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Archive for the ‘Memorial’ Category

In Memoriam – MG Anthony Potts

Sunday, July 30th, 2023

We are saddened to report that MG Anthony “Tony” Potts, was the only fatality of a single engine plane crash last week in Havre de Grace, Maryland. Commissioning in the Aviation branch in 1986, general Potts was a Master Army Aviator having flown the AH64 Apache helicopter. During his service in the Acquisition Corps he held several posts including four years as Program Executive Officer Soldier where he oversaw multiple initiatives including the Next Generation Squad Weapons program.

Most recently, MG Potts served as Program Executive Office Command, Control & Communications-Tactical and was planning to retire soon.

General Potts will be greatly missed by his colleagues, friends and family.

May He Rest In Peace.

Jim Scoutten of Shooting USA Has Passed Away

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Well known Shooting USA host Jim Scoutten has passed away.

In his thirty years of reporting the shooting sports, Jim played a pivotal role in the industry and will be greatly missed.

“As always, shoot safely, shoot often, and keep ‘em in the ten ring”

-Jim Scoutten

May He Rest In Peace

Honor Our Fallen This Memorial Day

Monday, May 29th, 2023

I’ve often seen a quote which is used to describe our Vietnam Veterans, “All Gave Some, Some Gave All,” but I think it’s an appropriate epitaph for all of our nation’s fallen service members, no matter what era they served, nor what took them from us.

Enjoy the day, but take a moment to honor and remember our brothers and sisters. Death takes some on the battlefield. It takes others in more insidious ways, sometimes long after the battle is done.

The Mystery Ranch Honor Pack Is Key To Healing For Station Foundation Participants

Sunday, May 28th, 2023

There are times when we can use what we do best to create impact, to create meaning, and to create something bigger than a backpack. This was one of those times. We are incredibly proud to support the Station Foundation and recently completed these special HONOR PACKS for their program participants.

In their programs, they honor their Fallen Warriors with a sacred ritual. Each night, they gather on the edge of the wilderness while carrying a large river rock in their MR packs. These rocks are hand-picked along the Gallatin River. Some are plain, others are adorned to honor those they hike for.

Together, they hike in silence to a memorial built stone by stone, standing as a symbol of the weight they all carry inside and the courage it takes to leave it behind.

“For the past ten years, the sons and daughters of our fallen Special Operations Warriors have come to The Station Foundation to heal and grow beyond tragic loss. It’s here, in the beautiful backcountry of Montana, where we come together to honor the Fallen, celebrate their legacies, and guide their children into the lives they are destined to live. These are special kids who answer their calling and discover authentic healing in a community that chooses never to forget.

Throughout this powerful journey, one special partner shows up every year: MYSTERY RANCH. The MYSTERY RANCH family has quietly supported our Gold Star Students for over a decade and continues to find special ways to say ‘we care’ in the Special Operations Community.

This ‘HONOR PACK’ elevates the lives of those quiet professionals who left us too early, and who are missed dearly. It reminds us of the costs of war and the things we carry home. Most of all, the HONOR PACK carries the weight through our wilderness until we are ready to put it down.

MYSTERY RANCH has always been there when we needed them. We’ve relied on their packs in combat and now depend upon their love on our journey home. This pack is a symbol of strength, hope, and of life beyond war. It is a testament to great people showing up to make a difference. We may Never Forget– MYSTERY RANCH has our backs.”

– Kevin Stacy, Station Foundation Founder & Executive Director

Defenders Memorialized During Police Week, DAF Expands Security Forces Training

Monday, May 22nd, 2023


The names of three Department of the Air Force defenders were among the 556 fallen officers read aloud during the 35th Annual Candlelight vigil May 13 as part of the many events that take place across the country during National Police Week, May 14-19.

The three defenders honored during the vigil were Tech. Sgt. Jason Norton, Staff Sgt. Brian McElroy and Senior Airman Jason Nathan.

“It is important to honor their memories and celebrate the achievements they made to the defense of our nation,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Sherman, director of Security Forces. “National Police Week in general is a time to reflect on those we lost, as well as a time to come together as law enforcement professionals within the Security Forces career field.”

At this year’s vigil, Timothy Gerald, deputy director of Security Forces, attended the vigil to represent the Department of the Air Force defender family.

“Our Department of the Air Force civilian police officers have worked alongside uniformed defenders for more than a decade. Together, our active duty, Guard, Reserve, and civilian defenders conducting law enforcement make us a stronger fighting force,” said Gerald, who also serves as the senior Air Force civilian and functional manager overseeing all matters concerning the utilization, development and career field management of the 4,600-person DAF civilian security and police force. “Thank you to our Total Force defender family for their dedicated service.”

National Police Week is a time to reflect on the challenges that law enforcement officers face every day. The Security Forces Air Staff continues to support law enforcement officers by ensuring that they have adequate resources and training.

Law enforcement is an important aspect of Security Force’s larger mission of base defense. Defenders protect Airmen, Guardians and their families; defend resources, equipment and capability; and assure that air and space missions supporting the DAF are carried out successfully and securely.

Law enforcement is not only important for the safety and well-being of Airmen—it is also a key force-multiplying capability vested in base defense.

As the Air Staff recognizes law enforcement professionals during Police Week, it also reflects on the major efforts underway to support civilians within its law enforcement community. In 2022, the Security Forces enterprise launched an effort to build the law enforcement specialty directly within the civilian career field. This required selecting a subset of the 43,000 Total Force Security Forces population to be uniquely identified as law enforcement practitioners.

Building on that effort, the Air Staff expanded the Police Officer Training and Standards Accredited Academy to accept military students. This enables the Security Forces enterprise to establish a foundation of base defense training, creating base defense-focused defenders within the basic courses while later selecting Airmen for specialized law enforcement training at the academy.

The Air Force Security Forces Center facilitated funding to increase course availability to 500 students per year. All graduates are credentialed and badged federal law enforcement officers. Finally, to sustain officer skills, the AFSFC will introduce a 40-hour annual recertification course and additional instruction for field training officers, sergeant/supervisors and deputy directors.

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Remembering the Sacrifices of Operation Eagle Claw

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

I remember waking up on the morning of 25 April, 1980 to hear President Carter announced to a stunned world that the United States had undertaken an ambitious raid into Iran to liberate 52 American hostages held illegally at our Embassy compound in Tehran. The assault force of what was known as “Operation Eagle Claw” can be seen here, loading C141s.

Unfortunately, the plan was complicated and the task force was made was made up of forces which hadn’t trained together long. The weather was problematic as well and as the task force began to organize a withdrawal from Iranian territory after one-too-many helicopter failures, disaster struck.

We lost eight American servicemen in a horrible aircraft ground collision during refueling operations where a hovering SH53 helicopter flew into a C130 full of fuel bladders.

However, their deaths were not in vain. The hostages were eventually repatriated and the accident was the watershed event that created, over the next several decades, the world’s preeminent Special Operations capability; USSOCOM and its components. Over forty years later, we wouldn’t be where are without the determination of that fledgling task force.

Join me in remembering those who had the guts to try; legends to a man.

In Memoriam SGM Billy Waugh (USA, Ret)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

I’m sorry to report that the legendary Billy Waugh, who served his nation for over 50. years in US Army Special Forces, and after his military retirement with the Central Intelligence Agency, has passed away at age 93.

Born William D. Waugh, he hailed from Bastrop, Texas and joined the US Army in 1948. Initially serving as a paratrooper with later service in the Korean War, he eventually joined Special Forces and served there until his retirement in 1972 at the rank of Sergeant Major. In 1977 he joined the CIA as an paramilitary operations officer and retired from that gig in 2005.

Consider this; at age 71, he participated in the opening days of Operations Enduring Freedom, deploying as one of the first Americans going into Afghanistan as a member of a CIA team sent there to destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda at Tora Bora.

But by that point, he was already a legend. In addition to serving in MACV SOG, he was a pioneer of Military Free Fall techniques, having conducted the first HALO combat jump into Vietnam.

Billy Waugh succumbed today to a prolonged illness.

May He Rest In Peace…

In Memoriam – MG Gary Harrell

Tuesday, February 14th, 2023

I am saddened to report that MG Gary L Harrell, (USA, Ret) passed away this morning while surrounded by family.

In this photo, he was commander of C Sq, 1st SFOD-D during operation Gothic Serpent. For an extensive biography, visit

“If it was complex, if it was difficult or critical to our nation, Gary was there,”

-LTG Robert Wagner, the commander of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, said during MG Gary Harrell’s retirement ceremony.

I didn’t meet him until after he retired but he brought a lot to every endeavor he undertook.

He was a fine man and respected leader. He will be missed.

May He Rest In Peace.