RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘iTunes’

Shellback Tactical Releases App

Friday, September 28th, 2012

20120928-081022.jpgShellback Tactical has introduced an app. It’s a simple, straight forward architecture that gets you access to he info you want. It’s got direct links to all of their social media including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest as well as the good stuff, new product highlights and a store interface.

Get it for Android at play.google.comp. Shellback says this app also works on Windows phones. An iOS variant is coming soon.


Tactical NAV 2.5 Just Released

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Rev 2.5 of the popular Tactical NAV app was recently released with increased GPS accuracy as well as the ability to turn the crosshairs off. Once iOS 5 hits, there will be another minor update.

Additionally, the brains behind the app, Army CPT Jonathan Springer informed us that he has begun to work on an Android version of the software which will include all of the functionality of the iOS app. Development will take 60-90 days due to the complexity of the code. This is huge news considering that the Army is investigating the Android platform as their answer to the Nett Warrior program. Unfortunately, the Army won’t help support the development so CPT Springer is having to fund the project out of pocket.

Regardless, both apps will be able to work together seamlessly to share waypoint as well as other data.

To get the iOS app visit iTunes.

Tac Apps – Spyglass

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Billed as “AR compass, rangefinder, GPS tracker, stars, maps”, Spyglass is an iPhone/iPad app. It features Augmented Reality to overlay navigation data on to the phone’s viewfinder or on a map.

According to the iTunes description, it features, “Spyglass features a hi-tech viewfinder, milspec compass, gyrocompass, maps, GPS tracker, speedometer, optical rangefinder, visual sextant, gyro horizon, inclinometer, angular calculator, 5x zoom sniper scope and camera.” Lots of features here.

I really dig the fancy pointers.


Soldier Systems Free iPhone App

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Soldier Systems Daily is offering a FREE iPhone app available now for download at iTunes.

The Soldier Systems Daily iPhone App

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