 2003. The pre-invasion information (psychological operations) campaign was probably the most effective in history. We dropped leaflets and beamed radio and even television signals into Iraq intensely in the weeks leading up to the invasion. We told the Iraqi Army not to fight; the Coalition was only coming to remove the dictator Saddam; once that was accomplished then all Iraqis would be part of a better future. They believed us. For the most part, Iraqi soldiers and their officers abandoned their heavy weapons, shed their uniforms, and went home to await our instructions. In the weeks after the invasion Iraqi (Sunni) Generals and Colonels would visit US Forces and offer their services to re-muster their men at their former bases and immediately “go back to work” rebuilding their country – but they were always told to wait. We were going to renege on our promise.

Moreover, since we had already refused to assume “Occupying Force” status (as required by International Law) or established strict (Coalition imposed) martial law, the U.S. all but guaranteed that their repressed internal political and cultural demons would be unleashed against us and each other. I remember being in the parking lot of a multi-story shopping center in Baghdad in early April watching as Iraqis carried off merchandise as the Mall burned behind them. They waved and smiled at us as they passed by. We could have stopped it easily with a word. But we were under strict orders from Washington not to interfere. After all, they were “repressed people” just “letting off steam.” Bullshit! They were looters pure and simple. With our inaction, we squandered any claim to moral authority we might otherwise have had the chance to exercise. Instead of letting the Iraqi people know that there was a “new Sheriff in town” we sent the clear message that there was NO Sheriff in town, NO laws, and that anything goes.

In the case of Iraq, the Kurds and the Shia had been the classic ‘latent insurgents’ during the decades of Saddam’s Baathist Regime. Of course, Saddam took action to suppress those people by gassing the Kurds in the north and brutally putting down Shia uprisings in the south, particularly after Desert Storm. Our invasion in 2003 turned that repressive but stable arrangement on its head. Now the Sunni minority who had held uncontested power were the targets of immediate reprisal repression by the Shia – and the Sunni were very afraid. At the insistence of our Iraqi Shia “allies,” the US Government foolishly supported the implementation of the draconian “De-Baathification” laws which prevented any former Baathist from holding public office – permanently! That meant that every Sunni of even minor political stature was blacklisted. The Sunnis who could run for office were political lightweights and had no credibility even within the Sunni community. So, the Sunni largely boycotted the first round of national elections in protest. That was a mistake they recognized only too late. The Shia, therefore, consolidated their political control through the ballot box and at that point, the US, for all practical purposes, had done nothing more than replace a Sunni dictator with a de-facto Shia dictatorship.

One must understand something about the culture to recognize why this was so vindictive on the part of the Shia and so devastating to the Sunni pride. Wearing a uniform as a soldier or police officer gave those men a position of respect in their society. De-Baathification did not just take a job away from these men but rather served to effectively emasculate them. Publicly castrating them in the eyes of their families, clans, and tribes. It was an unforgivable insult to the Sunni and the Shia knew it – and the US allowed it. That is when the IEDs started appearing. At first, those devices were not particularly effective because they were mostly designed to send a message rather than inflict damage. But since no political accommodations were made – or even attempted – as the Summer turned into Fall, the situation continued to deteriorate. This was not an unintended consequence that was only recognized in hindsight. Many of us knew it was a major strategic mistake at the time and Military Leaders in country tried – desperately – to get Senior Leaders in Washington to reconsider. But, in their unbridled hubris, those in Washington were certain they knew best.

Therefore, it would be accurate to say that political inaction and cultural ignorance on the part of the US to restrain the blatant Shia moves to oppress the Sunni created the insurgency in Iraq. And we could have stopped it relatively easily and bloodlessly in that earlier stage. The key takeaway is that none of this required resolution through a counterinsurgency campaign – or a traditional military strategy of any kind. This quite probably could have and should have been negotiated politically and equitably but it would have required the US to ‘force’ the parties –especially the Shia – to some compromise. We deliberately chose not to explore that course of action and instead proceeded to conduct combat operations to eliminate the “handful of dead-enders” supposedly responsible. For all the fighting and destruction involved, the war has – to this day – still not resolved the underlying issues between those actors. It is worth noting for the historical record, the vast majority of the civilian casualties in the conflict were inflicted by the various native sects, paramilitaries, and insurgents on each other – not by Coalition Forces. Bottom line is, had we not helped set the fire in the first place we would never have been struggling to find the right way to put it out after it becomes a blazing inferno in the following many years.

That also illustrates one of the almost insurmountable challenges of COIN. We call it “counterinsurgency” and that name implies that the primary focus is on stopping the insurgent. But the insurgent is just the visible – and in many ways the smallest and least dangerous – manifestation of the massive subsurface “iceberg’ of societal issues that need to be addressed. The fundamental problem is one of Host Nation (HN) government legitimacy with their people. Your “partners” in the HN government are usually less than trustworthy or virtuous. Their own people know that. They are likely just the most ambitious and often ruthless rather than the best or brightest from that society. It is the harder, more complicated, and sometimes dirtier business to deal with the people who are supposed to be on “your side” in the conflict than it is to overcome the insurgents. That is also why it is HARD to convince the population in the affected area that their future is brighter with a government they do not trust and not with the insurgent.

One of the enduring misconceptions of the war is that FM3-24 Counterinsurgency (COIN), finally gave US Forces a “winning” doctrine. The popular mythos of that manual is that GEN Petraeus brought it down from a mountain on a stone tablet. It is supposed to be doctrinal lightning in a bottle, holds all the answers, and was not to be questioned. I am exaggerating only slightly. Unfortunately, FM3-24 relies a great deal on the US experience in Vietnam. The fact is that most of our COIN initiatives in Vietnam failed miserably. Obviously, we should want to avoid the well-studied pitfalls of that not-so-distant historical debacle. Yet, instead, we have made a point of reapplying the exact same flawed methodologies in Iraq and Afghanistan these last two decades. It does little good to study history if you do not learn the right lessons. Remember: in Vietnam, we won all the battles, and we won all the gunfights in Iraq and Afghanistan. So what? As a North Vietnamese General famously said “That is true but it is irrelevant.”

That is why the COIN fighting forces can have high morale and unbroken will and achieve those tactical successes…and still not be winning at the strategic level. No matter how hard or fast we “whack the moles,” if the insurgent can absorb those losses and maintain their collective will it is almost impossible to eliminate them by direct combat. That is where it gets complicated. In order to defeat the insurgents, you have to “attack” and resolve or at least mitigate the political, economic, or social issues that created the insurgent in the first place. He is the weed; you can cut him down endlessly with no lasting effect. It is vital to go after the roots. An unbroken string of tactical victories not only does not guarantee success, but it may also actually contribute in a counterintuitive way to ultimate failure. I would argue that FM3-24 was not the doctrinal miracle cure it was sold as but rather at best a placebo, at worse snake oil. Real innovation is needed in how we as a nation (and Allies) approach this kind of conflict. If we do it, we have to accept that it is harder and more complicated than we would like; and to be successful requires a longer –rather than shorter – commitment on our part.

I would suggest something on par with US involvement in rebuilding and shaping post-WWII Germany and Japan. Granted, in those cases, there was not an inherently unstable trifurcated society like Iraq. But, those are important valid historical examples where US Military guided nation-building or re-building worked well. I have often argued that we had no issue with potentially violent insurgencies in occupied Germany or Japan after WWII precisely because we established military “Law and Order” immediately, committed ourselves to remain in place as long as necessary to achieve our goals, and task organized ourselves as a “Constabulary” to maintain the civil peace. I had an Uncle, who served as a paratrooper in the Pacific in WWII. He airlanded in Japan a few days after the surrender. Surprisingly, he and his compatriots were not met with hostility. In fact, after a few weeks, off-duty American soldiers would walk the local streets unarmed. The situation was much the same in Germany. That hard won peace allowed new – truly functional and legitimate – governments to be established in relatively short order – without additional violence. I am convinced that we had the real opportunity in those early days in Iraq to do just that. But we squandered the chance and we and the Iraqi people paid a terrible and unnecessary price for our lack of imagination and vision.

I was in country before, during, and after the so-called “Surge Strategy” period. The initiative that became known as the ‘Sunni Awakening’ began in earnest in early 2006 before FM 3-24 was even published. So, the new doctrine was not a factor. Nor had any of the promised US “Surge Forces” arrived in country at that time. The Sunni Awakening did not ‘stabilize’ Iraq either. The Sunni tribes cut a deal directly with U.S. Forces rather than actually reconciling with the Shia dominated government in Baghdad. The Shia government was never on board and, in fact, resented this ‘sidebar’ bilateral arrangement. The Shia were also opposed to the ‘accommodation’ for semi-autonomy we had pushed with the Kurds in the north. Perhaps if U.S. Forces had stayed, we might have mitigated the collapse of the Iraqi Army in front of the ISIL advances in 2014. But the Shia began to reassert themselves – refused a Status of Forces Agreement – and moved to re-disenfranchise the Sunni and re-marginalize the Kurds even before U.S. Forces withdrew at the end of 2011. Our continued presence was not stopping or even slowing that process. Nor is it likely it would have if we had stayed even longer.

I left Iraq for the last time in March, 2011. It was already crystal clear that the Iraqi Government intended to undo much of what we had done toward the end to bring the factions marginally closer together. And we knew that process would begin in earnest immediately after we got out of their way. The Sunni Awakening itself was very helpful in reducing the immediate sectarian violence – but it solved nothing. It served only to defer the pressing need to resolve the intractable internal political issues of the Iraqi government. In fact, because the reduction in violence was so encouraging, the American people were led to believe that the war was won. And that public misperception precipitated the withdrawal plan first negotiated toward the end of the Bush Administration. In short, the alleged ‘success’ of the surge strategy gave us the adequate military pretext and the convenient political excuse to declare victory and leave.

We consistently made the fatal mistake of confusing enthusiasm with capability. The War in Iraq is not something I can be completely dispassionate about. I lost people there. My generation will carry scars from the war for the rest of our lives – as Vietnam veterans did before us. I have said this before, but I will repeat it now. We paid in blood to buy the politicians of all the countries involved, especially the Iraqi and American governments, precious time to resolve those underlying challenges we talked about in the Symposium and I elaborated on in my comments. I am certainly not satisfied with the clearly suboptimum outcome we ended up with, but Iraq is stable for the moment. The professionals I served with – including every Service of the US Military, Inter-Agency Partners, Allies, and Iraqi Security Forces – did their duty. I do take satisfaction in the fact that we did everything that was asked of us – and then some. We kept the faith! I can live with that.

De Oppresso Liber!

LTC Terry Baldwin, US Army (Ret) served on active duty from 1975-2011 in various Infantry and Special Forces assignments. SSD is blessed to have him as both reader and contributor.

Boy Scouts Once Dressed Like Doughboys

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

Founded by Lord Baden-Powell, the Scouting movement finds its roots in the military. Lord Baden-Powell was himself a General in the British Army who led his forces successfully during the Second Boer War.

His military training manual, Aids to Scouting, was wildly popular amongst boys in England and a movement was born. Naturally, the Scouts adopted militaristic uniforms.

Here in the States, a similar thing happened. This is a page from a 1925 pamphlet. Aside from insignia, you’d think this young man was in the Army.

Pritzker Military Museum & Library to Host Annual “On War Military History Symposium” April 13-14

Saturday, March 4th, 2023

Dr. Craig L. Symonds to receive the PMML’s 2023 Literature Award at Symposium

CHICAGO, IL (March 2, 2023) The Pritzker Military Museum & Library (PMML) will host its annual “On War Military History Symposium” on April 13-14, 2023, at its headquarters located at 104 S. Michigan Avenue. The PMML will also present Craig L. Symonds, Ph.D. with the 2023 PMML Literature Award. The Symposium will examine the history, health, and future of the All-Volunteer Force (AVF) under the theme of “The All-Volunteer Force Turns Fifty: Past Successes, Future Challenges.”

The Symposium kicks off on Thursday, April 13, at 3:00 p.m. with a discussion of the theme, “Those Who Serve in Today’s All-Volunteer Force.” Panelists will touch on the social, cultural, and economic implications, past and present, associated with the draft and AVF. Panelists include Colonel (USA) Jaron Wharton, Ph.D., Military Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Kenneth O. Preston, 13th Sergeant Major of the Army; Adrian R. Lewis, Ph.D.; David B. Pittaway, Professor of Military History, University of Kansas; and Major General (USA Ret.) Dennis Laich, author of “Skin in the Game: Poor Kids and Patriots.”

Following the panel discussion, Dr. Symonds will be presented with the Pritzker Military Museum & Library’s 2023 Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing. The Literature Award serves to recognize a living author who has made a significant contribution to the understanding of military history, including military affairs. Dr. Symonds is a Professor Emeritus of History at the United States Naval Academy where he taught for 30 years, including a four-year term as History Department Chair, and is the author of 17 books. He is decorated with many awards, including the Academy’s Teacher of the Year Award, Navy Meritorious Service Award, and Researcher of the Year Award.

“We are proud to award the Pritzker Military Museum & Library’s Literature Award to Dr. Symonds,“ said Pritzker Military Museum & Library Founder, Colonel (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired). “While he is deservingly decorated with many awards, Dr. Symonds’ profound collection of books merits recognition from the PMML. His distinguished work and dedication to not only examining history but also to teaching it to the next generation must be acknowledged.”

Presentation of the Literature Award will be followed by a cocktail reception and seated dinner. Keynote speaker, Major General Johnny K. Davis, will discuss the transformation of the army’s recruitment process and how the Army is leveraging its greatest asset: its people.

On Friday, April 14, attendees will enjoy three panel discussions, along with a continental breakfast and lunch. The first session begins at 9 a.m. and covers civil-military relations and civic engagement in the AVF environment. Panelists will address the influence of the civil-military gap on democracy and America’s ability to maintain national security. Panelists include Isaiah “Ike” Wilson III, Ph.D., President of the Joint Special Operations University; Colonel (USMC) Eric Reid, Director of the Marine Corps Talent Management Strategy Group; Carrie A. Lee, Ph.D., U.S. Army War College, Chair of the Department of National Security and Strategy; and Risa Brooks, Ph.D., Allis Chalmers Professor of Political Science at Marquette University.

The second session, “National Security in an Increasingly Technology-Dominated World: Populating the Military Forces,” will begin at 10:40 a.m. This group of panelists will explore how modernization and technology have impacted the force structure and those who serve in an all-volunteer environment. This session’s panelists are Krewasky A. Salter, Ph.D., President of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library; Colonel (USA Ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson, Past Distinguished Visiting Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William and Mary; Lieutenant Colonel (USA) Keith Carter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the US Military Academy & Director of the Defense and Strategic Studies Program; and Jackie Schneider, Ph.D. (USAF Res.), Hoover Fellow and an affiliate of the Center for International Security and Cooperation.

The final session begins at 1:25 p.m. and addresses “Partner Perspectives: How America’s Allies Man Their Militaries.” This panel will explore how universal service, selective conscription, and other recruitment systems address the contemporary security environment, alongside the implications and applicability of these models for the United States. Panelists include Gil Barndollar, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Catholic University of America’s Center for the Study of Statesmanship; Hitoshi Kawano, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at the Department of Public Policy at National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan; and Max Z. Margulies, Ph.D., U.S. Military Academy, Director of Research at the Modern War Institute and the Defense and Strategic Studies Thesis Program Director.

“This All-Volunteer Force (AVF) On War Symposium is significant because it will help further a long overdue discussion about the way we man of our national military force at a time when our national security is challenged,” said Pritzker Military Museum & Library President, Dr. Krewasky A. Salter. “To maintain our nation’s security we must maintain a strong military force. What is the best way to do that has been debated almost from the beginning of the AVF 50 years ago this year. To help us all be better informed as American citizens, this symposium will cover all angles and viewpoints from how should we recruitment, to manning high tech 21st century systems, to discussions associated with how allied countries approach this same challenge.”   

The Symposium will take on a hybrid format, welcoming in-person and virtual participants. Tickets are available for both attendance options. Learn more about each panelist and register by visiting the Museum & Library’s website.

The Long Wait Is Over: Vietnam Veteran to Receive Medal of Honor

Saturday, March 4th, 2023

WASHINGTON — The White House announced retired Army Col. Paris Davis will receive the Medal of Honor for his acts of bravery as a commander during the Vietnam War.

President Joe Biden will present the award to Davis during a ceremony at the White House Friday.

Davis commanded American Special Forces as well as an inexperienced South Vietnamese company against a large North Vietnamese force June 17-18, 1965. His tactical leadership allowed the company to gain an advantage and surprise the enemy.

Davis was wounded in the initial assault, but he continued to push forward, killing several enemy soldiers.

Following a counterattack from the North Vietnamese and facing intense gun fire, Davis led a small group of Soldiers as they destroyed locations defended by the enemy.

Davis then regrouped with his company and ordered air strikes on the enemy. The North Vietnamese, however, launched another attack with increased numbers. Davis was again wounded but managed to hold off the enemy.

Noticing two of his Soldiers seriously injured, Davis disregarded his own safety and went to save them. He was shot in the leg as he pulled the first one to safety.

Davis went back to get the second Soldier and drew heavy enemy fire. He crawled 150 yards and was hit by grenade fragments, causing multiple wounds. He didn’t let that stop him and was able to get the Soldier to safety.

After rescuing both men, Davis directed the helicopter extraction of the wounded but refused it for himself. He continued to fight the enemy until his entire company made it out safely. He then remained on the battlefield to coordinate the final aerial and artillery attacks, ensuring victory.

Davis saved the lives of multiple Soldiers during the battle and led his company to victory over a much larger enemy force. He was awarded the Silver Star for heroism.

Now, after nearly six decades, Davis will receive the nation’s highest award for military valor.

By Christopher Hurd, Army News Service

The Baldwin Files – Hacking Tactical Gear Part 1

Monday, February 27th, 2023

“Amateurs train until they get it right. Professionals train until they can’t get it wrong.” Unknown

By now, anyone who has been reading my articles knows that I have an absurd amount of tactical kit. Bits and pieces, dating back to the 1950s, that accumulated over the years; as well as newer stuff I just bought or otherwise acquired as recently as last week. Enough to equip a Rifle Platoon more or less. My wife says I have way too much. She is right, but I have the tactical gear monkey firmly on my back. I have told her that when I die, she can build my funeral pyre out of all that excess equipment and give me a Viking send-off. The kind of bonfire that could be seen from low Earth orbit. She likes that idea. I am no doubt a connoisseur of tactical gear, but I do not consider myself a collector. I admit that I have more than I need, but I have not amassed any of this stuff just to admire it. Rather, I always have the intent to put it to good use.

When I was still in the Army, I experimented with anything and everything I picked up to see if it suited my purposes or was better than what I was already using. Since I retired, I still put everything I get my hands on through its paces for the same reason. For my personal satisfaction if nothing else. I have yet to find a piece of gear that I did not feel the need to modify (hack) in some fashion. Even though I am more extreme than most, I know I am not alone. Of course, as I have mentioned before, many in the ranks tend to be more pragmatic if not pessimistic. They just accept the fact that issued gear is always going to be sub-optimum for their mission or personal comfort. One size fits all and made by the lowest bidder. Perhaps their plate carrier or harness causes hot spots and in the worst cases leaves welts. Or critical gear seemingly cannot be positioned exactly where they need it to be for quick and easy access under stress. Eventually, by necessity, they apply some 550 cord, tape, and/or ad hoc padding here and there to at least make everything less painful and drive on. A few, out of frustration, will start cutting off offending pieces of webbing haphazardly and worry about turning in their gear later.

With a little tutoring, I think I can help some of those folks do a little better than that. Therefore, I am going to use the opportunity to explain some general gear principles and hacks that are undoubtedly, targeted primarily toward newer troopers. However, hopefully, old-timers will find something useful as well. Over the years, I found that many junior NCOs and Officers were poorly trained on how to configure and manipulate tactical gear in order to maximize their own efficiencies. And if they do not know how to make their stuff more effective, then they cannot teach their soldiers how to do it better either. I am going to provide a few examples of how I have worked through some problems I encountered over the years. I will also try to explain the supporting field craft lessons behind WHY I did what I did – and maybe throw in a little history as well. I am going to keep this simple, but I am not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence or level of experience. We all started from zero knowledge at one point or another.

I will begin with hacks I first started using many years ago with the older stuff. Because it was cheaper and more minimalistic than modern gear, the ALICE system was made for hacking. For example, the finicky metal clips on the suspenders were taken off by the tens of thousands and replaced with 550 cord. Additional small pouches like those for compasses and strobes could be – and were – sewn on the canteen covers. Likewise, as I have written about at length, the ALICE packs were extensively hacked and individualized by countless soldiers of that era. I know that some ALICE gear is still issued or in circulation; perhaps in ROTC detachments or maybe even some Reserve Component units out there. However, the vast majority still serving are now using some MOLLE variants. Still, since I am talking in generalities, the common hacking techniques I will describe can apply to both old and new systems.

Since the obvious shortcomings of ALICE were well known, during the 80s and 90s Army leaders typically accepted individual modifications to the gear as well as non-standard after-market substitutions – like chest rigs or holsters – in the field. Strangely, as the military transitioned to various MOLLE systems touted for their modular design features in the early 2000s, there had been something of a uniformity backlash. The attitude seemed to be that promiscuous “modularity” was a gateway drug to unchecked individual expression and that was just one slippery step removed from a catastrophic collapse of unit discipline. Therefore, as soon as a unit had been issued MOLLE, leaders felt justified – nay, compelled – to dictate and enforce strict SOPs on the configuration of tactical gear. No modifications or variations authorized! Indeed, from some of the feedback I get, it seems most soldiers today at least feel like they have a lot less latitude to modify their gear than we did back in the day with ALICE.

Here are some general “rules” to consider when hacking gear. Addition is always less problematic than subtraction. Fractions of inches matter. A relatively small alteration may be all that is needed. Before and after adjustments, try out the gear with winter gloves on. If it does not work with gloves, readjust or redo until it does. Test drive modifications in increments. Avoid major – irreversible – surgery if possible. Do not over tailor gear. Leave room to make adjustments to accommodate different missions, or inclement/cold weather clothing layers, etc. All changes should be competently executed. Half-ass frayed nylon butchery is counterproductive. Always use a “hot knife” to make and seal cuts instead of scissors for example. Heat and fire are the gear hacker’s friend – learn how to use them the right way. Always use judiciously to seal any frays, cuts, or holes, made in nylon. Make it a habit to seal the ends of 550 and bungee cord and eliminate loose threads, etc.

None of this is rocket science, but it does take practice to do it right. Experiment with unserviceable gear that you can afford to risk – not the good stuff. Of course, get professional sewing done when necessary. Have custom accessories made – or customize existing accessories like pouches at local sew shops or by making modifications yourself if you have sewing skills and a machine. In some cases, items need to simply be moved up or down to be more readily accessible. Holsters or field knife sheaths are common examples. Substitution of more suitable after-market items for issue equivalents may also be an easy option – albeit more expensive. It is true that most gear manufacturers have some proprietary intellectual property associated with their kit. However, because attachment systems compatible with PALS are commonly required with current military or other large government contracts both in the US and worldwide, it is a de facto standard that most manufacturers voluntarily conform to. Therefore, there is more commonality and interchangeability between brands than one might first imagine.

A professional soldier, like an expert in any other field, should strive for excellence. Continually seeking to master his or her craft. That, in turn, requires constantly adjusting and refining individual personal equipment and getting to know that gear – intimately. In most cases – especially at the entry level – there is absolutely no need to spend lots of cash on modifications or expensive commercial kit substitutes. But, over time, a reasonable investment of effort and money is warranted to get the best results. Whether a new piece of gear is bought or issued, take time to read the instructions first. Inspect the gear in detail. Assemble and disassemble it – after all, that is how we get familiar with new weapons.

Here is a good place to introduce some cheap and simple “tools of the trade” for tactical gear maintenance and modification (above, top tight). From left to right, the first four items are my “hot knife” kit. A Nomex glove to protect my hand, an old butter knife I have used for this purpose for over 30 years, a propane torch to provide the heat required, and a round scrap block of wood that acts as a cutting/work surface. Below the block is a hobby knife. Any razor blade type cutter will work, but the hobby knife is designed for precise cutting and works especially well for this application. Next is a Thread Cutter, a common sewing tool that works well to split seams or separate sewn items. An orange Bic lighter provides the flame for other small tasks like sealing 550 cords. And, lastly, an old star screwdriver that I can heat with the torch to punch out neat round holes in nylon for surface-mounted ITW buckles. The holes in the wood block help with that. A T-handle from an old M16 cleaning rod would work as well.

So, let’s hack some simple stuff. In the same slide (above) we have some LCE/LBE suspenders. On the far left is the M1967 nylon H-Harness. It was essentially the nylon-ification of the M1956 system (not shown). I always preferred the H-Harness (4 legs) to the ALICE Y-Harness (3 legs, second from left) and used the M1967 suspenders when I could get them. However, it was not designed to be used with a rucksack as can be seen by the two metal buckles mounted on top of the yoke (blue circles). Those had to be removed or they would grind into your shoulders under weight. The back leg on the ALICE suspenders was bifurcated and I am going to refer to it as a B-Strap to differentiate it from the other, singular straps (S-Strap). Here is a fun fact: neither the M1967 nor the ALICE suspenders have any foam padding as we would now expect. Instead, a black plastic mesh was used to provide some cushioning. I peeled back one ALICE yoke (yellow circle, center) to expose it, but unfortunately, it is too small to be seen clearly in the picture. The mesh was used because it did not absorb water and, therefore, the yoke dried quickly. And that choice was in response to a common complaint by soldiers in Vietnam that the M1956 gear got wet and stayed wet in the high humidity of the jungle.

When I was issued ALICE suspenders, I usually stripped off the S-Straps in the front and replaced them with the B-Straps salvaged from a couple of other suspenders. As I said, ALICE gear was cheap and easy to come by. By the late 70s – early 80s, Surplus Stores usually had pallets of semi-serviceable examples on hand for a couple of bucks each. What good was that? For one thing, it helped eliminate pistol belt sag or droop. On the top left of the slide above I have put together a M1967 yoke with four B-Straps. All the buckles on the straps have been removed, and 550 cord is used exclusively to attach the harness to the belt. 16 points of attachment in all for this hypothetical example. On the top right is a more modern, but very similar arrangement using elements of the SPEAR ELCS and an Eagle yoke that achieves the same purpose. I used a version of this when SPEAR was first issued in ~1997-2001 before 911.

Stabilizing the belt in some fashion is especially important if you want to run a classic British style Belt Kit – as I usually did – with pouches and other gear like holsters and knife sheaths all around the circumference of the belt. Bottom left is a reconstructed example of my usual setup. In this case, I used an old Blackhawk H-Harness, left the S-Straps on the back because I normally carried a buttpack back then, and put B-Straps on the front (yellow circles) to support a total of four Ammo pouches. I routinely carried four pouches, as a lot of guys did, not to make space for more ammo; but rather to have a convenient place to put all the small tools of war I needed to carry where they would be easy to get to, like chem lights, camo sticks/compacts, mini-Maglite, and so on.

Obviously, that setup is very “old school” and has been largely – but not entirely – superseded by load carriage systems adapted for body armor applications. However, H-Harnesses are still out there and still getting the job done. Bottom right is the recent Velocity Systems “Jungle Kit” that is a modernized version in 21st-Century materials of the old system. Yet, even though this setup is an improvement in almost every way to my vintage harness, I still saw the need to make one adjustment – so far – to optimize it for me. The suspenders have two front straps on either side that come down independently from the front of the yoke portion (large yellow oval on the left side). This arrangement left a hole between the straps that was too big for my taste. I imagined myself shoving my arm through that space while rushing to get the harness on during a pitch-black night in a driving rainstorm. So, I added a flat metal triglide through both straps. And slid the triglide down to form an inverted V similar in size to the one on the old B-Strap (small yellow circle, bottom right). That small adjustment/addition solved the problem to my satisfaction.

How about bringing old ALICE components further into the 21st Century? Above (left) is the current issue Tactical Assault Panel (TAP) in service with the Army and Marines. I have admitted before that I do not have “real world” experience with this system since it was just hitting the streets when I was getting out. But I have been playing with it now for several years and I have some suggestions that I think make it better. The body has built-in pockets for six 5.56 magazines and the two outer pockets can hold slightly larger items like GPSs, some IMBITR radios, and 7.62 magazines. That is a good thing. I tucked the flaps that come with the magazine pockets inside and put in Kydex inserts to hold M4 magazines in place. I am just not fond of flaps for this particular application. Because the TAP is designed to “plug and play” with IOTVs or plate carriers, other pouches like IFAKs and various utility pouches are usually added on the front (not shown). That puts all the weight on the front and that has always been a common problem with classic chest harnesses. In the old days, a rucksack on the soldier’s back helped balance the load fairly well and body armor was not a factor. Times have changed.

The independent Y-Harness that comes with the TAP (center left) is certainly minimalistic and also clearly shows its ALICE DNA. The darn thing is even bifurcated in the back! It also is not that comfortable. It is true that a wider shoulder strap – like found on the FLC or A-TAP – can be reasonably comfortable without padding; however, the TAP yoke is unpadded and narrow. When I put six loaded magazines in the TAP with this harness it rides the sides of my neck in a way I would not find comfortable for any length of time. Some adjustments are needed. First, I looked for a way to spread the front of the straps out as much as possible. I used two T-Bars (red circles) through the top side webbing loops to give me another couple of inches of space. I tucked the buckles that come with the TAP into the stow pockets on the back. Indeed, I cut nothing off the TAP or made any permanent changes.

The extra space in the front helped, but alone was not enough. The narrow V of the TAP yoke still rode up on the back of my neck uncomfortably. The rear of the yoke needed to be wider – say like the ALICE yoke. Therefore, I built a hybrid ALICE/TAP harness (top left). It provides some much-needed cushioning along with wider shoulder straps, and a crossbar in the back to hold it further apart (top red circle). It is a simple adaption, but it helps the TAP ride a lot more comfortably in my opinion. In fact, I think if some entrepreneur manufactured a good number of reasonably priced ALICE/TAP harness hybrids in OCP (Army) and Coyote Brown (Marines) there would likely be a ready market. Just call it the A1 version and units might even buy it. In any case, I would argue it is a demonstrably “more better” harness and would be a clear product improvement over the current issue item.

Still, I was not entirely satisfied and for strictly personal preference, I cranked it up to 11. On the right, I used an old Eagle harness and other pieces I had on hand to make my preferred H-Harness style to replace the Y-Harness version entirely. If I was running this setup as a standalone rig, I would consider putting the IFAK on the back and a hydration carrier as shown. By putting those items on the back, they provide some counterbalance to the heavier front load. Some female QASM buckles on the front of the TAP (yellow triangles) and male buckles on the H-Harness (yellow circles) stabilizes the entire rig the way I like it. That is enough hacking for now. More to follow. Of course, none of my examples or suggestions may be directly applicable to anyone else’s situation or preferences. However, everyone who uses tactical gear should be able to functionally triage their kit, identify things that need to be changed, rearranged, adjusted, removed, or replaced, and not be afraid to make those changes.

De Oppresso Liber!

LTC Terry Baldwin, US Army (Ret) served on active duty from 1975-2011 in various Infantry and Special Forces assignments. SSD is blessed to have him as both reader and contributor.