October 6, 2020 (Dallas, TX)
Contact: danielshaw0369@gmail.com
Action for the common good and an attitude of gratitude: is there really a downside to either?
The Tango Yankee Project believes in both. To that end, it has not only updated its message to include people outside the veteran community, but it has now made PVC morale patches available.

Walk around with a couple of them in your pocket or pack. Watch for someone behaving in a way that deserves to be given one. Behave in a way that’s equally deserving. It’s magical.

What’s a Tango Yankee chip? Imagine a challenge coin and a thank-you card had a baby. Use it to acknowledge someone doing the right thing, having a good attitude, or just doing things to be a good human. It’ll make their day…might help make the world a better place.

“All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment; action for the common good in the present moment; and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 9.6

A lot of people in this world are assholes. Recognize the ones who aren’t. Help us put smiles on faces and pay it forward.

Tango Yankee Project on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tangoyankeechip