Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

The Range At Austin – Gunfighter Club

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

The primary purpose behind the GUNFIGHTER Club is helping students sustain their skills. The secondary purpose is providing a gateway for improving their skills. Whether you need to brush up, or invest time at building a solid foundation this program is an excellent balance of value and performance.

The GUNFIGHTER Club gives access to all training classes put on by the Range at Austin for a low monthly fee of $225.00. The monthly fee will give you access to 16 hours per month of training.

What else do you get for being a part of GUNFIGHTER Club; access and opportunity. You will have access to participate in our staff’s monthly 2-hour Professional Development or PRODEV sessions commensurate with your skill level. In addition, the opportunity to try new courses of fire, drill of the day and concealment league scenarios.

The goal for the GUNFIGHTER Club is to sustain skills we know to be perishable, but also to improve upon them and that takes hard work. I have struggled over the years recognizing the limitations to training opportunities and the frequencies of training. It is my intention to shatter these barriers that prevent folks from reaching their goals.

The monthly fee does not include ammunition, rentals or supporting equipment and cannot be used in conjunction with any sales or specials to include our guest instructors. The first 3 months must be paid in advance to join with monthly payments beginning after and no rollover for training hours.

For more information or to secure your spot please feel free to contact me at

Jeff Gonzales
Director of Training
The Range at Austin

Wes Doss Joins Panteao Instructors

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

New Instructor at Panteao Productions

Columbia, SC, December 7, 2016 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce an addition to the Panteao instructor lineup. Panteao will be introducing new videos with instructor Wes Doss, Founder, President, & General Operating Manager of Khyber Interactive Associates, LLC,.

Wes is an internationally recognized firearms, tactics, and use of force instructor with over 30 years of military & law enforcement experience, as well as significant operational time with both military & law enforcement tactical operations & protective service organizations. His real-world experience taught him first hand that there is more to prevailing in austere situations than merely pressing a trigger, and understanding the why as much as the how is crucial to overcoming high demand violent conditions. Putting years of experience, both domestic and abroad to use, Wes has worked to cultivate training methodologies that are safe, efficient and most importantly relevant to the world around us.

Wes is also a published author, with numerous articles in various publications, such as American Hand gunner, American Cop, Police Magazine, Law Officer, SWAT magazine, ASLET “The Trainer”, and The NTOA “Tactical Edge”. Wes is also the author of the bestselling books “Train to Win”, and “Condition to Win” both are training psychology/philosophy books focused on law enforcement and military trainers and professionals.

“I had heard great things about Wes from others in the training community. Then one of our instructors, Freddie Blish, introduced me to Wes,” said Fernando Coelho, President of Panteao Productions. Fernando added, “Wes brings a new perspective to our instructor cadre that will be a great benefit to the viewers of our training videos.”

The first two video titles with Panteao from Wes Doss are currently in pre-production and are scheduled to be filmed in February 2017. For more info on Wes and his company, Khyber Interactive Associates, you can visit his websites at: and

You can find his page on the Panteao website here:

58th Rescue Squadron Resiliency Weekend

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

I was fortunate enough to be invited to a Resiliency Training offsite with the 58th Rescue Squadron, stationed at Nellis AFB, Nevada. Led by Lt Col Stephen C, the 58th is made up of Combat Rescue Officers, Pararescuemen (PJs), SERE Specialists and support personnel from 14 different careerfields.

Squadron members and their families made the short trip from Las Vegas, to nearby Saint George, Utah, to learn about how to better deal with the stresses of combat operations, and military life in general. Pioneered by USSOCOM, resiliency training is officially known as Preservation of Force and Family. More recently, Air Combat Command, as the responsible USAF command for the Guardian Angel Weapon System, instituted a similar program for their Battlefield Airmen. Last weekend’s event is a result of this initiative.

In addition to advances in nutrition and physical training, one of the goals of the program is to provide training to recognize stress and reduce the stigma of getting help for mental issues. Stress inoculation is key in training, but preparation and awareness of what one should expect, are also crucial. Those last bits were the focus of the weekend’s agenda.

As families accompanied them, the location was a perfect way for everyone to get away from Las Vegas for a few days. Saint George offers some great opportunities for outdoor recreation and bonding. The Squadron’s various elements also had ample time to accomplish mid and long-term goals, including planning on how to make them a reality.

The first day, Operational Psychologist Maj Richard S, 432nd Wing Operational Psychologist discussed adjusting to life after deployment and how to turn the switch off from operational life when you get back home. The next day, Lt Col Richard B is the lead SERE Psychologist at Fairchild. Having served in AFSOC at Cannon AFB, NM, Lt Col B concentrated on warrior mindset.

That evening, the 58th Rescue Squadron Booster Club presented a banquet for the unit and its families. While the active duty members were TDY, the families’ meals were made possible thanks to the sponsorship of Air Rescue Concepts and Soldier Systems Daily.

The next morning, Steve Tarani presented an interactive seminar for the Squadron members and their spouses. The topic was perfect for the weekend’s focus; Resiliency training, mental toughness and preparedness.

He has been teaching for over 30 years, concentrating on protection, of people, assets and facilities. These days he usually concentrates on train-the-trainer but he also offers seminars like this to improve the safety and security for high risk audiences.

Steve is a very engaging speaker. The talk was excellent and applicable, to the military participants just as much as their families. Mindset, awareness and threat mitigation were key points of his talk. Steve tied recent real world events into the training, including last week’s vehicle and knife attack in Ohio. The talk was especially important for family members, who often find themselves alone while their spouse is deployed because Steve discussed situational awareness and how to become a hard target.

After a team lunch, Maj John T gave an engaging talk about Fatigue Management and Performance. Rather than putting all of us to sleep after lunch, he offered fatigue countermeasures and the important of understanding circadian rhythms and adjunct medications. I also now understand the difference between snuggling and cuddling. Last but not least, Lt Col Stefanie S wrapped up the day with a discussion on the importance of nutrition for Special Operations Forces.

Patrick Van Horn author of ‘Left of Bang’ wrapped up the presentations on Sunday afternoon. Patrick is the author of, “Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life” and the CEO of The CP Journal, a behavioral analysis training company.  His presentation centered around Combat Profiling, which is a method of proactively identifying threats based on normal behavior and other cues from one’s surroundings.  Patrick explained how the foundation of combat profiling is that there are universal similarities in humans, despite cultural differences. The idea is to take a proactive approach to combat profiling by establishing baselines, identifying anomalies from that baseline and then acting on them.

All of the presentations were excellent and discussions with the members of the Guardian Angel community indicated they agreed.

The good news in all of this is that the military has become much better at recognizing and treating physical, emotional and mental stressors. Programs like this help to inoculate military personnel and their families toward these conditions, in order to help mitigate their effects. What is most important, is that personnel understand that these organizations continue to invest in their well being. Their units are there to help, and the stigma of seeking assistance is no longer there. The goal is to keep these warriors in the fight.

I want to thank the Airmen of the 58th Rescue Squadron for their hospitality. It was a joy to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and speak with Airmen and their families.

SureFire Field Notes – Bill Murphy

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Bill Murphy discusses the importance of having a tourniquet with you at all times.

Bill has been a police officer for over 37 years, currently working as a Reserve Deputy with Los Angeles County Sheriff Department. Bill was also a Senior Police Officer assigned to Patrol /SWAT with the Huntington Beach PD in California, where he was also a Firearms Instructor/Armorer, Use of Force Instructor, and a member of the Range Advisory Committee, Gunsite Training Center Rangemaster, a Police Academy Instructor, an NRA, FBI, and an Adjunct Instructor for the U.S. Air Force Pararescue Advanced Weapons School. Bill serves as Lead Instructor for low-light and firearms courses at the SureFire Institute.

American Gunfighter Episode 7 – Instructor Staff, Northern Red

Monday, November 21st, 2016

Episode 7 of BCM’s original series, American Gunfighter, is streaming. Episode 7 features Northern Red Instructor Staff and US Army Special Operations Combat Veterans Chris Kovacik, John Ellison and Zach Harrison, discussing their motivations for training in both their roles as Special Operations Soldiers and as instructors of active duty military and counter terrorism professionals.

Directed and produced by Jon Chang, American Gunfighter is an ongoing series produced by BCM featuring elite law enforcement and military personnel sharing their thoughts and stories about their profession and craft.

Northern Red is a Private Military Firm specializing in training elite military and law enforcement units for counter terrorism, hostage rescue and close quarter battle missions. The Instructor Staff consists entirely of US Army Special Operations combat veterans with multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

BCM (Bravo Company Manufacturing) was founded in 2005 by a veteran United States Marine in Hartland, Wisconsin, where the company maintains its HQ today. BCM builds weapon systems that are manufactured, reinforced and tested to meet the unforgiving needs of law enforcement, military, security and peace keeping professionals in some of the most high stress environments and situations in the world.

Defoor Proformance – Firearms Freedom February!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Just got a note from Kyle Defoor:

With multiple requests from both states, we are adding a California carbine & combatives class in the bay area on February 20-21, 2017 as well as a New Jersey Pistol & combatives class on February 23-24, 2017.

Coast to Coast in one week to help those in these states exercise their 2A right and get some good training at the same time.

I am really excited about this! Help spread the word any way you can. I don’t think anyone has done this before in these states. We are expecting sellouts in both locations.

Aaron Barruga – Enough Is Enough: A Tactical Training PSA

Monday, November 14th, 2016

(Author’s photo circa Afghanistan 2012. The stretcher held a patient fighting for his life after an ambush. The red markings on the floor are his own blood)

I get it, the cargo pant commando training culture of the 90’s and early 2000’s just isn’t compatible with the current generation of tech savvy tactical shooters. Millennials–who aren’t just teenagers and can be adults in their 30’s–are accustomed to a simple message they’ve heard their entire life “mainstream isn’t cool.”

I understand the frustration with legacy Special Operations instructors that are elevated to celebrity status, despite their complete inability to articulate a thought, or present information in a non condescending manner. There is nothing more painful than watching a commando, rich with experience, fumble through talking to a camera to convey a point, or interact on Instagram in the same manner as our grandparents.

This is why audiences gave hope and promise to the mediocre instructor–with no experience–made popular by social media. His neglect of tactical cargo-panted-velcro everything signaled a direct message, he is relatable, he is like me. It is also intoxicating to watch these individuals challenge conventional wisdom. When a mediocre instructor with no credentials whips a sarcastic quip at a career commando, it causes audiences to applaud in uproar of a counterculture instructor that has “beat the system”.

Although this might be clever marketing or culturally punk rock, it is dangerous for the transfer of knowledge. Despite any legacy SOF instructor’s inability to speak in front of a camera, or generate viral social media content, his lessons are hard learned in the real world with real blood and the real loss of brothers and sisters in arms.

What he lacks in social media charisma, he makes up for in battle hardened intestinal fortitude. His scars are both physical and emotional, not “training scars” from shooting at cardboard. So proceed forward shooters, elect your “instructors” because of their cool factor, just don’t expect them to have any answers for you when you pay hard prices in the real world.

Aaron Barruga is Special Forces veteran with deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Pacific Theater of Operations. He has trained foreign commandos, police officers, and militia fighters. He is the founder at Guerrilla Approach, LLC, where he consults law enforcement officers on counter-terrorism and vehicle tactics.

Urban Operator – Wrist Wraps

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

Urban Operator’s Wrist Wraps provide additional wrist support for lifting. These affordable, but durable wraps are made from a 2″ Mil-spec webbing. 

-Sold in Pairs
-Width: 2”inches by 22″ inches long
-Hook and Loop velcro closure
-Elastic loop for thumb placement

Available Colors: Black, Coyote Brown, Foliage Green, Multicam, Kryptek Highlander, and Kryptek Typhon.