
Morgan Advanced Materials – LASA Ballistic Shield

July 22nd, 2016

Morgan Advanced Materials, a global leader in the field of materials and advanced lightweight ballistic shield systems technologies, has launched a new range of high-specification ballistic shields as part of its Lightweight Armored Soldier Architecture (LASA) range.

Complementing Morgan’s existing range of hybrid composite helmets and ballistic inserts, LASA Ballistic Shields deliver outstanding multi-hit protective performance despite weighing 20% less than existing in-service solutions, at a thickness of just16mm (0.6inch).

Utilizing Morgan’s world-leading ballistics expertise and pioneering research and development into composite materials, the LASA ballistic shields offer protection to NIJ 0101.06 Level III and the following special threats: 7.62 x 51mm 149gr M80 FMJ; 5.56 x 45mm 55gr Ball (M193); and 7.62 x 39mm 123gr PS Ball (Mild Steel Core).

Available in four standard sizes to suit a broad spectrum of operational requirements in both military and law enforcement situations, designs can also be customized to meet specific customer needs, as required.

Smaller variants in the range have been specially designed to offer full mobility to end users, enabling the user to move at speed while remaining protected. The larger variants are available for environments where a more comprehensive level of protection is required.

Duncan Eldridge, President of Morgan Advanced Materials – Composites & Defense Systems, commented: “Our goal with the LASA range is to provide a range of solutions which offer proven, premium protection at the lowest possible weight, for both military and law enforcement applications. Lower weight means greater mobility and reduced fatigue – a key benefit for those operating on the front line. Our world-leading expertise in composite research and development for ballistics, coupled with extensive testing, enables us to meet the varied needs of elite military and law enforcement personnel around the world.”

For further information please visit:

Federal Judge Dismisses Fireclean vs Tuohy Based On Jurisdictional Issues

July 22nd, 2016

We’ve just received word that United States District Court Judge James C. Cacheris issued an order dismissing Fireclean v. Tuohy for defamation, based on personal jurisdiction. Fireclean failed to satisfy the court that the case should be tried in Virginia when Touhy and his Vuurwapen Blog are physically located in Arizona. This also dismisses the case against Everett Baker who is from New Hampshire. This is an interesting precedent for web based writers in particular, who could previously be sued in another state for their writing.

Now, we get to see if Fireclean will pursue the case in Arizona, and perhaps New Hampshire as well. In Arizona the question of corporate personhood is more straight forward and Fireclean may only have to demonstrate negligence rather than malice as well as negligence.

UPDATE: At least he’s consistent. Tuohy even misleads about this. Rather than just telling people why the case was dismissed (jurisdiction), he’s got people believing that the case was dismissed because the Judge said the case had no merit.

Thinks That Make You Go ‘Hmmm’

July 22nd, 2016

Thanks RB!

Fight And Flight Tactical – T.A.S.K.

July 22nd, 2016

It’s been awhile since we last mentioned the T.A.S.K. (Tactical Ass Scrubbing Kit) from Fight And Flight Tactical but it’s still a cool product.


Constructed from 8mm antimicrobial spacer mesh, the T.A.S.K. fits standard-sized soap bars, although it also works well with just slivers of soap and even liquid soap, and facilitates a thick lather to wash away dirt and grime, while inhibiting bacterial growth. Includes 6″ webbing loop for hanging out to dry, use at a field sanitation station, or simply for retention.

Available in Black, Coyote Brown and Tan 499.

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Overlap Cummerbund

July 22nd, 2016

This week we are going to give you an update on a great FirstSpear product, the Overlap Cummerbund. Its rapid adoption among State and Federal Law Enforcement agencies along with positive customer feedback has pushed FirstSpear to incorporate the Overlap Cummerbund as the new standard cummerbund on flagship plate carriers like the Strandhögg and Assaulter Armor Carrier.

Originally, developed at the request of a FS Professional User, the Overlap Cummerbund is designed to provide additional overlapping soft armor at the front side of the plate carrier where the Tubes closure system meets. The additional soft armor tucks in behind the Tubes allowing full opening and closing of the vest.

The Overlap Cummerbund has been modified so that the body side allows for the attachment of Ragnar Pockets. This means that magazines and other items can be held in close to the body, providing a more streamlined silhouette, a benefit to users who are working in or from a vehicle, conducting tubular assaults, or who simply wish to carry more magazines than a traditional front loading carrier would allow.

-Soft armor inserts extend behind the tube and overlap the body of the plate carrier, while still allowing full functionality of the Tube system.
-Body side of cummerbund now has loop allowing you to attach pockets from the Ragnar Pocket Suite (our full Velcro backed pockets)
-The back bungee cord has been replaced with Velcro and stretch material.

OAF Currency Poster

July 22nd, 2016

You’ve probably seen the operator artwork based on various denominations of US currency by @Plan_B_Actual. They are quite clever. Elusive so far, you can now own your own version.

OAF has set up a collaboration and this poster is the first of many planned between OAF Nation and @Plan_B_Actual. Get your filthy paws on this bad Larry ASAP and pay homage to one of the most trappinest leaders our country has ever known; Benjamin Freebandz

Remington Announces New Worldwide Distribution Center

July 22nd, 2016

Madison, NC — Remington Outdoor Company (ROC) announces the July 25, 2016, opening of its new worldwide distribution center in Southaven, Mississippi.

The Southaven distribution center is a model for others with exceptionally strong management capabilities, extensive logistics and transportation infrastructure, key geographic proximity and the full support of the community from local elected officials, to city and county management, to the local workforce that will lead this operation in world class fashion.

“We are looking forward to a great partnership with the state of Mississippi and the wonderful community of Southaven,” said ROC CEO Jim (“Marco”) Marcotuli. “Specifically, I would like to thank the Desoto County and Southaven Economic and Planning Development Offices, Southaven City Officials, Proventure Real Estate, Ozburn Hessey Logistics (OHL/MHR), , Colliers International and also Panattoni Development Company for their hard work and dedication, without which this crucial investment would not have occurred.”

30 Seconds Out – No One Is Coming Tshirt

July 21st, 2016

This has understandably become a very popular t-shirt.