FirstSpear TV

How Cool Is That?

October 13th, 2016

I really like Thirty Second Out’s ‘Victory’ print, depicting actor Robert Duvall in his iconic role as Col Kilgore in ‘Apocalypse Now’. Apparently, so does he.  He signed one of the prints and it will be auctioned off to raise money for the World of Honor fund early next year, but you can get yours now at

2016 Optics Planet Brilliance Awards

October 12th, 2016

OpticsPlanet looks to the general public and experts to vote and help them choose their annual Brilliance Award winners for 2016. These are items that 1000s of outdoor enthusiasts will vote for to be 2016’s best products and brands of the year – from Rifle Scopes, Spotting Scopes, Gun Accessories, Binoculars, and Much More!

You can vote at

As an added bonus, when you vote, you’ll also have several chances to win great prizes.

NRA TV – Dom Raso Discusses Our Vulnerable Border

October 12th, 2016

In this installmemt, veteran US Navy SEAL and NRATV Commentator Dom Raso discusses how the policies of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other enabler politicians have left our southern border unprotected, creating an opportunity for ISIS to work with the Mexican cartels to smuggle a nuclear device into America. “If we refuse to even utter the words ‘radical Islamic terror,’ then, through our own inaction, we are enabling the slaughter of innocent people,” Raso says.

“Nowhere is this issue more apparent than at our southern border.” To highlight his point, Raso references an article in Dabiq, ISIS’ magazine, that details a scenario where ISIS uses its billions of dollars to acquire a nuke through corrupt Pakistani officials and pays the cartels to sneak it in through the southern border into America. Speaking about politicians, Raso pulls no punches when talking about how they have comprised the safety of the American people: “all these politicians care about is what their friends in the international community think of them, the same international community that has been utterly devastated by ISIS.”

Check out the full article at

Pine Belt Processing, Inc New Product Gains EPA Approval

October 12th, 2016

STONEWALL, MS – Pine Belt Processing, Inc. is proud to announce the launch of its new product, PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD, which was recently awarded approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With the rise of insect?transmitted illnesses, Mississippi?based Pine Belt Processing, Inc. realized a new product was needed to better protect service members serving in Zika?ridden environments.

PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD provides the user maximum bite protection through a highly?effective insecticide called Etofenprox. Textile fibers are treated with Etofenprox, providing the most effective protection available. PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD garments provide safety from bites at a consistent protection rate of 90% or higher and the reliability lasts for up to 75 washes.

PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD can be used to treat uniforms for pregnant service members, whereas current Permethrin insecticides are not used in maternity uniforms because of safety concerns. Etofenprox insecticide is registered in more than 50 countries for both agricultural and public health use. Textiles treated with PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD will provide the most effective protection available against insect?borne illnesses with unparalleled safety and with the lowest environmental impact.

PERIMETER ETO INSECT GUARD will be applied at the Pine Belt Processing facility in Stonewall, Miss. The recent EPA approval provides Pine Belt Processing the green light to treat military clothing and to further distribute its product – a fact that could potentially grow the company in the coming months.

“We are in the business of protecting our Armed Forces from insect?borne diseases – a job that is of utmost importance, especially with the rise of the Zika Virus,” said Ron Lack, General Manager of Pine Belt Processing. “A better solution to outdoor protective clothing was required, and our new product is the answer to protect those who protect us.” Lack also expressed appreciation to members of the Mississippi congressional delegation for assisting the company in its application to the EPA.

For more information about the new

Black Powder \\ Red Earth Launches New Website

October 12th, 2016

The new Black Powder \\ Red Earth™ Website has dropped. That means new hats and shirts are available.

They’ve got custom mesh/ripstop shooter’s ball caps in MultiCam Black and Tropic.

If T-shirts are your thing, look for the Special Projects Group logo on Grey, OD or Blood Red.

That’s A Cool Patch

October 12th, 2016

Hopefully, I won’t have to wait as long for one of these bad boys as I’ve had to for a Mod 2.

LBT Inc Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 12th, 2016

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and LBT, Inc is doing their part to help find a cure.

Ken Beasley, the VP of Manufacturing at LBT Inc shared this statement with us:

LBT is proud to boast a 80% female dominated work force. Over the last 3 decades, these fine ladies have a combined 1,500+ years’ of sewing experience/expertise between them.

We are proud to say that we have 6 survivors who have won the fight with breast cancer on our team; we are equally devastated to say that we have had 3 team members who fought and lost their battle with breast cancer. With that being said, awareness and early detection are the key components in defeating breast cancer, so please join LBT and SGK in the search for “The Cure!”

They’ve created these Pink packs as a means to raise money and awareness.

$10 dollars from each pack sold will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Tidewater organization as well as a portion of all patch sales too.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

October 12th, 2016

Thanks Carlo B!