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Archive for the ‘Spartanat’ Category

SPARTANAT – Gear Made in Israel – Agilite. “Our experiences come from the battlefield“

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

The Israeli army is considered one of the best in the world. No wonder, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) must defend a country that is surrounded by enemies in the truest sense of the word. At the same time, Israel has a creative defense industry. In the gear sector, AGILITE is one of the most outstanding companies. We talked with Eric, who is the international salesman for Agilite and was a member of the maritime SOF unit Shayatet 13, about the “Israeli way of gear”.


SPARTANAT: Eric, where does Agilite come from and when did you start it?

AGILITE: Agilite is an Israeli company that uses experience from IDF units to make clever and more creative solutions to make tactical gear more ergonomic. It was founded in 2006 in Tel Aviv, Israel and is a supplier to both the Israel Defense Forces and Forces worldwide.


SPARTANAT: IDF is an army with a lot of experiences. Is there a specific Israeli way of gear?

AGILITE: Yes, The IDF was founded under fire and often had to get by with whatever bad gear they could get hold of and just make it work. Right from the start, adapting the gear to make it work better was a part of the military culture. Soldiers had to get creative to make their equipment work well enough because being too heavy or not being able to move fast enough could cost you your life.
SF units and even regular infantry battalions all set up their own in-house gear studios to adapt or design their equipment from scratch to make it work well. They say “Necessity is the mother of invention” and when there’s a direct link between soldiers coming back from nightly missions and gear designers within their units gear can be refined and refined until it’s optimal for combat. This lead to a very different gear culture to other countries.

Agilite was founded to take this clever, creative, experience-based approach to gear design and combine it with professional manufacturing and to take it worldwide to other allied forces who can benefit from this mindset and gear that works with the body, not against it.

It’s gear ideas and experience going from the battlefield to the manufacturer, not the other way around like in many places.
As time goes on, weapons, enemy tactics and types of threats change but our soldiers’ bodies remain constant so gear has to adapt to keep operators light on their feet and agile.


SPARTANAT: What’s your favorite Agilite product?

AGILITE: My favorite Agilite product is the Axis knee pad, a product that fixed the IDF’s problem of knee pads that fall down. Axis are now the standard issue knee pad for the entire Israeli military and they are outstanding. Every operator knows what it’s like to have to pull your knee pads up from your ankles non-stop and with Axis you don’t have to do that. You put them on and forget about them. They are also great because they are very well priced to be relevant to all soldiers not just SF which is rare.

Personally I also love them because they grip wet surfaces, do not slip on boats and also don’t absorb water. which is important in naval operations. Some people are bothered by their physical appearance but anyone who tries them is instantly hooked.


SPARTANAT: Where is Agilite also in use beside Israel?

AGILITE: Agilite equipment is in use in over thirty countries and in some of the world’s most elite special forces units. Many top tier units operate in Middle Eastern combat terrain and climates very similar to ours and so our gear is very well received. We also do a lot of custom gear that is unit-specific but obviously not all of this is for public knowledge.

Eric M is head of International sales for Agilite. He spent 5 years as an operator in Shayetet 13, Israel’s Tier 1 Naval Special Warfare Unit. Contact: eric@agilitegear.com

AGILITE Homepage: www.agilitegear.com
AGILITE Facebook: www.facebook.com/AgiliteTactical
AGILITE Instagram: www.instagram.com/agilitetactical
SPARTANAT: www.spartanat.com

SPARTANAT – RangePack – iMessage Sticker Pack

Friday, April 21st, 2017

Range Pack

The “RangePack” is an iMessage Sticker Pack for iOS devices made by TACTICALMEASUREMENTS known from their first app MyRPM. It contains useful stickers for the use at the range. This variety of different calibers, targets and sights are allowing you an easy communication with your friends at the range, your gunsmith or local gun dealer. Just DRAG the sticker into your conversation or on a picture, a other sticker or just to show or point something out. The “RangePack” is an iMessage Sticker Pack for iOS devices made by TACTICALMEASUREMENTS known MyRPM.

Range Pack 2

How it works

After downloading the iMessage Sticker Pack called “RangePack” from the App Store it shows up in your iMessenger. After opening the iMessenger presse the Application button to open your iMessage Sticker Packs and select the RangePack. “explain” – Take a picture of your target, mark your shots and show your problem/score to your friend or gunsmith.

Range Pack 3

RANGEPACK on Facebook: www.facebook.com/iOSRANGEPACK
RANGEPACK on Instagram: www.instagram.com/rangepack
RANGEPACK on iTunes: appsto.re/at/WFEeib.i



SPARTANAT – New from Lindnerhof Taktik 2017

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Lindnerhof Taktik is one of Germany’s leading gear companies. Botth CEOs are former KSK operators. LHT gear is widely spread with German Special Forces and SWAT teams. Here are some new products for 2017.


The LowVis plate carrier is the minimalist version of a concealed vest and can be combined with a chest rig. It comes with a pocket which can be used for both, soft and hard armor. The inbuilt plate holder allows fixation of small hard armor plates. The rear section offers the opportunity to attach extra lengths of straps. Furthermore the Velcro surface can be covered, to prevent damaging the outerwear. The carrier can be used as well with the height-adjustable two-row waist belt as with a three-row belt.


Plattenträger VI. Generation: The sixth generation of the renowned plate carrier comes with three separately usable cable guides on the front. A storage compartment with a Velcro closing is located on the frontal collar region. The inbuilt plate holder allows fixation of small hard armor plates. Furthermore the slim rescue handles provide fast access in critical situations.


The First Responder pouch was designed to provide fast and straightforward first-response medical assistance. The lid features a small compartment for handling and affixing scissors using a 20 mm strap. Medical emergency equipment can be carried using the lower storage compartment. The removable waist belt offers the possibility to attach the pouch on plate carriers, vests and backpacks using clips, which are sold separately.   


Through PALS the small Abwurfsack/Dump pouch (single-row) is a very compact, reliable and easily mountable piece of gear. It can be used to safely stow empty magazines, medical waste and other quickly packed material.


This reliable Funkgerätetasche/Radio Pouch HL (universal) for transporting radios comes with two lateral elastic bands, which makes it very flexible. The closing mechanism features a cord and a quick-release buckle, offering the possibility to use the radio while inside the pouch.


The useful features of the Klettergurt/Harness-Set are focused on tactical use. Removable leg loops with quick-release buckles grant a maximum scope of action. Moreover the belt alone can be used with pants and makes it possible to attach holsters. The tie-in loop is made in accordance with norm EN 12277.

LINDNERHOF TAKTIK im Internet: www.lindnerhof-taktik.de
Shop HQG: www.hqg.de
SPARTANAT: www.spartanat.com

Spartanat – New by Corvus Defensio: M1 Receiver Rail

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

Corvus Defensio M1 1

Corvus Defensio from Austria, specialists for Steyr AUG upgrading, will present at IWA Nuremberg a new part for the bullpup: M1 Receiver Rail The features are similar to the AUG A3 35 Slot Receiver Rail, but without the front KeyMod section due to the special M1 Receiver interface.

Corvus Defensio M1 2

Trijicon ACOGs and Compact ACOGs can be directly mounted to the M16-Carry Handle like mounting slot and on either side it has integrated QD Sling Swivel attachment points. It weighs 117 g/4.1 oz and is CNC milled of 7075 aluminum with a hard anodized coating.

Corvus Defensio M1 3

IWA: https://www.iwa.info
Corvus Defensio: http://corvusdefensio.com
SPARTANAT: www.spartanat.com