Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Great American Outdoor Show – Magpul’s Drake Clark

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

I ran across the Magpul booth and who was there, but the Indomitable Drake Clark.

I don’t know what’s more impressive.  That beard, or the Remington 700 decked out in Magpul furniture.

The EOTech Refund Help Line Is Now Open

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Call 1 888 EOTHOLO
Option 3 in the sub menu
then, 1 for the refund call center

Great American Outdoor Show – Mossberg Introduces M-Lok

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016


The Mossberg MMR is now available with a M-Lok Compatible handguard.

Great American Outdoor Show 2016

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is a massive, nine day event held each year in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The NRA estimates that the show will have 250,000 visitors this year. With the crowd I’m seeing, I can believe it. They use almost every square inch of this agricultural center to exhibit and sell, the latest and greatest in shooting, hunting, fishing and recreation equipment and services.


Although it’s mainly hunting related, I made the five hour drive up from the Tidewater of Virginia to check it out.

NDGate – Panteao Productions Responds to Travis Haley’s Allegations

Monday, February 8th, 2016

Panteao Productions has issued a statement to explain their involvement in NDGate, which swept social media over the weekend. Since the incident seems to have started with them, it seems appropriate that we share their statement.

But first, let’s catch everyone up who missed out. It all began Thursday evening when video surfaced showing tactical trainer Travis Haley appearing to have a negligent discharge of an AK rifle he was using for demonstration purposes. According to Panteao’s statement, they did not authorize the release of the video so they removed it from public access on YouTube, but by that time, the video clip was in the wild. Like we’ve said so many times, you can’t take the internet back. We posted an article which linked to an edited version of the video. Soon, that video was hit with a copyright claim by Panteao and was taken down. At that point, we figured they were in damage control mode and were playing whack-a-mole so there was no point in having an article up that relied on a missing video. Instead, we removed our article, with a decision to reengage once things settled down. However, the majority of the comments in our post were quite positive. They understood that NDs happen and that it was a valuable teaching tool.


For social media, comedy is the mother of invention, and over the weekend, dozens of remixes of the video appeared on Facebook and Instagram. Some were more amusing that others.

Eventually, Travis Haley chose to comment on the developing situation. Remember, that positive attitude that saw the situation as a teaching tool? Well, apparently Haley didn’t.  Instead, he denied it had happened and claimed that Panteao was out to slander him. Granted, this whole situation would have been avoided had the video not made its way into the wild, but Haley’s response unfortunately had the effect of throwing gasoline on a fire. There’s a video below. When you finish reading this, make sure you watch the whole thing.

Some of Haley’s animosity toward Panteao may stem from this link on Panteao’s site: This move by Panteao was in response to Haley’s statement not long before on Facebook that the videos he had created while at Magpul Dynamics were no longer valid and that his fans should no longer purchase them. His position was that he had moved on to newer techniques. Magpul fans, and apparently Paneao Productions, took it as sour grapes. Perhaps concerned that he might eventually do the same to them, Panteao seems to have taken preemptive action. As you can see, this situation has been brewing for some time.

Now, on to Panteao’s statement (and accompanying video) on the situation:

February 7, 2016

This will be the first and last time we comment publicly on this incident. Given the firestorm surrounding the video which was recently released without our authorization, we felt it necessary to publicly state our position regarding the matter:

The relationship between Panteao Productions and Travis Haley ended over a year ago because of a disagreement over whether or not training should have an expiration date. Much to the disappointment of those who primarily use the internet to create and feed off of other people’s drama, and despite our past differences in opinion, we have nothing but respect for Travis’ accomplishments, and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

The video in question was not posted by Panteao for public consumption, and more importantly, was never intended to be seen externally. It was unlisted on our YouTube Channel, and was designated for in-house training purposes. It was intended to be a humorous reminder shared with crew members and collaborating instructors of what we don’t want to have happen during filming. It had been forgotten about until the link was shared publicly by one of the instructors we had been working with up until this point. At this time we are still unsure why they (the other instructor) felt the need to share the link publicly, regardless, once we became aware of the developing situation we deleted the video from our YouTube channel and had it removed wherever we came across it. There was nothing derogatory/defamatory intended by the video, or its description.

Anyone that has spent any serious amount of time doing this at the professional level knows that NO ONE IS ABOVE MAKING A MISTAKE. We have multiple layers of safety in place to prevent them, but at the end of the day there is absolutely nothing we are able to do that can entirely remove the human element from the equation. We decided to utilize the video as a tool to show our crew members that no matter someone’s level of past experience, background, or accomplishment that the possibility for an accident always exists. It served as a reminder to us; always wear eyes and ears on set, confirm the condition of any firearms the talent may be using to demonstrate techniques with, and to watch our position in relation to the muzzle whether or not a segment was intended to be live fired. Unfortunately individuals from the Haley Strategic camp have started spreading inaccurate statements about how the video was published intentionally to hurt Travis and that it was not a Negligent Discharge in the first place.

It is disheartening that Travis has failed to acknowledge what took place. We don’t care to speculate why someone with his abilities and background feels the need to deny their own fallibility, common to all of us, so vehemently. He handled the situation as best as anyone could at the time and pressed on during filming, as one would expect from a professional. Internally, we saw the opportunity the video represented for us, and utilized it to illustrate things that WE could do better on set.

The big question now is “was this really a negligent discharge?” or something staged or edited to look like one. The scene in question was not intended to be live fired, thus none of the crew had their hearing protection on, neither did Travis. It was strictly a demo of different Russian techniques. There were MULTIPLE individuals standing in close proximity to Travis, any of whom who would have reminded him to put his ears on if live fire was intended. In the crystal clear light of hindsight, one of the errors that occurred was having a hot gun for this particular scene. As the ones ultimately responsible for the safety of the production, that particular error falls on us, and it was one of the many lessons we took away from the incident. When the rifle discharged into the side berm, ears were ringing and as is common in these situations, everyone took a moment to look at each other and inspect for new holes. Travis summed it up best in the video “That didn’t work.”

So let’s talk about what works:

1. All Guns Are Always Loaded.
2. Never Let The Muzzle Cover Anything You Are Not Willing To Destroy.
3. Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger (And Out Of The Trigger Guard) Until Your Sights Are On
4. Be Sure Of Your Target.

Most importantly, do not allow yourself to become complacent. Familiarity breeds contempt, and contempt breeds complacency. In this business, complacency kills. We are saddened that this has become such a public incident, but since the cat is out of the bag, let’s all utilize it for the learning tool it is. We are all human, we all make mistakes, and there is nothing wrong in acknowledging that.

If you have any doubts as to what happened, watch the whole uncut sequence. At the end of the clip we’ve also included two additional references to the incident that Travis made later that same day during shooting. As we have maintained throughout this entire incident, we have nothing but respect for Travis and his past accomplishments, and we wish him the best. However, we are not able to condone someone attempting to rewrite their personal history to save themselves a little embarrassment, especially when in doing so our own reputation and professionalism is called into question. Let’s all spend our energy on more productive endeavors, and move on from this incident having learned an important lesson.

Fernando Coelho
Panteao Productions, LLC

Guest Post – Why Military Procurement Officials Should Invest in Proper Storage Solutions

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

Military administration and procurement, by its nature, has always required a strict level of discipline in terms of record keeping, access and storage. In the last two decades, the demand for efficient solutions has soared. Two wars and other military campaigns around the globe have increased the demand on procurement officials. Similarly, political back-and-forth and uncertain long-term budgeting issues have put pressure on administration and storage agencies to ensure the right equipment is ready when needed, without a glut of overstock.

One solution is storage. Smart storage can significantly reduce clutter and give military procurement officials the flexibility required to respond to constantly changing needs. However, as any military procurement official can tell you, storage isn’t always as simple as dumping everything into a single storage facility and then making a quick pickup when needed. Needs are complex, and time isn’t always on your side.

Below, learn more about how the right storage option can take some of the strain off military agencies bombarded by new orders and changing procurement requirements.

Strict Accounting Requirements

Bureaucracies are complicated things. The only way to maintain order is to closely track every resource — manpower, money, supplies, you name it. Even among countless government agencies, no group is under the same level of scrutiny as military. After all, supplies range from commodities to deadly weapons; every last item must be accounted for. Without the right storage option, accounting can be hugely time-consuming if not downright hopeless. Storage options as simple as weapons and media cabinets or mechanical carousels for paper documents can greatly simplify efforts for tracking and accounting for military supplies.


Accountability is certainly important, but so is functionality. As important as military operations and national security are, it’s crucial that military procurement officials are as efficient as possible. In that regard, accessibility is key. Movable storage can be a huge timesaver and help to fill military supplies orders much more quickly. Businesses like Patterson Pope and others specialize in such storage options as universal weapons racks and storage carts that make it much easier to move items quickly. Efficiency also means cost effectiveness. The less time personnel have to spend searching through inefficient storage, the more resources that can be devoted elsewhere.

Short Lead Times

Unlike many other government agencies, lead times for military procurement offices are not always so flexible. Orders can change with little to no lead time, and you must be ready to meet the demand as quickly as possible. For that reason, accessible storage and smart sorting is crucial to everyday operations. Customizable storage options can help to keep items grouped in the smartest way possible without taking up too much space. The right style of sorting can make all the difference when facing a complex last-minute request for military supplies. Intuitive design should be a top priority.

Changing Needs

The United States puts a high priority on new technologies — think supplies that are more compact and lightweight, or weapons that are larger than their predecessors. In turn, that means supplies that are in high demand today could be near obsolete tomorrow. Such rapid turnover in technology complicates the job of a military procurement office. On one hand, you must anticipate new incoming supplies that don’t necessarily fit the mold of what is being replaced. On the other hand, procurement officials should never assume (and typically do not have the luxury of assuming) that the “obsolete” supplies will be phased out entirely or can be discarded. For that reason, storage options should be flexible enough to embrace changing needs without a total overhaul.

Budget Uncertainty

Being caught in a political tug-of-war doesn’t help matters. On top of changing requirements and last-minute requests, military procurement officials also must do their best to anticipate future budget constraints. Naturally, the tools to blunt the inconvenience of sudden budget changes are limited, but with the right storage options in place you can continue to do your job as efficiently as circumstances allow.

It might not be the most top-of-mind priority for military procurement officials, but proper storage can save money, reduce employee stress levels and significantly improve overall operations.

Denny Hammack is the CEO of Patterson Pope, leveraging his 25 years of experience dealing with document filing, business storage and records management solutions. Patterson Pope is a professional storage solutions business, helping customers with organization, efficiency and space.

EOTech Refund Update

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

We’ve received similar reports from multiple sources so we feel comfortable sharing this info regarding refunds for EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights.

The refunds will be in the form of a check, processing has been outsourced due to so many returns, and the checks will be sent out within the next two weeks.  Also, there should be a phone number to deal specifically with return issues.  Once we have it, we’ll share it.  

Unique Partnership Of Veteran Owned Businesses Featured At The Great American Outdoor Show

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016




Harrisburg, PA, – A powerful alliance between several veteran-owned companies will be on display at the Great American Outdoor Show. This unique partnership will showcase a variety of brands and Tactical, Hunting, and Survival Products that are all independently owned but work in close collaboration to achieve a single goal – developing, promoting and giving back to veteran-focused organizations. The Veteran Family of Brands is comprised of American heroes and the products they represent.

Featured brands include:

– Axelson Tactical – Owned by the Gold Star Family of Navy SEAL Matthew Axelson
– Offering a variety of Combat, Warrior and Tribute rifles, Custom Handguns, Knives and more
– Reaper Ammunition – Led by Retired Navy SEAL Master Chief, Ron Bellan, Host of the TV show Reaper Outdoors “Survive the Hunt”
– Offering a full line of Weapons, Hunting Ammunition and specialty products
– SEAL1 CLP – Veteran owned company featuring
– Offering a full line bio-based lubrication and cleaning products
– Team Never Quit Ammunition – Led by Lone Survivor, Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell
– Offering a full line of ammunition, including the latest in Reduced Ricochet Frangible self-defense and training rounds.

Celebrity appearances and autograph sessions: Will allow the public a rare opportunity to interact and learn from one of America’s finest warriors, Ron Bellan (Reaper 01) from the hit TV show Reaper Outdoors “Survive the Hunt”. A PA native and Retired Navy SEAL, Ron will be signing autographs and talking about Weapons, Ammunition, and all other Outdoor products at the Axelson Tactical BOOTH #886 on Feb 6-8, 10:00am to 1:00pm and Feb 12-14, 10:00am to 1:00pm. There will also be free giveaways of products and discount cards on the hour at booth #886.

Each member of the alliance donates a portion of their profits to organizations that help veterans and their families including Lone Survivor Foundation, Special Operations Wounded Warrior Foundation and Matthew Axelson Foundation.

Axelson Tactical Booth #886