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Posts Tagged ‘L3 Communications’

L3 Warrior Systems – Next Generation Aiming Laser

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

The Next Generation Aiming Laser is starting to show up in preproduction form, with full production beginning this fall. Aside from the size (3.6″x 2″X 1.25″), another cool feature is that it uses one CR-123A or AA battery.  You’ll also be able to switch directly from visible to IR laser with the click of a button on the remote switch.  


Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against L3 Communications for EOTech Sight Issues

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

It was just a matter of time before it happened. Apparently, getting a full refund for the purchase price of a EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight, without having to show a receipt wasn’t enough. Clay Pittman individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, have filed a class action lawsuit against L3 Communications and their EOTech business unit.

This class action hopes to represent anyone who purchased an EOTech HWS from 2007 until now because, the suit claims “for nearly a decade, Defendants sold holographic weapons sights to consumers throughout the United States that Defendants knew were materially defective.”

Pittman has not specified a monetary amount for the damages in his suit. Rather, he asks the court to:
-Issue an order finding in favor of Plaintiff and the Class on liability;
-Award damages, including compensatory, statutory, incidental, consequential, actual, and, as applicable, punitive and/or exemplary damages, and statutory penalties to Plaintiff and Class Members in an amount to be determined at trial;
-Grant injunctive and equitable relief to Plaintiff and Class Members including, but not limited to, disgorgement, restitution ;
-Award Plaintiff and Class Members their expenses and costs of the suit, pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, and reasonable attorneys’ fees;

But, the most important petition to the court is to establish this case as the class action meaning any other cases would have to join this one.  

Plaintiff Pittman is a Texan and is represented by The Miller Lawfirm PC of Rochester, Michigan. This is a different firm than Douglas, Haun & Heidemann PC which we wrote about in the past and uses the website EOTechlawsuit.com.

The plaintiff goes into a great deal of detail in the complaint so it’s definitely worth a read.


Click to view .pdf

EOTech Sends Email To LE Agencies and Dealers Asking Them To Acknowledge Performance Issues Before Shipping Sights

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

This is the contents of an email sent to LE agencies and dealers by EOTech requiring them to acknowledge the Holographic Weapons Sights performance issues.

Good evening,

Please be advised that any EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight orders that are to be shipped to an agency are currently ON HOLD at EOTech. In order to get those orders released you must follow the process outlined at the bottom of this email. Most all current orders on hold are available to be shipped as soon as this process is complete. This is a fairly simple process in which you identify the order number and agency POC, and then, copy and paste an email template to the agency that includes a workable link. Inside that link, the agency POC will be able to read and acknowledge EOTech’s current specifications. At that point, once acknowledged by the agency on the web link, the product will auto ship to the agency. Some of you have seen this process as you had agency orders in queue when it rolled out, and I notified you of the steps. It was my understanding early on that this was only for current orders in queue, so I notified only those customers. Currently the directive is to continue this process until further notice, so I am sending this out to everyone. If you have a law enforcement order waiting to ship, this process must be completed. If you have a non-LE direct order that needs to ship for stocking or consumer level sales, please send me that PO number and I will get the order released. Some of those orders may have been held up if you were flagged as an LE dealer/distributor in order to ensure no agency received sights without acknowledgement. Do NOT under any circumstances attempt to circumvent this process. If it is going to an agency, it must follow the procedures. If you are a commercial, non-LE account and you received this email, you may disregard. Please, if you have any questions at all, feel free to give me a call. The process is outlined below.
Below is the LE Acknowledgement instructions in regards to releasing orders. This is LIVE and ready to go.


Step 1: Identify agency, obtain Point of Contact information

Step 2: Email the agency the standard email language (Below) with Sales Order # referenced, including embedded link to HWS performance specs on EOTech’s website.

Step 3: Agency contact completes form and acknowledges review of HWS performance specs by clicking in the acceptance box. Note: Both acceptance boxes need to be checked.

Step 4: A copy of the agency POC acceptance is auto generated to EOTech’s order entry and to relevant sales personnel.

Step 5: The law enforcement order is released from ship hold and is shipped.


~~~~ START ~~~~


With respect to your backorder of EOTech sights, S.O. #<INSERT ORDER NO.>, we are ready to ship but need your acknowledgement of the HWS Performance Specifications. Click HERE to review that information and provide acknowledgement. Allow approximately 1-2 weeks for delivery.

Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Direct Link: http://www.eotechinc.com/le-perf-ack

~~~~ END ~~~~

EOTech Update – The Checks Are In The Mail

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Generally, when you hear “The check is in the mail” it’s about as reliable as “it’s only a cold sore” or “just the tip.” But this time, it’s true. Earlier today, those who sent in the earliest of the EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights for refund came home to an envelope containing a check. Who has received theirs?


Thanks NH!

The EOTech Refund Help Line Is Now Open

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Call 1 888 EOTHOLO
Option 3 in the sub menu
then, 1 for the refund call center

EOTech Refund Update

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

We’ve received similar reports from multiple sources so we feel comfortable sharing this info regarding refunds for EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights.

The refunds will be in the form of a check, processing has been outsourced due to so many returns, and the checks will be sent out within the next two weeks.  Also, there should be a phone number to deal specifically with return issues.  Once we have it, we’ll share it.  

EOTech Refund Update

Friday, January 15th, 2016

We got an update from a reader on the status of his EOTech refund.  In fact, several readers have received the same email. Many have complained that L-3 Communications has remained mum after they returned their sights so this is a good sign.  He says that he shipped his optic back to EOTech on December 9th.  However, we still have no reports of anyone actually receiving a refund but please notice that the email says “check” which denotes an actual refund and not a gift certificate or store credit as many have claimed online.  


The L-3 Communications Settlement With The US Government Over Fraud Charges Stemming From EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights

Friday, November 27th, 2015

For those interested in details of L3’s settlement with the US Government.

show_temp (8)-1

Click to view .pdf