PEO Soldier released a video the other day of the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System.
XM25 from PEO Soldier on Vimeo.
Much ado has been made about the blast pattern of the 25mm round but ultimately, you have to remember that this is a smart weapon. The round is designed to deliver the minimum effective munition to detonate right on target in order to generate as little collateral damage as possible. Perhaps the intent is that the weapon will do it all for the Grenadier so that all he has to do is point at the target, pull the trigger and the target will be destroyed. But, much like the current M203 and M320 40mm grenade launchers, you can hand it to a guy and he will make some noise or you can train the guy up and he can put a round into a second story window from a block away. It all comes down to training and experience. So if the blast pattern has some idiosyncrasies, a good gunner can use those to his advantage. Time will tell.