GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

M.O.A.G. Day 6 Winners

June 18th, 2017


The Mother of All Giveaways is still goin strong, and the Day 6 Winners have been selected! This time, prizes are Grey Ghost Gear Minimalist Plate Carriers (with SSD Morale Patches) with a Grey Ghost Gear Backpack. (Random Color, Mags and Pouches not included)

  • Nick Miller – Eugene, OR
  • Chris Martin – Reno, NV
  • Timothy Grey – Sarasota, FL
  • Jose A Lopez-Zeno – Atlanta, GA
  • Kenneth Clark – Santa Maria,CA
  • Angie Wallace – Albany, OR
  • Bryan A Flowers – Virginia Beach,VA
  • Nick Adams – Hastings,MI
  • Mark Kaderli – Spring, TX
  • Sebastian Wasilewski – Orland Park, IL

(Random Color, Mags and Pouches not included)

Winners will be contacted via email.

Didn’t see your name? That just means you have 8 more chances to win even bigger prizes, so stay tuned for each daily winner announcement. Not entered? click HERE.

REMINDER: U.S. residents 18yrs or older only for firearms prizes.

Triple Aught Design – Mercury Tech-T 

June 18th, 2017

Designed to augment and enhance your body’s natural cooling mechanisms, Triple Aught Design’s Mercury Tech-T is designed specifically for performance and comfort for hot conditions.

While natural materials such as cotton excel at trapping moisture against your skin to keep you cool, they can cling to your skin and chafe. Mercury features Polartec® Delta™, a highly engineered 3D mesh that optimizes moisture dispersal and airflow while reducing friction against your skin.


Delta captures and retains moisture in pockets, while remaining cling-free. The specialized knit construction uses both hydrophilic and hydrophobic yarns to enhance convective heat loss, remain breathable, and regulate drying time.

TAD advises that because the Mercury Tech-T cools so well, it shouldn’t be used as a baselayer in cold weather.

Available in Black and Gunship.


UF PRO – Defence Against Cold Weapons

June 18th, 2017

UF Pro continues their Guide to Close Combat with this installment of Defence Against Cold Weapons such as knives and sticks.


Corps Strength – Back To Basics

June 17th, 2017


Way back when I first enlisted in the Marine Corps (1981), AKA the “Days of the Giants.” I worked for some real hard asses. Now for the most part these weren’t spit and polish Marines, though they could clean up when they needed to. The fact was back then, just about every Staff NCO and Officer from Major on up, was a Vietnam Vet. Many were highly decorated and had been wounded. They were some crusty SOB’s for sure. I recall even our company admin chief (a Gunny) had a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts. One time over a few beers at a unit picnic he was asked; Gunny, didn’t you ever learn to duck? He answered, “I got shot three times and I killed the bastard that did it every time.” OOOHH – F’ing – RAAA Gunny. I learned a lot from those Marines, things I used my whole career and even to this day with my international students. Yes, they were different than us, not better than our warfighters of today, just different.

They dam sure were different when it came to PT. These guys weren’t big on running and they never lifted weights, or did anything you could call “Cross-Fit” Most couldn’t give two shits about a PFT either. I remember at one of my first PFT’s holding my Platoon Sgt’s (lit and unfiltered) Pall Mall, so he could do his pull-ups. They tended to think about PT like they did about everything else, no bullshit. I had a Sgt Major (who served as a Capt in Vietnam), tell me the three most important things you need (physically) in combat were: The ability to suffer pain (hunger, thirst, cold, heat, injury and fatigue), the ability to dig a hole (fast), and the ability to hump a heavy pack (and carry gear), up and down hills, through the mud, etc. From my own experience, I think that’s still accurate. I would add to that list from my own experience, the ability to move your ass (with full gear), up and down and over obstacles in a GD hurry, is a good thing also.


Setting the first two aside for now, the ability to hump (ruck, hike, whatever you want to call it) a pack over varied terrain and for many miles quickly, is still a fundamental physical skill for any combat arms military people. I am also of the opinion however that it is a desired ability in anyone (military or civilian) who wants to achieve and maintain a high level of useful real-world fitness. There is just something about it that toughens and strengthens your entire body. It’s benefit is hard to duplicate by any other single exercise.

Now if you’re not in the military, (or a Wild Land Firefighter) you don’t need to take this to an extreme level to gain some real fitness benefit. I typically do 10 miles, with my 45lb training pack, 2x a month. This, along with my normal PT keeps me in very good condition to easily handle the field training I do with my students and to tackle any outdoor activities my sons and buddies come up with for us to do off duty. In fact, myself and my two sons have signed up to do the Mt. Everest base camp trek next spring. There we will be hiking roughly 100 miles from 4000 – 18,000 ft in elevation, over three weeks. I have no doubt my own (minor) “Force March” training will have me in good stead for that trip.

For general fitness get a good pack and add 20-40lbs of weight. You can get a used ALICE pack with frame at most military surplus stores for less than 50 bucks. Wear good boots (not running shoes) and hike 3-10 miles 2 x a month over varied terrain, the pace is up to you. This is plenty to gain some real fitness benefit. You can wear a weight vest if you like, though I prefer a pack, as I’d rather have all the weight baring on my back vs. my shoulders, but both will work. I like to do this early on Sunday mornings. My wife comes with the dogs and we have a nice couple of hours walking together, (she doesn’t carry a pack however). I think that 2x a month is enough, but you could do it every week if you don’t overdue the weight, distance or pace, but I think that these type of workouts can be tough and you need time to recover. The bottom line is this isn’t a cool, sexy or what you would call “cutting edge” fitness, but it works and if there’s nothing else I learned from my old Vietnam era mentors, it’s to go with what works and skip the bullshit. This works, and it’s no bullshit. Give it a try. Till next month;

“Be safe always, good when you can.”

Semper Fi MGunz

M.O.A.G. Day 6 Prizes

June 17th, 2017


If you keep hoping and praying you’ll win a Minimalist Plate Carrier, you’re in luck. Day 6’s prizes are more MPC’s and some Grey Ghost Gear Backpacks! 10 Lucky Winners will be each get a Plate Carrier and Pack! Not only that, but you’ll snag a SSD Keep Calm Morale Patch! Winners will be announced tomorrow.

If you already entered, just sit back and keep your fingers crossed. If not, you’ve gotta get in on this! I’ll even make it easy for you, click HERE

M.O.A.G. Day 5 Winners

June 17th, 2017


The Day 5 Winners of the M.O.A.G. have been selected! Prizes were Grey Ghost Gear Minimalist Plate Carriers (with SSD Morale Patches) and Grey Ghost Precision 300blk Match Grade Ammo.

(Random Color, Mags and Pouches not included)

  • Michael England-Strickland – Bensalem, PA
  • James Whitley – Cumming, GA
  • Guy Belden – Vinita, OK
  • Chris Sodolak – Sealy, TX
  • William Hamilton – Duncanville, TX
  • Maurice Ford – Bremerton, WA
  • Robert Blackwell – Mesa, AZ
  • Steven Haver – Belmont, CA
  • Chris Jurden – Queen Creek, AZ
  • August Bauer – Fredericksburg, VA

(Random Color, Mags and Pouches not included)

Winners will be contacted via email.

Didn’t see your name? That just means you have 9 more chances to win even bigger prizes, so stay tuned for each daily winner announcement. Not entered? click HERE.

REMINDER: U.S. residents 18yrs or older only for firearms prizes.

Much anticipated — New Rex Zero 1 Tactical

June 17th, 2017

June 16th, 2017

LAS VEGAS, NV – Now available, the Rex Zero 1T (Tactical model) in two colors, Black and Flat Dark Earth. Features a threaded barrel (with protector) 1.5×28, 20+ round capacity magazine (ships with 2), and ROR (Rex Optics Ready) System.

Arex Rex Zero 1 9mm Pistol in Standard, Compact, and Tactical.

The Rex Zero 1T (REXZERO1T-01) Tactical pistol complies with strict military standards for reliability and has passed extreme temperature, hostile environment, and drop tests. Limited Lifetime Warranty for the original retail (commercial/civilian) purchaser, one year for law enforcement and military customers. Warranty and service by FIME Group LLC. Ships with (2) 20-round mags, (4) Plates for optics mounting, Hard Polymer Case, Cable Padlock, Operating Manual.

Arex Rex Zero 1 9mm Pistol in Standard, Compact, and Tactical.

Arex Rex Zero 1 9mm Pistol in Standard, Compact, and Tactical.

The Rex Zero 1T (Tactical) pistol continues the excellence in production, quality, and value that Arex of Slovenia has become known for since the introduction of the Rex Zero 1 to the US in 2016 with FIME Group, LLC as the official importer. The Tactical model has more options than ever before in the Rex Zero series of pistols, including the new ROR (Rex Optics Ready) platform. Adding on to the proven quality and craftsmanship of the basic features, the Tactical model now offers the following enhancements to increase shooter experience and customization ability.

The Rex Zero 1T (Tactical) is a 20-round, 4.9” threaded barrel 9x19mm pistol with several unique features:


  • Threaded barrel (with protector) 1.5×28
  • 20 rd. mags
  • Raised sights
  • ROR (Rex Optics Ready) – 4 plates for optics attachment
    (1) Trijicon;
    (2) C-More;
    (3) Shield/Jpoint;
    (4) Eotech/Vortex/Burris/Docter/Insight/Meopta

  • Can be operated either “cocked & locked” or safely de-cocked for DA/SA operation. External safety operates in either configuration.
  • Ambi- safety and magazine release.
  • The slide-stop also serves as the de-cocker.
  • Hard anodized T7075 aluminum frame made from solid bar stock with steel locking block insert.
  • Nitrocarburized steel slide made from solid bar stock.
  • Forward cocking serrations.
  • 1 piece cold hammer forged barrel made from solid bar stock and Nitrocarburized.
  • Loaded chamber indicator
  • Full length slide rails.
  • Picatinny railed dust cover.
  • Large trigger guard for use with gloves.
  • High profile white dot steel sights.
  • Approved for all commercial SAAMI specification +P ammunition
  • Arex

    FIME Group, LLC is a manufacturer, importer, and exporter of the finest, high-quality firearms from around the world. Founded with the mission to manufacture the finest firearms and establish long-lasting business relationships with multiple manufacturers, FIME Group, LLC seeks to provide all of the customer favorites among rifles, handguns, and shotguns.

    FIME Group, LLC.’s partnerships include:

  • Arex from Slovenia – the manufacturer of the Rex Zero 1 pistols, with a proven track record of over 20 years for manufacturing highly competitive products with premium quality and precision;
  • Molot from Russia – the manufacturer of the Vepr rifles and shotguns, one of the most rigid, toughest systems in the world;
  • Zastava Arms from Serbia – the manufacturer of the rifles based on the famous Mauser system.
  • FIME Group, LLC. is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada and may be found online at www.fimegroup.com

    You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

    June 17th, 2017

    This is the Chicago MCPV at an op in Wisconsin