GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

AFCEA TechNet 2015 – Orange Rock – Micro Grid

September 4th, 2015

Orange Rock

Click to view .pdf

In an increasingly high tech, electronic battlespace even in remote areas, power is always the limiting factor in many man-packable electronic force-multipliers and enablers. LLVI and LRS-D element mission times are generally constrained by how many batteries the troops can hump, not by Class I constraints. 125 lb mission rucks for a 72 hour mission by Soldiers carrying only basic loads and bare minimum food, water, and third line gear is not unusual. Hungry, cold, dehydrated, and fatigued at the start of the mission are normal for LLVI personnel.

The Orange Rock MicroGrid utilizes rechargeable Lithium-Iron-Phosphate batteries and has fantastic energy density relative to Its size, weight, and potential cost. It can be “juiced up” from almost any AC generator, shore power, vehicle power, or solar array. Combined with portable solar arrays, remote COPs, OPs, or relay sites could have man-portable 24/7 power. An alternative would be swapout of units during LOGPACs of supported sites. Toss a case of MREs, water, and a freshly juiced OrangeRock and a team could continue mission for another three days.

Initial hands-on revealed a sturdy, ruckable load that could be strapped to ALICE, MOLLE, or Mystery Ranch NICE frames or enveloped by the Mystery Ranch Crew Cab pack. Additionally, the form factor is airline checkable from both weight and size constraints.

Ongoing improvements include a prop-rod and “rain cape” that would keep off precipitation and allow the lid to be half closed in operation.


Submitted by Fly On The Wall

AFCEA TechNet 2015 – Leidos – MLS “KVM Switch For Audio” Headset

September 4th, 2015

Leidos MLS System

Click to view .pdf

Sensor, ISR, and C2 node personnel often have to work at multiple levels of classification with a sea of different headsets, handsets, and speakers to deal with two or more classification systems. The cramped nature of many systems makes multiple handsets and headsets problematic.

Additionally, spillage and crosstalk are real things: the very human possibility of grabbing the wrong H-250 handset and telling uncleared personnel or your erstwhile Green force allies that “John has a long moustache” is a serious danger to compromising sensitive capabilities and TTPs. Finally, consider the distinct possibility of Green overhearing Blue comms if they happen to be in the TOC when monitor speakers are setup. There simply aren’t enough personnel to have dedicated RTOs for each level of classification and some LNO guy is probably going to be in your C2 area during joint or combined ops.

Leidos MLS headset allows simultaneous monitoring of multiple levels of classification. One operator or communicator can now discretely monitor or communicate on two or more networks with complete channel isolation and no “bleedover.”

Initial testing and fielding with ISR assets has resulted in some product improvements. The boom mic and some of the internals has now been moved to the opposite side to produce a better balanced headset to reduce neck strain. While it may seem trivial to worry about neck strain on some pogue in a TOC or airconditioned shelter, realize that pogue is probably going to be wearing this headset 14+ hours a day for months or years at a time. Much like NVG counterweights, a balanced load on the head makes for comfort, efficiency, and long term prevention of repetitive strain injury.


Submitted by Fly On The Wall

AFCEA TechNet 2015 – Tricom Research

September 4th, 2015


Tricom research has some fantastic, manportable communications system packaging solutions. Using standard Storm/Hardigg type cases, systems that would normally require bulky vehicle type racks and docks are now mounted in hand or man-packable configurations that can be popped open and used quickly without dealing with a sea of cables, connectors, or bulk.

Hands-on fiddling with the systems revealed lots of attention to detail and significant input by military communications personnel, especially those who operate out of non-standard vehicles or need to be able to set up C2 without a 463L pallet of hardware. Open the box, plug in the antenna, and start talking.

Additionally, the Tricom rep was particularly proud of the thermal tolerances in the hardware. If the customer supplied radio and operator can take the heat, the Tricom packaging and amplifier solutions won’t be the link that holds you back.


Submitted by Fly On The Wall

S&S Precision Wants You To Enjoy The Fruits Of Your Labor This Weekend

September 4th, 2015


S&S is starting labor day early……enjoy your time off America…celebrate all the work you do…

DSG Arms Shows How They Make A Holster

September 4th, 2015


National Molding – SJ Lite Buckles

September 4th, 2015


National Molding’s Duraflex division has just announced the new SJ series of side release buckles and Tensionlocks. They are manufactured in South Florida, and are available in Black as well as a variety of military colors.


FirstSpear Friday Focus – Dee Luxe AGB Suspenders

September 4th, 2015


For this week’s Friday Focus, we’re taking a look at the Dee Luxe AGB Suspenders. Building upon the utility offered by the Assaulters Gun Belt line of accessories, the Dee Luxe suspenders increase support and comfort, and give the wearer an option to forgo a load carrying vest and go old school with belt and suspenders. As you can see in the image below, the Dee Luxe Suspenders allow the wearer to turn their entire AGB load out into a quick chest rig-style setup.


Additionally, the low-profile design and hardware used in the construction of the Dee Luxe Suspenders allows them to easily be worn underneath an armor carrier when one is required.

Available in Black, Coyote, MultiCam, and Ranger Green.


Guerrilla Approach – Gunfighter Training Courses Trailer

September 3rd, 2015

Guerrilla Approach has produced a trailer for their new Gunfighter Training Series.

Tired of the same training? Sign up for a real challenge. guerrillaapproach.com.