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Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Armor Holdings Take 2?

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Ok, it’s not the same thing but we do see Sun Capital Partners gobbling up armor companies. In addition to Protective Products Enterprises and Paraclete that we recently wrote about, they have also purchased Point Blank Solutions Inc (in October) which consists of Point Blank Body Armor and PACA Body Armor. That puts several armor companies under one “roof” and when you add in the other companies under the Sun Capital Partners umbrella that operate on the fringes of the tactical industry; Kelty, Sierra Designs, Slumberjack, Ultimate Direction and Royal Robbins, you begin to see the possibility of some synergy. Let’s see if they do as well.

DEPSOC360 Update

Monday, December 26th, 2011


What started out as a project for snipers has evolved into an entire family of camouflage patterns. DEPSOC360 Camouflage Technology primarily relies on shape obfuscation to break up the very distinct silhouette of the human body. Additionally, it “is designed in layers, starting with solid base colors that represent the finest textures of the Military Operating Environment (MOE) and multiple layers of large asymmetric shapes that are typical of the natural scale and shape of the background texture, but not necessarily specific.”

MMI Tactical would like to know which of these patterns would suit you best for hunting. Visit their Facebook page and help them out.


SureFire Responds to NDAA Rumors

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

In the interest of putting some downright far out rumors to bed, we are publishing this statement by SureFire verbatim.

Dear Concerned American Citizens and SureFire Customers,

We’ve been made aware of various articles pertaining to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and SureFire’s alleged role as a lobbyist and/or financial supporter of the bill and its primary political backer, Sen. Robert Portman. The news reports are using our associations with a Political Action Committee (PAC), a former consulting group, and a government contract to infer that we support indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial. These reports are false and misleading. Our association with this bill has nothing to do with citizens’ rights and SureFire is now the casualty of a disregard for sound journalism.

We’ve never supported the removal of citizens’ rights let alone do we have any connection with those responsible for the injustice. Any news outlet alleging SureFire’s support of anti-American rights, is reporting lies. SureFire’s support of unrelated parts of the NDAA does not constitute support for every part of the bill like those that are now being contested.


Stickman Launches Website

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

Popular firearms photographer Stickman has launched a website. It doesn’t have any content yet, but we expect to see some interesting things go on over there. Make sure you follow him on Facebook.


DCS Files Suit Against Hyperstealth

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Digital Concealment Systems, makers of the A-TACS line of camouflage has filed suit against Canada-based Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp in Georgia Middle District Court. It seems to be a peremptory move by DCS after receiving a cease and desist letter from Hyperstealth’s attorney regarding the new FG variant of A-TACS alleging that it is a virtual duplication of several of HyperStealth’s patterns including Ghostex Alpha and Delta, SpecAM, SOPAT, Eurospec, and CAMOPAT which have been public since 2005. Conversely, DCS asserts that their pattern was developed using different methods than those used by Hyperstealth and that A-TACS uses rounded shapes rather than straight, rigid pixilated shapes and contains far different repeat patterns.

Specifically, DCS is seeking judicial declaration of their use of the A-TACS Camo pattern and a ruling that A-TACS FG pattern does not infringe on HyperStealth’s designs.

Digital Concealment Systems v. HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.

I’ve looked at the various patterns and I don’t see it but Hyperstealth must have felt they had good reason to send the cease and desist letter in the first place. Generally, these things don’t make it to trial and some sort of accommodation is reached. Hopefully, these two firms will as well.

Predator Intelligence has some great coverage of the issue including the exhibits that show the patterns in question.


NFM Updates Website

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

NFM is headquartered in Norway but like their Viking forebears they have branched out all over Europe. Over the years their product offerings have expanded and now they have updated their website.

We are big fans of their GARM Combat Clothing System and intrigued by the EC paint.


GEN McChrystal – Chairman of Siemens Government Technologies

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Siemens has hired Retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal to serve as Chairman of their new Siemens Government Technologies business unit which specializes in security systems and engineering software for defense equipment.

GEN McChrystal is a busy man. He also heads McChrystal Group, which we regularly mention here on SSD and sits on the boards of Navistar International Corp and JetBlue Airways Corp. Additionally, he is a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, where he teaches global affairs and leadership.

Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Down Select Delay – The Consequences

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Unintended or not, the Army’s most recent delay in announcing the down select is going to hurt those firms currently in the competitive range for the Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. The program has slipped several times since its inception but this latest delay, with announcement coming “during the second week of JAN 2012” is the most troubling.

Unfortunately, this new deadline butts right up against the annual Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show, 17-20 January in Las Vegas. SHOT Show is THE trade show of the year for those in the camo business, regardless of hunting or tactical and many of the candidate families of patterns will do well in both markets.

This is the first time we can think of in the Soldier Systems industry that a company is penalized for being a possible contract winner. These companies can’t conduct any marketing activities or even share their designs with potential customers for fear of influencing the source selection authority.

With a Government announcement as late as the 13th of January, companies are already enroute to Las Vegas. There is no way that they could print new signage or marketing materials in time to use them at SHOT. What’s more, with the 10 day protest window bracketing both SHOT Show and Outdoor Retailer, a formal announcement by a company that they are a finalist could very well, still be premature.

Conversely, companies that have already been informed that they are not in the competitive range can on about their business and market their patterns without any encumbrances. They are probably all jumping for joy at the Army’s decision.

We don’t believe that this decision was made with the intention of making things difficult for industry. But, it does. We urge the Army to make its announcement soon so that industry can do the things it needs to do, to sell its wares. That is what a good partner would do.